poppy field


Reg: Charity No: 219279



Minutes of the Meeting: Held 15 Oct 2014


Meeting Opening: Meeting opened at 19:30 Hrs. The Act of Homage was duly observed.


Present: There were 13 members and two guests present. Roll call available from the secretary.


Apologies: There were 3 apologies.


Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed by Steve Lee, seconded by Gwen Wilkinson, that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read.



Matter arising:

The Chairman spoke about the need for members to adopt the Direct Debit method of subs payments


Eric Colley mentioned that the upcoming “Freedom of The City” parade, taking place on Sat 18th October, was detailed in today's edition of “The Star”


Dave Warburton gave an update on various details for the upcoming Poppy Sales season, including sales locations, dates and timings. He emphasised the need for members to display Collectors' Authorities and pointed out the need to submit vehicle details to the Customer Services counter at Crystal Peaks, and to have a “Poppy Seller” form on display in the car


The Chairman stated that the “Lock up” in the Market at Crystal Peaks, should be available from the coming weekend, Sat 18 October


The President gave details of the Armistice Day Parade at Crystal Peaks on 11 Nov 2014. Parade Muster at 10am in the “Bon Marche” corridor, by the Red Car Park entrance. Standard to be carried.


The Chairman listed the items which will be available for sales, including a pack of items aimed principally at children. He hoped that we would beat last year's total and go over the £40K mark.







  • The Secretary passed on an invitation for members to a “Trench Supper” to be held at the Joseph Stone Centre in Mosborough on 11 Nov. Tickets will be £8 each and profits will go the RBL


Treasurers Report:


3rd Wednesday fund £931.83 (£700 of which is already committed for Poppy Appeal items)


RBL £69.24

BFI £178.20

Poppy fund £684.14


The Treasurer asked permission to transfer the BFI funds to RBL. This was approved.


New members:









There was a wide range of discussions related to the upcoming Poppy Sales

season. Many questions related to pricing and procedures, were asked and answered.


It was pointed out that bogus Poppy Sellers have been seen in our area and that members should be on their guard.




Date of next meeting: 19 Nov 2014


There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:30 hours. “The Queen”.