Last night, 6th September 2021 saw the first Branch meeting for 18 months.
15 Member attended, including 2 new members.
Tributes were paid to Jill Domeney our Community Service Officer who we sadly lost to the Covid Virus earlier this year.
Ralph Boone, Branch Chairman, will take over temporary as Poppy Co-ordinator.
We hope to have an AGM at the November meeting.
As the Committee are now short of a CSO, Poppy Co-ordinator and an Events Organiser, we will be looking hopefully to members to step up to these positions.
Mike our Standard Bearer, recently attended a `Desert Rats` events to represent Diss and District RBL.
Our President Graham Minshull presented Myra Stanard with her Long Service Badge and a framed Letter of Thanks, he also presented Mary Cotton with her famed Certificate of Thanks for 10 years service.

Our next meeting will revert back to the 3rd Monday of the month on the 18th October.