poppy field


Minutes of the Meeting: Held 16 Jul 2014


Meeting Opening: Meeting opened at 19:10 Hrs. The Act of Homage was duly observed.


Present: There were 13 members and two guests present. Roll call available from the secretary.


Apologies: There were 6 apologies.


Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed by Eric Colley, seconded by Margaret Stracey, that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read.



Matter arising:






  • The Secretary has received the application forms for attendance at the Festival of Remembrance, Sat 8th Nov, and the Cenotaph Service and Parade Sun 9th Nov. Anyone wishing to attend can apply through the secretary.

  • There will be a WW1 Centenary Service at Sheffield Cathedral on Sun 3rd Aug at 10:30am. All are welcome to attend and early arrival is recommended.

  • Yorkshire Air Museum is holding an Allied Air Forces Memorial Day on Sun 7th Sep. All are welcome to attend.

  • Eden Camp will hold it's annual All Services Parade and Commemerative Service on Sun 7th Sep. All are welcome to attend.


  • Lights Out!10PM, 4th August. In a dramatic UK-wide event “LIGHTS OUT” is an invitation to everyone to turn off their lights from 10pm to 11pm on 4th August, the moment at which the UK joined WW1 100 years previously, leaving on a single light or candle for this shared moment of reflection. Special candles are available from M&S, with all profits from the sales going to The RBL





Treasurers Report:


3rd Wednesday fund £


Branch Account £



The Treasurer sent his apologies. Funds are unchanged from thee previous meeting


New members:









Walter Whitely mentioned that Christine Spencer is proposed to continue in her role as S&W Yorkshire County Chairman.


Walter also stated that last year's Poppy Sales for the whole Sheffield area fell £3 shy of £250K.


Gwen Wilkinson spoke of a Candlelit Vigil to be held at The National Arboretum, on Mon 4th Aug from 5PM. Followed at 8PM by a service, which will include prayers, readings and poetry, as well as musical performances from a choir.


Eric Colley raised the question of Standard Bearer insurance. No further action was deemed necessary.


The Chairmen then gave a brief overview of a recent County Management event he attended, highlighting the Legion's power as a charity. He also spoke about funds, responsibilities, and how inter-branch disputes can be settled.




Date of next meeting: 20 Aug 2014


There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:00 hours. “The Queen”.