poppy field



Items from the Diss Express in the 1990`s

Diss Express 12th October 1990

Maggie's bearing is top standard

A MEMBER of Diss Royal British Legion Women's Section has won a competition to be county standard bearer.

Mrs Margaret Wakley has been Diss Standard Bearer for three years and beat women who have been standard bearers for eight.They were judged on tidiness of uniform equipment.


She said: "It is something I have worked very hard for and I'm very proud and honoured to represent the county.

Diss Express 16th November 1990

Inspiring Women's Section Royal British Legion address

ANNUAL MEETING of Diss and district branch of the Women's Section of the Royal British Legion was held at Grasmere, when the chair was taken by President Mrs J. Wood, who gave an inspiring address.

The secretary presented her report which showed a very busy year for the branch, and the treasurer in her report showed a very healthy bank balance.

Officers elected: President Mrs J. Wood, chairman Mrs J. Ray, vice-chairman Mrs M. Ellis, secretary Mrs F. Chipperfield, assistant secretary Mrs M. Peck, committee Mesdames King, Evans, Slaymaker, Frindle, Bunker, Yates, Puller. Strudwick, Simpson.

Members were informed of arrangements for the county conference on November 21, at St Andrew's Hall. Norwich, and the Christmas lunch on December 18.

Diss Express 15th March 1991



The Women's Section held a very successful coffee morning with stalls at St Mary's Hall on March 2nd.

It was very well patronised and gave a clear profit of £125 for Legion funds.

Four raffle prizes are still unclaimed, so if you hold any of these ticket numbers: 96, 150, 235 or 248, please apply to Mrs Chipperfield, 10 St Mary's Court, Diss.

Diss Express 11the December 1992.


Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Awards-

Certificates of Appreciation have been awarded to the following establishments for their help with our Poppy Appeal:

Diss Town Council,

Salvation Army Diss Corps.

South Norfolk Conservative Club Ltd.

Bressingham Steam Museum,

Hopgoods (Clothiers).

Hamlin Electronics Europe Ltd.

G. W. Padley Ltd.

Bartrums Road Services Ltd, H.

Burroughes & Son Ltd.

National Co-operative Chemist.

Uplands Store, Diss High School,

Diss Junior school,

Diss County Infants School.

Roydon County Primary School,

Bressingham County Primary School.

Park Hotel;

White Horse Public House,

Saracen's Head Public House.

Greyhound Public House,

Weavers Wine Bar,

White Hart Public House. Roydon,

Denny Holme,

Clare House.

Diss Express 13th November 1992

Old soldiers turn out in force to honour wartime casualties.

REMEMBRANCE services were held and poppy wreaths laid at services across Norfolk and Suffolk on Sunday.

In Diss more than 20 groups laid wreaths at the town war memorial following a parade through the centre to St Mary's Parish Church.

The parade was led by the Salvation Army band and the salute was taken by Peggy Mason, president of Diss Royal British Legion.

Representatives of the Legion, town council, fire service and local sporting, youth and service associations all took part.

The service was conducted by the Rev Jimmy James and the preacher was Commissioner lan Cutmore, of the Salvation Army.

Needham saw its first Remembrance Day parade for 60 years when a group of veterans marched through the village and on to a church service proved no problem for some of the congregation at the Eye service.

Historic occasion, the first which was conducted by the Rev Peter Morris. Harleston and District Royal British Legion held the service in Needham when chairman Dudley White realised he could not remember the last time the event was held in the village.

Around two dozen members marched to St Peter's Church, where the wreath was laid by Mr White and last post was sounded by bugler Anthony Lown, while his father Fred was the standard bearer.

A service at Harleston St John parish church saw the town's army cadet buglers sound last post for the Remembrance service.

The parade, with around 30 groups represented, marched to the Cenotaph where a service was led by the Rev Peter Morris.

The New Buckenham Silver Band led the parade in Attleborough where a service was held at St Mary's Church, led by the Rev John Ayes and Methodist Minister the Rev Charles Gibbs.

A wreath was laid on Saturday at the town railway station to mark the men of the American 452nd Bomber Group, which was stationed in the area during World War 11.

