Our branch officers are: Branch officers President Vacant Chairman Allan Leith Eastbourne.Chairman@rbl.community Vice Chairman John Osmond Secretary Joe MacQuire Eastbourne.Secretary@rbl.community Treasurer Stefanie Reed Eastbourne.Treasurer@rbl.community Welfare Representative George Chapman Standard Bearer Kevin Pollard Poppy Appeal Organiser Allan Leith Please do make contact with the Branch Chairman for information on Branch Meetings and Events
Our branch officers are: Branch officers President Vacant Chairman Allan Leith Eastbourne.Chairman@rbl.community Vice Chairman John Osmond Secretary Joe MacQuire Eastbourne.Secretary@rbl.community Treasurer Stefanie Reed Eastbourne.Treasurer@rbl.community Welfare Representative George Chapman Standard Bearer Kevin Pollard Poppy Appeal Organiser Allan Leith Please do make contact with the Branch Chairman for information on Branch Meetings and Events