Diss Citizen of the year 2024 Awards
The Citation for Mary Cotton.
I am very proud to have put Mary up for Diss Citizen of the Year for 2024 awarded by Diss Town Council, so thanks to Sarah and Councillors.

Photo show me presenting Mary to the Mayor, Councillors, Council Staff and audience before being presented with her award
Mrs Mary Cotton who has been a Branch Member for many years and at one time the Chair of the Women's Branch of Diss RBL, has been awarded it for her work with the Legion and her efforts to raise Money for the Poppy Appeal, plus other Local Groups.
In 2023 she raised over £6000 collecting for six hours a day for 14 days at our Local Morrison Supermarket (thanks to Kenny, Morrisons Community Champion, for his help and support).
I used to follow her up collecting at Morrisons and got regally asked, how's Mary, even by Diss Councillors and ex-Mayors!
She has been hitting over £5000 a year (our records Branch records only go back to 2019), although she has been collecting for about 15 years, so she must have Raised in the region of £50000 in that time for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
She is also a very active member of the Waveney Choir, (she was seconded for the award by a choir member), a Volunteer at Diss Museum and a Member of Diss U3A, Diss Woman's Institute and Diss Royal Air Force Association.
When you see on the Diss Community site about ` there is nothing to do in Diss`, Mary proves the contradiction to that!
All the more amazing is the fact neither her or her Husband are in the best of Health.
This not her first award, last November She was awarded a Certificate of Meritable Service to the RBL, an item on this was covered in the Diss Express, so thanks to them.
Finally, I am also proud of the fact that this year it is a `Joint Winner`, the other, being our Royal British Legion Standard Bearer, Mike, and two previous winners have been Diss and District Royal British Legion Members, The late Jim Bidewell, who for many years was the Branch Poppy Coordinator and Andrew Rackham.
So I present to you, my Friend, Mary, please come and speak to her on our RBL Stand!

Mike Garnham our Standard Bearer was also award the Citizen of the Year for his work the Local environment. .
Robert J Rogers,
Branch Secretary,
Diss and District RBL.