Our Community Support Officer, Mrs. Christine Walton, works tirelessly in organising and attending all our Community Support appointments. Below is her picture, along with illustrated visit reports from members of the Community Support Team.

Mrs. Christine Walton.

What the team have done so far this year
We had most of January off, as we had been so busy over the Christmas period.We did however visit Age UK and talk to many of the patrons some Veterans, some not, they always make us very welcome.
Usual visit to Buckland Court. Only Brian and I, it was very quiet again, I spoke to Karen about stopping our visits as I felt that we are not doing what is needed for our Veterans.
Age UK was fun Brian did karaoke and John joined in as usual. Some of the patrons have great stories to tell.
A sad occasion one of our members passed. John Dickinson Brian Walton and Christine Walton attended the funeral, also in attendance Alex Miller Bugler. John read the exhortation, Brian carried the Standard, Christine laid the Poppy wreath. The family were very pleased that we attended.
We attended Morning coffee Alexander House and met a new gentlemen called Richard who is a veteran. John and Richard spoke for some time. Katie (activities manager) to ask family about his war records. John wasalso told of another veteran called William who is a recluse. Katie is to check with the family to enquire if a couple of DWC veterans could visit him.
There were a few more residents at Buckland Court for Coffee and Camaraderie,including a new DWC member and his partner. We had a birthday cake to celebrate two resident’s birthays.
15th March. We were at House for a great St Patricks day Party. Brian was dressed as a tall Leprechaun helped by a fantastic Irish Dancer.
Date 6/April/2018 Time:- 1300-1500hrs
Place:- Buckland Court Today Mrs. Christine Walton headed up our community support team at Buckland Court. Also, in attendance were Mr. Ted Smith (Vice Chairman, Mr Brian Walton (community support) and Mr John Dickinson (community support). It was our regular monthly visit to Buckland Court, to chat and entertain the residents and visitors.As usual time passes so very quickly at these visits, so we said our goodbyes and departed at 15:00hrs.
20th April
St George’s Day was celebrated at Alexander House (the community support team) Ted Smith, Brian and Christine Walton were all there. Brian was dressed up as St George which the residents enjoyed.
3rd May
We enjoyed our last (for a while) coffee morning at Alexander House with Katie, who is leaving for 4 months to travel. The team presented her with a card and 22 euros for her trip.. We met Beth her temporary replacement. We have recieved an invitation to attend an afternoon garden party to celebrate Prince Harry and Megan's wedding. report later.
29th May
Our monthly visit to Age UK I met an amazing man of 100 who had so many stories to tell of his life both in the Armed Forces and all the exciting things he has acheived in his long life. He is lonely and I have arranged for our two home visitors to meet him. This is what makes Community Support so fantastic. \it was a quiet day, Jack and I enjoying a chat.