The Rev John Grass conducted the Remembrance service at Stradbroke Baptist Church where Captain Dennis Halliday offered prayers.

The rector of Stradbroke, the Rev David Streeter, gave the blessing.

Olive Tye, 89, the oldest native woman resident of Hoxne, who is an associate member of the village's British Legion, laid one of the two poppy wreaths on the war memorial at the parish church.

Mrs Tye's late husband Albert was a member of the Legion for many years.

The tribute was given by Reg Baxter, branch secretary/treasurer, and a second wreath was laid by president Marshal Revell.

A second service was at Needham for 30 years.

Diss Express 27th November 1992

Bressingham POPPY APPEAL.

Organised by Mr and Mrs T. Blishen. the house-to-house collection for the RBL Poppy Appeal amounted to £260.63.

Thanks to the collectors and all who gave, for being so generous.

At a meeting at Diss British Legion. branch awards were made to Mrs G. Easto (previous organiser), 37 years; Mrs D. Flatman, 15 years; Mrs M. Hughes, 15 years; Mrs B. Brooke, ten years; and Bressingham Primary School, 30 years.

MELLIS POPPY APPEAL. The house-to-house collection in Mellis amounted to £90, an increase on previous years.

Collectors were Mrs E. Hubbard and Mrs M. Flatman.

Many thanks to those who gave and to the collectors.


The service for Kenninghall, the Lopham’s and district branch of the Royal British Legion, was held at St Mary's Church, Kenninghall, conducted by the team rector the Rev Michael Savage.

The names of the fallen were read out by Mr John Goddard, with the act of remembrance read by branch chairman Mr David Everington.

Wreaths were laid by Mr Stanley Turner, branch; Mrs K. Belas, Women's Section; and Mrs Anne Wood, Memorial Hall committee.

The lesson was read by Mrs G. Higginbottom,

Women's Section, and Mr Tim Nolleth paraded the Branch Legion standard.

The last post and reveille was sounded out from the ringing gallery by Miss E. Allen, and the organist was Mr David Gee.


The total amount of the door-to-door collection was £293.10.

Mrs Jill Blagden the local organiser, thanks all who helped with the collecting.

Diss B.L. At a recent meeting of the Diss British Legion branch, long service awards were made to Roydon Collectors: Mr and Mrs R. Fisk (previous organisers) 30 years, Mrs F. Noble 15 years, Mrs C. Barclay and Mrs J. Blagden 10 years.


Total donations to the British Legion Poppy Appeal 1992 was £234.04, which included a church collection of £56.90


The result of the Earl Haig Poppy Appeal organised by Mrs R. Hamerton was: donations £222.90, church collection £101.85, wreaths £52.80, a total of £377.55. Fressinsfleld.


A highly successful year was reviewed by the chairman, Mr Michael Burton, at the annual meeting of the Stradbroke and District branch of the Royal British Legion.

Mr Burton told the 26 members present that for the second year running the branch had won the Eastern Area and Suffolk County Efficiency and Progress Cups for small branches.

Monthly meetings had been well attended and membership, which now stood at 75, was a slight increase on the previous year, despite losing five stalwart members through death during the year.

Social and financial activities had been well supported and he was grateful to all the officers and members for their support over the past 12 months.

In the election of officers, four fresh appointments were made. Mr Ted Booth becomes vice chairman in place of Mr Harold Duthie who succeeds Lt Commander Jeremy Higgins as secretary, while Mr Graham Neale and Mr Denis Fill become assistant secretary and assistant treasurer respectively.

It was decided to buy a new standard in 1994 when the branch will celebrate its 70th anniversary.

At the close of business a draw was run and raised £45 for the Poppy Appeal.


The Poppy Appeal collection in Horham and Athelington, organised by Mrs J. Goodchild assisted by Mrs A. Harvey, Mrs F. Harvey and Mrs J. Gower, raised £155.80.


