poppy field


Norfolk County Royal British Legion Conference AGM (on line meeting 06/02/2021)

(Note these are NOT the official minuets, just notes I took as a `Guest` at the meeting)

1) As this was an on-line meeting, the Chairman read out some `Housekeeping` notes

2) Last Post, Recitations of the Exhortation and the Kohima Epitaph.

3) Pray (For every Season) by the Canon Sally Theckston

4) Chairman's speech

 5) Speech by Sir William Cubit, retiring Norfolk County President, amongst the points mention in the speech, the fact that there are sixty RBL Branches in Norfolk, also special praise for the Standard Bearers

6) A Total of £18M was raised from this years Poppy Appeal (normally around £50M)

7) The oncoming County President, General Page was introduced.

8) Minuets of the previous County Meeting accepted

9) Treasurers report Accepted

10) County By-laws Accepted

11) County Plans Accepted

12) County Committee were introduce as there are some new Members

13) The date of the next Country AGM is still to be Arrange owing to the on going uncertainness of the Virus

14) Various awards were announced including RBL Century Awards, (unfortunately none came to Diss & District)

15) General Lord Dunnett officially announced the change of County President

16) General Page (Seeming known as Jacko!) was officially announced as the new County President

17) The National Anthem was sung (as we were all sitting at computers and other electronic devices we were granted permission to remain seated)

18) The Chairman officially announce the closing of the Meeting and special thanks was given to Gary Cocks (and Wife!) for the good job he is is doing as Norfolk's MSO.

As I said at the start, not the official minuets, and I may have the odd name spelt wrong, for which I apologise, but hopefully it has given a flavour of the event.

Robert J Rogers, Branch Secretary, Diss & District RBL Branch