The Poppy Appeal in Diss & District
Diss & District Branch has shown its fundraising skills by once again improving on its Poppy Appeal total. Year 2018-19, we topped over £23000 and won for the 2nd time, the Sir Thomas Cook Challenge Cup, for the largest amount of Money raised from a small Branch.
Mary Cotton was presented with a Brooch for her efforts in collecting for the Poppy Appeal, when she single handily collected over £5000 at Morrisons Supermarket.
Congratulations were given for the running of the Branch and the fund raising on behalf of the Poppy Appeal, with Special Thanks to Jim Bidwell, Poppy Appel Chairman.
Thank you to all the people of Diss & District who have been so generous again.
Poppy People
Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator on Jim Bidwell on 01379 643363.
Jim at Roydon Church 2019