poppy field


For those who did not get a chance to watch the talk on How the Royal British Legion presents itself and what it means for youhosted virtually by the RBL this morning 18/01/2021

The meeting was to disuses the Legions Strategy including the roll out of the new Brand on the 26th January 2021.

Originally it should have been done in 2020, but the Virus put paid to that, so it has been rolled out as apart of the Legions 100th Anniversary.

The old brand is now 30 years old and it was seemingly felt after consultation with various Branches and Sections of the Legion, that it no longer served the purpose of the modern Legion for various reason.

The new brand it was felt will better serve the future of the Royal British Legion `Family`.

The new Brand does NOT replace the Legions Seal (the `Lions Head` as on members badges)

The role out will be slowly with NO TV and Press coverage, to A) save costs and B) to allow old branded items still to be used until they run out.

As from the 26th January, a new website rbl.org.uk/membersbrandpage will explain all plus show the new logo which represents the `Poppy` as being the `Heart of the RBL`, although it is hope the site will go live before the 26th.

Again to remind all to be safe in this Virus and note this roll out, like our Meetings, will very much be in the hands of the Governments current response to the Virus.