poppy field

Dover White Cliffs

Branch Activities Photo Gallery

Merchant Navy Day - 2017

Mn 01  Mn 02 
 Mn 03 Mn 04 
Mn 05  Mn 06 

Dover Regatta Day - 2017

Regat 04 Regat 03
Regat 02 Regat 01

The Burma Star Association Memorial Service, Deal - 15th August 2017

Deal, Dover & District Branch

Victory in Japan Memorial Service - 13th August 2017

The Battle of Passchendaele Memorial Service - 30th July 2017

Paschendaelle Service Paschendaelle Service
Paschendaelle Service Paschendaelle Service

The Dover Patrol Memorial Service - 23rd July 2017

Dover Patrol Memorial Service Dover Patrol Memorial Service
Dover Patrol Memorial Service Dover Patrol Memorial Service

The Italy Star Association 1943-1945 Memorial Service - 11th July 2017

Italy Star Memorial Service Italy Star Memorial Service
Italy Star Memorial Service Italy Star Memorial Service

Poppy Walk - 2nd July 2017

Armed Forces Day
Support at the refreshment tent
Armed Forces Day
The intrepid walkers start off
Armed Forces Day
Local Army Cadets walked with us
Armed Forces Day
Our Poppy Appeal Organiser Christine hard at work

Armed Forces Day - 24th June 2017: Pencester Gardens, Dover

Armed Forces Day
Standards on Parade
Armed Forces Day
Gurkha Kukri Dance
Armed Forces Day
The Branch Tent Team
Armed Forces Day
Our Chairman Gary Gunner and "L/Cpl Jones"

The Royal British Legion County Parade - 11th June 2017, Dover.

County Parade
County Parade County Parade