The result of the Earl Haig Poppy Appeal organised by Mrs R. Hamerton was: donations £222.90, church collection £101.85, wreaths £52.80, a total of £377.55


The Royal British Legion Poppy collectors for Botesdale, Rickinghall and District, which includes Hinderclay and Thelnetham, collected a total of £543.95, an increase on last year.

Organiser Maureen Webb thanks all those who made such generous contributions and donations, almost all of which will go to help improve the lives of service personnel who have been crippled in mind or body while fighting to preserve the countries freedom, and the dependants of those who were killed.

Sincere thanks to Mr and Mrs Hill of Hinderclay, Mrs Foster of Thelnetham, and Mrs Adams. Mrs Barnes. Mrs Brinkley. Mrs Brown, Mrs Cotton, Mrs Desks, Mrs Miller, Mrs Riley and Colonel Brinkley and Mr Webbe, all of whom made the house-to-house collections, and Mrs Whitney at Rickinghall Primary School.

Mrs Webbe would welcome anyone else who could spare some time to help with the collections.

Diss Express 2nd July 1993


Diss and District Branch held its monthly meeting at Grasmere on June 21. Mr All Branch chaired the meeting.

Tribute was paid to Mr Dick Burne, past president, Mr Sam Bale, Somme veteran, Captain Ted Stewart and Mr Stanley Bishop.

New member Mr Gerald Ridout was welcomed, and Mr John Williams was congratulated and applauded upon having been awarded the MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours.

Business and welfare matters were dealt with, and guest speaker Mr Charles Gardner gave an interesting and informative talk on Old Diss.

The next meeting is on Monday, July 18 at 8 pm. All serving and ex-personnel are welcome. For further details contact secretary Peggy Mason.

Diss Express 8th April 1993

Palm Sunday march

THE Royal British Legion marked Palm Sunday with a parade through Diss.

Standard bearers from the six branches which make up the local group - Diss and District. Dickleburgh, Scole, the Pulhams, Harleston and Long Stratton - joined in the parade headed by the band of Diss Salvation Army.

The party, joined by the Diss branch of the Royal Air Force Association, followed a route from Shelfanger Road, through Sunnyside en route to the Salvation Army citadel for an afternoon service.

Diss Express 19th November 1993

Parades have to beat Sunday's Wartime Crowds

The Veterans parade through Dickleburgh churchyard.

They were joined, by current American servicemen from USAF Mildenhall.

A NATION remembered the generations of war dead on Sunday with services across the country.

Undeterred by bitter winds and driving rain, thousands of people turned out to pay their respects to those who gave their lives in the two World Wars and, more recently. in the Falklands and the Gulf.

TRANSPORT Secretary John MacGregor joined local dignitaries at Diss where the Salvation Army Band headed the parade through the town centre to St Mary's Church, The South Norfolk MP was joined by his wife Jean.

The salute was taken by Peggy Mason, president of the Diss Royal British Legion, supported by town mayor Harold Rackham.

President of the Diss branch of the Royal Air Force Association Wing Cmdr Don Cameron and women's RBL president June Wood.

The service had been devised by the rector of Diss, the Rev Jimmy James.

At Attleborough, the wreath laying ceremony was held inside St Mary s Church because of the high winds around the war memorial at Queen's Square.

The Gislingham Silver Band led the parade at Dickleburgh where a contingent of servicemen and women from the United States Air Force Refuelling Wing at Mildenhall joined the Diss Squadron Air Training Corps, 1st Dickleburgh Sea Scouts. Cubs and Beaver.

Hot toddies were served in the village hall before the parade.

The Rev William Bestelink took the service at a packed St Remigius' Church, Roydon, where the standards if the 1st Roydon Brownies, Royal Air Force Association and British Legion were paraded.

The lesson was read by John Blagdon and district councillor Bob Lines recalled the names of the local war dead.

Wreaths were laid at the war memorial by Brownie Laura Taxley and Mr Lines, with the Last Post played by a musician from the Salvation Army.

Other weather disrupted evnts were at Fressingfield where tributes were placed parish church of E. and St Paul.

In Stradbroke, where memorial service in Street was shortened everyone moved Saints Church.

The Last Post Reveille were sounded by Jamie Franklin, of the Harleston Cadets.

