poppy field


Remembrance Parade 2024

Diss Remembrance Parade and Service 2024

The Remembrance Parade and Service was on Sunday 10th November.

It forming up outside the Aldis Supermarket in Mere Street at 13:45, then March off at 14:15. 

The Parade consisted of Standards, Wreath Bearers, Members of the RBL, RAFA, ATC, ACF, Scouts, Girl guiding, Emergency Services and members of the Public who wished to March in Memory of somebody.

We marched to the Market Place where a Drum Head Service (the oldest Military Remembrance Service, which have been held since the 18th Century) was held. See Photos

The Parade Marshal was Andy Davidson (ex Military Police, 26 years service) Vice Chair of Diss RBL.

He was supported by the Town Clerk, also members of the Rotary Club as Stewards.

This was a change from the normal parade as there were complaints last year that not everybody could see the Open Air Service when it was at the side of the Church at the War Memorial, especially the younger children, this change was supported by the Diss branches of the Royal British Legion, Royal Air Force Association and the Salvation Army.

The Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, our new MP Adrian Ramsey and Diss Mayor were the VIP`s. 

The Salvation Army Band where Playing at the Drumhead.

Youngster of Diss read out names of those on the War Memorial from WW2.

After the Service the public went go up to St Mary`, which had been decorated by the RBL with Poppies, many knitted by local people, for a Service at 15:00.

As a part of the service, the Branch Secretary, gave a reading. 

While the Public were in the Service, the Wreaths that were laid by the Drum Head were  transferred by members of the Rotary up to the War Memorial at St Marys Church, where the ATC and ACF Cadets placed them.

After a small blessing, the public viewed them.

There were a total of 37 Wreaths, plus a place to put Remembrance Crosses at the War Memorial.


On Monday the 11th there will be  short service at the Market place at 11:00.

Photos from the Parade, Service and St Marys.

Thanks to Diss Town Council for some of the Photos

There was refreshments in the church after the Service, photo shows the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, Diss Town Clerk and Dave Hines (RBL)