poppy field


Press Cuttings from the Diss Express

From the Files of the Diss Express November 1940

Diss British Legion Annual Meeting.

The meeting was held at the Diss Service Club and presided over by Capt E J Mann (President).

Present were members and the Committee.

C J Mann (President)

W T Cracknell (Vice-Chair)

W C Hubbard (Secretary)

C J Browing (Treasurer)

Presenting his Annual Report Mr W C Hubbard said that at the end of 1939 there was 131 Members, of these, since then, one Member has died, Five have left the District and Five had lapsed or are in Arrears.

Five new Members had joined (elected), so by September 1940, 124 Members.

He went on to say that we all regret the Membership is lower and there is no doubt the War is the cause, but we hope for a brighter future.

Scole sub-branch had 28 members, but one had sadly died and two had left the District.

During the year, through the generously of the members, 160 children to a New Year Treat, but owing to the War and Rationing it will not be possibly to do it again.

Only Five Applicants for Benevolent Assistance had been received and they were given £5/5/- (Five Guineas) each. (Note all monies in Pound, Shillings and Pence)

This left the Emergency fund with the Balance of £6/5/3.

The sale of Poppies raised £63/11/3

Church Collection £11/17/5

Wreaths £9/7/6

A Total of £84/16/2, and increase of £2\19/8 from last year.

Scole Branch showed a decrease of £1\16/1 on last year.

Great thanks to the Ladies who kindly help to assist the Cause.

Branches had been asked to double their efforts and this result in Diss & District was £103/2/7.

It is in great regret that the Annual Dinner could not be held owing to restrictions on certain commodities.

The Activity of the branch are very much curtailed owing to the War, but we must congratulated ourselves as almost very member is engaged in some form of National Service.

The Remembrance Service at S Mary on Sunday was well attended, although it was not possible to hold a Parade.

Members and Friends subscribed a total of £4/12/6 for the provision of Cigarettes for local men in H M Forces.

20 Packets out of 80 were handed to Mrs E Symonds to include in Parcels to be sent out.

In proposing the adoption of the Report, Capt E J Mann stressed the importance of keeping the Branch alive and said the good Poppy Day result this year showed the importance of the work.

Mr A E Bowell seconded the report, also saying the main objective was to keep the Branch going in spite of the adverse conditions and the effects of the War, and after the war would be many more new branches to add to the tree.

He also thanked the Officials and Members for their work during the year.

The Treasure, Mr C J Browning presented the Financial report.

He reported the Branch had a balance of £3/7/11 at the beginning of the year and finished with a balance of £3/14/3.

He also reported there had been Recites amounting to £27/14/9 and Expenses of £23/15/6.

The report was adopted on the postilion of Mr A E Kerry.

The Elections of Officers then took place as follows;

President Capt E J Mann

Chairman Mr A E Bowell

Vice Chairman Mr W T Cracknell

Treasure Mr C J Browning

Secretary Mr W C Hubbard

Vice Presidents Messrs H G Aplhorpe, W Bale, S Bailely, A E Bowell, A A Bryant, G E K Burne, C Gaze J P, A O Lynus, Sir Edward Mann Bart J P, HG Murray, Dr J C Pearce J P, Commodore M C Poigand, G R Rayner, Dr VP Robinson, Mrs E Symonds J P , Rear Admiral A H Taylor OBE JP CC, Rev Holt Wilson, W P Pulman, F Young and E E Williams.

The Committee

Capt E J Mann

Mr W T Cracknell

Mr S Bale

Mr F R Chapman

Mr W G Hines

Mr H G Murrey

Mr A E Bryant


Diss British Legions Woman's Branch meeting October 1950

Meeting presided over by Mrs R Nunn

She was supported by Mrs H Taylor, President and the Branch Secretary and Branch Treasurer.

Mrs Hart, President of the Pulham Branch was also in attendance.

The Balance of Accounts was shown as a healthy £19 after various donations were send to National Schemes.

The Committee were;

Mrs H Taylor (President)

Mrs E H Jermy (Chairman)

Mrs A Baker ( Hon Treasurer)

Mrs N Steggels (Hon Secretary)

Other committee members were, Sager, Cobby, Eagel, Ward, Wright and Whiting.

A Presentation was made to Mrs Nunn of an eight day clock, inscribed to recognised the 25 years membership, including 21 years as Chairman and 10 years of Organiser by Mrs Taylor.

Mr A Fista

Mr W T Cracknell in proposing a vote of thanks to Captain Mann for Presidency, said his presence in this time of Great Difficulty was an encouragement to Carry on.

Mr S Bale endorsed the remark.

Captain Mann responding, said that although times were difficult he was willing to do his best to keep the Branch Alive.

The meeting was then brought to a close.

Diss Express 09 December 1932


From Diss British Legion Women’s Section 


To the Editor 

Dear Sir, —May I be permitted a small space in your paper to correct erroneous impression which appears in certain quarters as to the functions the Women’s Section of the British Legion.

In an organ published under the auspices a local organisation there appears a statement which can be read so as to infer either that the Women's Section exists for the festering of doctoring or that it is run on old fashioned lines. 

I would like to call the attention of the writer of that paiticular paragraph to the fact that we do neither of the two. 

We exist in order to further the cause of the widows, wives and children of service men and in this direction have and are still doing valuable work, all of which is done voluntarily. 

Further we are a modern organisation run on lines equally as businesslike as the organisation the organ referred to represents.

We strongly resent this paragraph, which is clearly intended to ridicwle our efforts to raise funds to assist those who, falling by the wayside through the efforts of their husbands, fathers and sons, to save their country in a time of peril, ate now in parlous condition.

Fail to see why our organisation should have been chosen by the writer to illustrate his point.

What we need is sympathy and practical assistance, not ridicule

The latter is always available but unfortunately the first two are lacking these days.

The ultra-modern younger generation has evidently forgotten what its elders went through during those terrible years 1914-1918.

Yours faithfully (Mrs.) H. HOLKER Hon. Secretary, British Legion Woman Section

Items on the Diss British Legion from the Diss Express (Dates of the newspaper printed).


British Legion Group Meeting November 14th 1950.

The meeting was held at the Diss Service Club, with Branches attending;







The meeting was presided over by Mr W T Cracknell.

The Group Officers were;

Group Chairman S J Cole (Winfathing)

Vice Chairman F Frost (Diss)

Group representative to Norfolk County W H Haskell (Pulham)

B Woods (Winfathing)

The main discussion was the Apathy being shown by the men from the previous War towards the Legion.

Mr E A Calton (Harleston) said they had enrolled quite a few Younger Members who in turn had brought other Youngsters.

Mr W H Haslet (Pulham) said they are trying to maintain comradeship with Dances and other Social events, although they are not paying their way, despite inviting the Public to Attend, they had tried to encourage, but no interest was shown in joining the Legion.

Mr Haslet went on to suggest that the County headquarters should be asked to formulate a Recruiting Policy.

He also felt the Petrol rationing could affect attending of Meetings and Functions from the more Rural Areas.

From Diss Express Aug 26th 1932

Diss British Legion Band

Program of Light Music

Director of Music George Pinchen

On Sunday 28th August at 3PM in the Park


Saturday July 19th 1947

Garden Fate in aid of the Diss British Legion at the Manor House Gardens, Diss.

Fancy Dress parade for Children up to 10

Table Tennis, Darts, Dancing and other events

Adults 6d and Children 3d


Diss British Legion Woman Section

Whist Drive 7th August 1953

Service Club, Denmark Street

Admission 1/6