poppy field



Minutes of the Meeting: Held 20 August 2014


Meeting Opening: Meeting opened at 19:10 Hrs. The Act of Homage was duly observed.


Present: There were 15 members and 1 guest present. Roll call available from the secretary.


Apologies: There were 6 apologies.


Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed by Gail Leach, seconded by Bill Carline that the minutes of the previous meeting be passed as read.



Matter arising:






  • Sat 6th Sep: Arnhem Service, Woodall Spa

  • Sun 7th Sep: Yorkshire Air Museum is holding an Allied Air Forces Memorial Day. All are welcome to attend.

  • Sun 7th Sep: Eden Camp will hold it's annual All Services Parade and Commemerative Service.All are welcome to attend.

  • Thu 25th Sep: Battle of BritainService. Parade 12 noon at Barkers Pool and march to Cathedral for 1PM service.

  • Sat 18th Oct: Freedom of The CityParade for 64 (City of Sheffield) Signal Squadron, 11am Barkers Pool, and march to Cathedral for Service. Followed by “Family Day” at Manor Top TA Centre from 2PM. Entry £5 pp, applications available from Dave Warburton.




Treasurers Report:


There was no update as the fund manager is on vacation


New members:








DW: Update on the upcoming Poppy Sales period. With the inclusion of the new ASDA at Mosborough, manning the sales points will be an issue. Members are asked to give as much time as possible to assist with sales. Dave and Alan will coordinate.


BG: Update on Buckle Brooches, Gift Aid and money raised so far, including £98 from the bar at the Sports Centre.


BG: Branch Gazebo will be at Norfolk Heritage Park, Bank Holiday Weekend, Sun 24/Mon 25 Aug, 10 am onwards. Assistance from members will be welcome.


The September meeting will ask for nominations for committee members. These will then be voted on at the AGM in October


No date has yet been set for the upcoming buffet, but it is intended to hold it prior to the Poppy Sales period.



Date of next meeting: 20 Aug 2014


There being no further matters the meeting closed at 20:00 hours. “The Queen”.