poppy field


Remembrance Parade Instructions Nov 22

To ease forming up both at the start (parade will depart at approx. 14.20), we are requesting that the following organisations form up on Mere’s Mouth:


  1. The Salvation Army band

  2. Standard bearers

  3. The 1st Diss Scout Group (together with standard bearer)

  4. 2nd Diss Salvation Army Scouts (together with standard bearer)

  5. The 1st Diss Rainbows & Brownies & 2nd Diss Guides (together with standard bearer)


All other Organisations and Public in the parade should position themselves on the footpaths around Aldi. Once the roads have been closed and there is no vehicle movement, we will ask you to form up on Mere St


Wreath bearers Please form up on the right-hand side of the parade so that you can peel off at Market Place and enter St Mary’s churchyard via the furthest entrance opposite Indian View. A volunteer will be on hand to check you in, and Rev John Cruse will double check you are in the correct position.  Once called, hand your wreath to one of the Cadets by the memorial and then continue walking up the footpath on Mount St and join in behind the Salvation Army band. Please do not return to your original position.


To further ease forming up at the war memorial and to improve visibility for all, we request that the following organisations / representatives complete the shorter parade circuit and go straight up Market Place past the museum and position themselves in line with the Jewellery workshop i.e. these organisations are requested not to march up Market Hill and back down St Nicholas St.


The Salvation Army band will also take the shorter route and position themselves in their usual position on Mount St opposite those organisations listed below.


  1. The 1st Diss Scout Group (together with standard bearer)

  2. 2nd Diss Salvation Army Scouts (together with standard bearer)

  3. The 1st Diss Rainbows & Brownies & 2nd Diss Guides (together with standard bearer)

  4. The Royal Navy

  5. The Royal Anglian Regiment

  6. Royal Engineers

  7. The Royal British Legion, Diss branch

  8. Royal Air Force Association

  9. RAF Bomber Command


All other organisations / representatives including standard bearers (non-youth organisations) and the Uniformed Public Services onwards should follow the longer parade route up Market Hill and down St Nicholas St. This will avoid groups having to pass in front of anyone else.


The wreath laying ceremony will begin at approx. 14.40 followed by a church service at 15.00