poppy field


Minutes of the Meeting: Held 18 Jun 2014


Meeting Opening: Meeting opened at 19:05 Hrs. The Act of Homage was duly observed.


Present: There were 12 members and two guests present. Roll call available from the secretary.


Apologies: There were 5 apologies. Names available from the secretary.


Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed by Gwen Wilkinson, seconded by Roy Ashton, that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read.



Matter arising:

The Chairman will try and arrange The Buffet in October on a date to ensure maximum attendance from the invited Cadets.





  • AFD Sheffield Sat 21 Jun: Various items will be taking place during the afternoon in and around The Peace Gardens. For parade, form up in Norfolk Row, 11:00 am.


  • Nostell Priory Sunday 22nd June 9.30 to 5pm. The County will be running a raffle. Lots of entertainment through out the day, starts with a flag raising, at 9.45 am. Standards welcome.


  • WW1 Memorial Service, Sun 29 Jun at 4PM to be held at St Marks Church, Mosborough. Members are welcome to attend. The Branch Standard will be paraded.


  • Lights Out!10PM, 4th August. In a dramatic UK-wide event “LIGHTS OUT” is an invitation to everyone to turn off their lights from 10pm to 11pm on 4th August, the moment at which the UK joined WW1 100 years previously, leaving on a single light or candle for this shared moment of reflection.


  • S Yorks Standard Bearer Competition. Venue TBD, Sat 11 Oct. 12:30 PM



  • S&W Yorkshire County Dinner, Saturday 18 Oct. To be held at Cedar Court Hotel, Rooley Lane, Bradford. BD5 8HW. details available from Secretary


  • Nominations for County Chairman and County Vice Chairman. Branches have been issued with nomination forms for both these posts, should you need any information about the process please contact Branch Secretary.


  • Branch account forms will be sent out by Head Office soon. Branch account year end is 30th June. Audited accounts to be sent to County by 30th Sep.


  • D-Day 70 On Friday 6 June 2014, the 70th anniversary of D-Day was commemorated on both sides of the English Channel. Second World War veterans were honoured with commemorative services, parades and wreath laying in Normandy.


  • 1st July The membership fee will change from £14 to £15 with effect from July this year. Membership applications received following this date will cost £15 and will be valid until 30 September 2015


  • Comradeship Services Project Presentations are taking place across the country over the next few months. The dates will feature in the newsletter Calendar below. If you would like to attend a presentation in your local area, please contact your County/District Secretary for further information. I will monitor for local dates.

  • Campaign for Veterans Medal: The RBL is not part of this campaign, despite claims to the contrary. The Legion's policy has been, for some time, that we do not campaign for medals.



Treasurers Report:


3rd Wednesday fund £


Branch Account £



The Treasurer sent his apologies. Funds are unchanged from thee previous meeting


New members:

The Deputy Chairman welcomed Faith and Albert Austin who are in the process of joining The Branch








The cost of purchasing Poppy Brooches may prove a contentious issue this year. The Chairman will take this up with the appropriate authority. A number of helpful suggestions were made for alternative measures, including a £2 mark up on the price we have to pay.


The positioning of the Poppy Sales Team at ASDA Mosborough, (Top or Bottom of Travelator) is still under discussion.


Sainsburys at Crystal Peaks will require a collection box on each of the manned checkouts.


Homebase at Drake House will require two collection boxes.


Fred Hall asked if anyone knew of the existence of a local “Loyalty Card” system, similar to the one in Blackpool and other places. The Secretary will investigate. Eric Colley said that “Time” in Crystal peaks will give a discount on production of a “Defence Discount Service” card.



Date of next meeting: 16 Jul 2014


There being no further matters the meeting closed at 19:45 hours. “The Queen”.