poppy field


Diss AGM 2024

The Royal British Legion,

Diss and District Branch BR0634/EGF11

Minutes for the AGM 18th November 2024

 1. Meeting called to order at 19:15.

 2. Members 16 &1 Guest, were welcomed by Chairman Adrian Kitchen.

 3. Recitations of the Exhortation and the Kohima Epitaph by Chairman Adrian Kitchen.


AGM.1 Diss and District RBL AGM 18th November 2024

The Main Officers are required to be included in the minimum of Seven Committee members.

The following Officers were required to stand down, but willing to stay in Post.

Chairman: Adrian Kitchen

Vice Chairman: Andy Davidson

Branch Secretary Bob Rogers

Treasurer: Mo Blogg

Poppy Appeal Organiser: David Hines

Committee Member M. Garnham (Standard Bearer)

Committee Member. Mary Cotton

Branch Community Support Officer: Vacant

A show of Hands was shown by the members to accept everybody is voted back in.

The Chairman then asked if anybody was will to join the committee as one member had stood down owing to age (82).

One member, Neil Kerr now joined the Committee.

AGM.2 Branch Community Support Officer, it was agreed that the Branch felt currently one was not required.

AGM.3 The Chairman welcomes the committee and thanked everybody for all their work this year, we then continue with the Standard Agenda.

Note, The Branch Secretary is required to fill in an MS1 Form for all Committee members which has to be sent to the Membership Engagement Officer(Gary Cox), plus also a copy of the AGM mins.


4. Apologies from Wendy Slaney.

5. Minutes of the last Meeting. Agreed, by Neil Kerr, seconded by Mary Cotton

6. Vice-Chair Report. Andy Davidson opened by thanking everybody for the magnificent effort for Poppy Collecting and the Remembrance Parade, especially in light of the change after many years with a Drum Head Service, (in agreement with Diss Salvation Army and Diss RAFA, which was not at the time of suggestion universally approved, but now most seem very Happy with it).

Still have problems with the Branch accounts, our attempts to transfer from Barclays to Lloyds have come to a halt as Lloyds have decided that we do not meet their requirements for an Account, so will now be talking to HSBC, which is the only bank that still have a bank in town.

Thanks Bob Rogers for his work as Branch Sec in the last 5 years, who will now, for the next couple of months, take a `Back Seat`’

Arranged a Committee meeting to discuss plans for 2025 in a few weeks time (N.B, now arranged for December 11th)

New committee member Neil Kerr will take responsibility for the Branch `Diary`.

Suggested that instead of a Branch Meeting every month, we will have a Branch meeting every second month, with a social meeting for every other month, a shows of hands from the members supported the idea.

Attempt get Speakers for the Social Meetings, various suggestion put forward, including inviting Public to attend to try and encourages membership of the branch. (Publicity in Local Community Sites).

Spoke about the possibility of support a `Tommy Sleep Out`, a nation wide event for March 2025.

Supporting Diss Town Council Civic Events for VE and VJ day 80th Anniversary in 2025. plus Town Carnival (some of the Branch members are on the committee to see what RBL can do to assist).

A much Larger Armed Forces Day, with Co-operation from Diss RAFA, plus Cadets groups, including the Possibility of a `Drill ` Competition.

Romaine suggested we contact the Red Feather Club (USAAF) and Station 366 (Land Army Re-inaction singing group) to see if they can support the event.

Treat 2025 as our Centenary year.

7. Secretary Report.

Hope everybody saw the 3 page coverage of the very successful Remembrance event in this weeks Diss Express.

Big well done to all involved on the Poppy Appeal and the Various Remembrance events, especially Member Andrew Rackham for the work he did with Diss Town Council for decorating the front of the now closed Diss Post Office, which was the back drop of the Drum Head Service and the various unnamed ladies who knitted Poppies which decorated St Marys Church for Remembrance, a `thank you` to them was put on the Diss community Web page.

From Membership Service Officer, Gary Cox, if any members are approached by the press, either National or Local for a comment on RBL Finance or Problems with Branches with-in Norfolk, you are to refer them to RBL HQ, do not make any comments, personal or otherwise.

It would seem at least two Norfolk Branches may well close in 2025, with one having just 2 active members, so we need to try hard to try and encourage new members, not only to join, but be active with-in the Branch. (63 on the 365 system, but normally only 16 at Meetings).

A big well done to Myra Stanard who has stood down from the committee this year after over 30 years of Service to the RBL, especially the late Women’s Branch.

8. Treasurer Report. Confirmed the comments made by the Vice chair re the problems with the bank and the fact our account is still in the black. Given a contact name at HSBC to talk to.

9. Poppy Appeal Organiser Report, Dave Hines thanked everybody for the work done for the 2024 Poppy appeal and announced that the branch had raised over £18500.

At the end of his reported he was presented with an RBL Momentous Service Award for the work he had been doing for over 15 years, many as a collector and support at other RBL events, including Armed Forces Day and the Carnival by the Branch Chair, see photo.

10. Any other business? Suggestion by Dave Hines that we have a Fish and Chip supper at our December meeting, discussed what fish etc we would like and he reminded members that they are not a U-Boat Crew (only Dads Army fans will understand that comment!).

Bob Rogers pointed out about the amount of complaints he had received over the poor quality of the new style `Paper Poppies`

Chairman Adjourned the Meeting at 20:20


Branch Secretary.