poppy field





Reg: Charity No: 219279



Minutes of the Meeting: Held 19 Nov 2014


Meeting Opening: Meeting opened at 19.15 Hrs. The Act of Homage was duly observed.


Present: There were 20 members and 2 guests present. Roll call available from the secretary.


Apologies: There was 1 apology


Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed by E Colley, seconded by D Wilkinson, that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read.



Matter arising:



The “Trench Supper” raised £650 for the Legion, with a further approx £120 to come. A very enjoyable evening, especially the “singalong”. Many thanks to Pat Davey and Stewart & Angie Dalton.


The Armistice Parade at Crystal Peaks went very well. The band had to change tac due to a group of shoppers at the top of the escalator, but all was well in the end. Dave Warburton will try and ensure a smoother path next year.


The Remembrance Sunday Parade was a success. Walter managed to get a good number of chairs and had room enough for the wheelchairs. The VIPs appeared promptly, much to the delight of those on parade.


The “Poppy Price Discrepancy” issue was widely discussed. Our own “Hidden Price List” method was thought to be the best route forward. The Chairman will investigate.






  • The Sheffield Sea Cadets would like to invite you all to our Xmas Party on Saturday 29th November 2014 at 7pm at the Unit. The evening will include a buffet, raffle, disco and auction. Prices are £5 adults and £3 for cadets/children. Family and friends are welcome too. teresasmith15@aol.com

  • The Legion's “Head of Poppy Appeal” sent word that he was delighted with last year's total of £39M, and was looking for a similar effort, and possible improvement, this year.



Treasurers Report:


The Treasurer reported that this year's Poppy Sales by the branch, had generated a magnificent sum, in excess of £54K, with a potential 2 or 3 thousand pounds still to come. He then explained how the money would be managed.


The Treasurer was then given a “Vote of Thanks” for his continuous hard work of collecting, counting and banking the cash during the Poppy Sales period.


New members:


Pat Davey, an existing Legion Member, has expressed a wish to become a branch member.

Stewart Dalton and Angie Dalton have begun the join up process.

All three are very welcome.




Proposed by Dave Warburton, seconded by Gwen Wilkinson, that we donate £250 to each of the two Legion Homes in Yorkshire. Carried




The Treasurer gave a few details of the practicalities of processing all the poppy money, and expressed a wish that one or two members could assist him next year.


The Treasurer suggested that, in order to help with the purchase of attractive poppy items for next year, each member who can, lends the fund £500


The next meeting, 18 Feb 2015, will be a “Pie & Peas” supper at The Angel, Woodhouse,

The Angel, Woodhouse, 11 Sheffield Rd, Sheffield S13 7EQ

Mosborough ATC and the local Scout Band to be invited.

One or two members thought that some appropriate entertainment would be in order.


Date of next meeting: 18 Feb 2015


There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:15 hours. “The Queen”.