The Harleston Remembrance Day parade was diverted away from the town centre memorial and wreaths were laid at the altar rail at St John's Church.

The war memorial service at Eye was another victim of the weather.

Tributes were paid inside the town hall where the Rev Richard Smith conducted the service, assisted by pastor Derek Scott and Wreaths were laid.

The Remembrance Day service East Harling was held in the parish church with wreaths were laid.

The service conducted by the Rev John land also gave the address.

Diss Express 26th March 1993


Chairman Mrs Jean Ray welcomed 24 members to the Diss Royal British Legion Women's Section monthly meeting which was held at Grasmere on Tuesday. March 16.

Mrs Ann Ward gave a very interesting report of the group meeting held at Long Stratton on March 15.

After conclusion of business Mrs Ray, introduced the guest speaker Mr Peter Rollin, who gave a talk on his work with the county council.

It was both interesting and informative.

Teas was served by Mrs Doris Pulfer and her helpers, during which the raffle was drawn, followed by the bring-and-buy.

The next meeting is on April 20. when Mrs Ray will be showing us slides of her Christmas in Florida.

Diss Express 3rd November 1995

Alan's new role

A FORMER Royal Navy man from Brockdish has been elected as the new chairman of the Diss and District branch of the Royal British Legion.

Alan Carpenter 35 served for 13 years in the Navy as a leading weapons electrical mechanic, and is currently employed as a works technician for Arc in Diss.

He said: "My priority is to raise awareness of the Royal British Legion and its work, and to woo new members, including young service people.

We have a nice little branch, we are fairly active and we help people of all ages."

Mr Carpenter is married to Sue and has three children.

Diss Express 10th February 1995


The Diss and District Branch of the Royal British Legion received two awards at The Royal British Legion County Conference held at County Hall, Norwich. on January 21.

The awards presented by Mr Ted Jobson. TRBI. national chairman, were a county certificate of merit for outstanding excellence of work and efficiency during 1994 and the Louis Lee Memorial Star with certificate. in recognition and appreciation of the most efficient junior branch in Norfolk county during the five years ending 1994.

Diss Express 27th January 1995

Diss News LEGION.

The Royal British Legion held their monthly meeting at Grasmere Monday, January 16.

The meeting opened with a silent tribute during which members remembered Henry Denny. who died recently.

The business of the branch was dealt with and the audited accounts adopted.

VE day celebrations were discussed.

The next meeting will be held on Monday. February 20, starting at 8pm.

All serving and ex-service personnel are welcomed.

Others interested in the work of the Legion may apply for associate membership.

For further details contact Peggy Mason.

Diss Express 27th October 1995


The annual meeting of the Royal British Legion Women's Section took place at Grasmere on Tuesday October 17.

After the Exhortation and Silent Tribute, a Certificate of Appreciation was presented to June Wood in recognition of her work for the branch over many years

The election of officers and committee followed: President. Anne Ward. vice president. June Wood. chairman, Jean Ray: vice chairman. Irene Madgett: secretary. Daphne Dyer. treasurer. Joan Moore: and standard bearer, Daphne Dyer.

The existing committee was re-elected along with Jean Strudwick and Florence Horre.

The Branch Cup was presented to Jean Ray.

The 1996 programme was discussed and names taken for the county conference and for a shopping trip to Peterborough, both in November.


Diss Express 1st May 1998


Diss Royal British Legion Women's Section held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 21.

Vice chairman Daphne Dyer welcomed everyone and all stood for the Exhortation and Silent Tribute.

Guest speaker for the evening was Mr Reg Haydon, who gave a most interesting demonstration of how to put together a hanging basket, with all the Do's and Don'ts to get the best out of the final display.

The talk was mingled with Reg's typical Norfolk humour.

Tea was served, the raffle drawn, and goods from the sale table sold.

The main business topics for discussion were the cake stall on the Market Place on May 1st, it is hoped it will be well supported by members.

Diss Express 21st August 1998.

Appeal for poppy sellers

THE DISS Royal British Legion is The Royal British Legion will appealing for people over the age be collecting in the street on of 16 to help sell poppies this Friday. November 6 and Saturday year. November 7.

