To: ALL Members Diss and District Royal British Legion
From: R.J. (Bob) Rogers, Branch Secretary D&D RBL
Hello everybody, hope you are all well and I am sure we have missed our Monthly Meetings.
Some of you may be concerned about the lack of information, so a quick catch up after 15 months of sadly no Branch Meetings.
Unfortunately, I have only just got access to Members information on the RBL 365 System, so I apologise for this.
With the current news of hopefully the final phase of the lockdown being released on the 23rd of June, we can look towards to, as Vera Lynn said, `Will me again`!
Because of the current restrictions, the Function Hall we use at the Diss and District Bowls club is still restricted, so no monthly meetings, but hopefully we will, in July be able to have a Committee meeting and hopefully a full return in September, which will make an 18 month gap.
Sadly we have lost at least one member owing to the Virus.
The other sad new is that owing to health problems Jim Bidwell has stood down as Branch Poppy Co-ordinator and we will be looking for a member to take over Jim's Duties, a big pair of Shoes to fill!
As we know, the organising of the Poppy Collection at Remembrance time was just one of Jim's many Roles, which included organising Trips (our last one being Windsor Castle in October 2020!), Meals, Car Boot Sale and I am sure many other things that we will only realise once he stops!!
Jim's last major job was working closely with the Town Council and St Marys Church to organised a much reduced Poppy Laying and Outdoor Service for Remembrance 2020.
A bright piece of News is as you see the the Diss and District Web Page has been restored and greatly modified.
Can I ask all members to look and if the feel like making a comment on any of the items to improve the page, please contact me at bobjayrogers758@btinternet.com could they also pass the site details on to any members that are on computers but have not given us an E-mail contact, or pass on to anybody you feel may be interested in becoming Branch Members once we return.
Also if you are aware of any member NOT on the computers (the world does not at times seems to understand this concept!), could make them aware (and better still if you have a printer, could you very kindly print of a copy of this update for them, thanks)
The link to the site is this:
Welcome to the Diss & District Branch of The Royal British Legion - Diss & District Branch - The Royal British Legion.
I receive weekly information for Gary Cocks who is the Norfolk Membership Service Officer, but again with sadly no Meetings I have been unable to pass these on, although some I have added to the sites News 2021 page.
There is a Monthly on line `Coffee Morning` with the Norfolk Branch of the Legion, which I have managed to attend a few of.
Thanks to everybody and on the 6th September, 2021, we WILL meet again.
R J (Bob) Rogers
Branch Secretary,
Diss & District Branch

14/06/21. Unfortunately with the now change of date for the hopefully release date from Lockdown till late July, this may put the date of our first full metting back.