poppy field


A Message from our Chairman

November 2014



Dear Members,

 The year in RBL terms has rightly been dominated by events commemorating the start of WW 1.

T.V and Newspapers up and down the country, indeed all around the world, have covered stories big and small of heroism, loss, compassion, and eventual utter futility of that conflict.

The image I will always remember is the moat of the Tower of London. I couldn't see what they were trying to achieve at first, but as time went on, and the spectacle grew, it became apparent what an iconic image had been created.

 Alongside all of this the RBL day to day work continues, and our little branch contributes in its' way to support todays service personnel and veterans. The tombola at Edington Fair is always a favourite with the children, thanks to Brian, Kyle, and Sue for their help.

The BBQ at Becketts House was extended to non-members this year, and was a very pleasant afternoon, thanks again to David and Sue Bromhead.

 This year saw the publication of a booklet about the fallen of WW1, who had lived in Edington and Coulston. Sue Dowlen has put many hours of work into this project, and deserves all credit for getting it this far.

 Although attendance was down this year, our AGM still managed to go on for over two hours, the detail of which is covered in the forthcoming minutes. However I will take this opportunity to thank Bill Dobson who stands down as Vice Chairman, but remains our standard bearer, and Sue Dowlen who after many years is standing down as branch secretary. The secretary's role is probably the most demanding a branch has to offer, and I would like to thank Sue for her work over the years. As mentioned earlier, her booklet has been published, and she is going to take that forward, maybe even covering WW2.  She is also squeezing in the role of Vice Chair.

Finally thanks to everyone who helped with the remembrance service this year. This service marries up the old and the new and I believe epitomises the role of the RBL. Wishing you all the best for the year ahead.