In line with National events to commemorate Operation Overlord and Operation Neptune (known to all as D-Day) Diss Town Council will be holding an event 20:00 hrs at the Park
The official Party, including the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk, the Mayor and Diss Citizens of the year will arrive at approximately 19:45 by WW2 Army Staff car driven by an ATS.
Salvation Army Band will be in Attendance.
The Standards of the RBL, RAFA, ATC, ACF and Scouts will be parade with escorts of cadets for both Diss Branches.
Short speeches by Group Captain Andy Knowles RAF, Basil Abbot as Winston Churchill, Fanny Grey Diss U3A and Bob Rogers Diss RBL.
Also General Eisenhower Order of the Day from SHAEF HQ to all Forces in action on the day will be read out.
There will also be Hymns, and the International Prayer (read out by Students from Diss High School), followed by the lowering of a time Capsule by a Cadet from ATC, ACF, a Scout and a member of Diss High School.
The event will end at 21:15, with again as a nationwide event, the Beacon will be lit at the Park by two of our Branch Committee Members, Mary Cotton and Mike Garnham.