Royal British Legion Norfolk County Conference 2025 01/02/25
Royal British Legion Norfolk County Conference 2025 01/02/25
The Norfolk County Conference was held at Norfolk County Hall, Norwich,
As Members arrived, they were issued with ID Badges, then invited to have Tea and Coffee, before the Conference opened at 10:00,
The Conference was open by the County Chairman, Paul` Smudger` Smith MBE.
Reflections and Prayers was held by Canon Sally Theakston
The Standards of many of the Norfolk Branches were marched in by the Parade Marshal Robbie
The Main Guest was Lord Dannatt
The first speaker was Cllr Stuart Dark, Chairman of Norfolk County Council.
He was followed by the County President, Lt Gen Page, CB, OBE.
Mark Atkinson, Director General then addressed the Conference, thanking all the members, of which there are 200000 world wide, especially those who are Committee members, plus noted that the final figure for the Poppy Appeal 2023-24 came to £49.2 Millions, of which £123546 was raised by Norfolk.
Then the Chairman gave his report
Gary Cox, Membership Services Officer spoke about RBL Internet Banking
The County Bye-laws were re-adopted by the voting members.
The County plans 2024-27 which all branches will need to comply with were, again, by the Voting Members, adopted.
The County Committee were re-elected on Block and introduced to all members.
This was followed by a running buffet Lunch, and opportunity for Members to Meet and Photo Opportunities.
The afternoon session was opened by the Chairman, followed by a speech by Andrew Taylor, the Armed Forces commissioner for Norfolk.
This was followed by talks from Gary Stockton, CEO of Phoenix Heroes and Andy Woodham, from the Cromer Archaeological Dig, both of which help out ex service personnel.
This was followed by the Award Ceremony, where many awards, including one to Diss and District were presented.
The main award, the Major Boswell award was given to Lynn Hatch, who has stood down after 15 years as the Norfolk Poppy Co-ordinate, sadly she was not at the event to receive it.
The event finished with the Parade of Standards and the blessing of a Standard, followed by God Save the King.