Diss Express February 14th item
Thanks to Kevin Hurst from the Diss Express for the item.
Attached is the full item (space in paper did not allow everything that was stated to be printed).
1. How does the branch feel about winning the award?
It is quite an honour for the Branch, and considering the very active Branches there are in Norfolk, it is nice that the Legion `Powers that Be` feels that we are contributing to the RBL in General as well as Diss.
2. Why do you feel the branch is such an important part of the community in Diss?
Firstly remembering those who gave their Lives for both Nation and Diss in Various Theatres of War or Peace Keeping over many years.
As we celebrated our Centenary last year, (November 1924 to November 2024), there has been thousand of local members over these years, plus the wonderful turn out at the 2024`Drum head` Service in Diss Market Place, (with the service in St Marys afterwards), and the very positive response we got to that event, also the support from Ian at Diss Salvation Army and their band, Richard (and his members) at Diss Royal Air Force Association, Shaunnagh and her Cadets at Diss Army Cadets, Ben and his Cadets at Diss Air Cadets, the local Scouts and Guides, also the local School children who helped to read out the names of all those on the War Memorial at St Marys at the service and finally the support for Sarah and her team at Diss Town Council, so support from both Young and Old of Diss.
3. What would you like to say to everyone that has supported the branch and the events it has been a part of?
Firstly thanks to our members, but more important the wonderful people of Diss who supported our Stall at the Carnival over the years, plus the Support given to us both for and by Diss RAFA, Diss ACF and Diss ATC Plus DTC, and the Poppy Collections over the years, we could not do it with-out you
Also, please feel free to add anything else you feel I should try and add.
Firstly, looks like we raised over £18000 for the 2024 Poppy Appeal, so a big well done to Dave Hines (and his family) for all he does, including having an Army Truck at the Park for Carnival, his Jeep in the Carnival and again Military Transport and Display at the Armed Forces Day, so another massive thanks to the people of Diss and surrounding Areas.
We are always looking for new members to join the Branch (you do not have to have served in the Armed Forces, you just need to be over 18 and have the interest of Serving Personnel and their Families in your Heart, the RBL motto is Service not Self)) and assists at various events plus Poppy collecting, and to this end we have an open meeting next Monday 17th February at the Diss Bowls club at 19:15, so why not come down to meet us and learn about the Royal British Legion (there is a Bar and free Parking thanks to the Bowls Club).
And finally thanks to both Diss Express and Park Radio for their support