The 2023 Remembrance Parade will take place on Sunday 12th November, (March off at 14:20).
There will be a Ceremony on the Market Place on Saturday 11th November starting around 10.45am. Everyone are very welcome.
Please note, the Diss and District Royal British Legion Branch do NOT order Wreaths for either Groups or Individuals, so therefore you will need to order (if you wish to lay your own Poppy Wreath) directly from the Royal British Legion.
Please ring the Poppy team on 0345 845 1945 between 9am and 5pm Monday - Friday with the following information:
Payment will be requested via credit card or debit card to cover the cost of production and delivery and the wreath will be delivered directly to you.
The types of Wreath available can be viewed at the following link:,Type%20of%20Wreath.
(You may need to copy and paste this into your Browser)
Please allow plenty of time for delivery, and at least 10 working days if ordering in October or November. Due to the high demand, the RBL is unable to guarantee a delivery date for orders received after 24th October.