The house-to-house collections, those wishing to volunteer will be made from Saturday should telephone Peggy Mason on October 24 to Saturday November or Jim Woods on 7.

Diss Express 29th May 1998

Diss Army Cadets

FOUR members of the Royal British Legion were honoured by the Diss army cadets for their services during the war.

But the veterans were not just invited for a cup of tea for one night they were rank and file members of the Diss troop.

The war heroes, Mr Milodowski, Mr Woods, Mr Winter and Mr Branch, were invited for a night of action rather than speeches.

They joined in the corps' exercises including a test to see how quickly they could fill a gun magazine with cartridges and they also camouflaged their faces with black cream for a long crawl through a tunnel just like old times.

Messers Winter, Milodowski Woods and complete it in darkness.

After testing four men on their skills in the field Captain prisoner of war for many years. Milodowski had joined the 1st Neil Duncan, the squadron's Mr Winter fought with the Polish Parachute Brigade and public relations officer, talked about Highland Light Infantry under took part in the Arnhem about the men's experiences with General Montgomery in the Operation in the Netherlands.

Everyone enjoyed the event and Mr Branch served in the 4th, Mr Woods served in Malaya, the cadets honoured the Battalion of the Royal Norfolk’s, and Germany with the Royal veterans with a huge round of fought in Singapore and was a Lancashire Regiment.

DISS Express 5th February 1999


The Royal British Legion Women`s Section held its branch meeting on Tuesday, January 19. Chairman Daphne Dyer welcomed everyone, who then stood for the Exhortation and Silent Tribute.

The chairman congratulated the garden committee.

Ann Ward. Margaret Watson and Florence Hurrell. on gaining a first prize of £l5 from the Council Garden Scheme. and thanked them for their hard work.

It was reported that some members had been ill over the Christmas period but hopefully were now feeling better Two members had been in hospital: Mary Ellis who had had a serious operation. and Mrs Garman (Gamy). recovering from a stroke.

It is hoped that both these members will soon be fit and well.

After business. Rosemary Dalliston gave an interesting and hilarious account of her early days in nursing, which coincided with the outbreak of World War Two.

The hours were long and discipline was strict.

At the start of training. days off were one a month.

Beds were 50 to a ward. 25 each side.

Diss Express 19th November 1999

Lucky ticket

DISS resident George Jenkins is a man in a million or rather six million to be more accurate.

The ticket he bought in the Royal British Legion's poppy raffle, was drawn the winner of six million sold, to give 68 year old Mr Jenkins the first prize of a Skoda Felicia.

The vehicle was given by Skoda for the third annual poppy raffle, the proceeds all going to fund the work the Legion does to support ex-Service people and their families.

Mr Jenkins was presented with his Skoda at the Chequered Flag car dealership in Attleborough yesterday.

Diss Express 25 January 1999

Legion appeals for Gulf funds

ROYAL British Legion organisers are appealing for donations to continue towards a special fund set up for servicemen in the Gulf.

The organisation is also offering to help wives and families of servicemen serving in the war by issuing telephone numbers they can ring at times of need. or for local advice they can contact Peggy Mason, secretary of Diss and District branch.

The national appeal, which was launched at Christmas to provide amenities for the service personnel, will continue now war has started.

She said: "The Legion places tremendous importance on showing our servicemen and women in both the Gulf and Northern Ireland the support they have from the British public."

Anyone who wishes to make a donation can do so by postal order, cheque or credit card.

They should send it to: The Royal British Legion, 48 Pall Mall, London SWI SJY.

Dickleburgh And District RBL is offering to send messages of support to service personnel in the Gulf.

The branch covers Dickleburgh, Rushall, Burston, Gissing, Tivetshall, Thorpe Abbots and Brockdish. Members want to hear from relatives who have loved ones serving in the war.

Names, ranks, units and addresses of the servicemen and women are needed. Send them to to branch president Don Swanton at Culpher Farmhouse, Bridge Road, Burston, Diss, Norfolk 1P22 3TH.