Diss British Legion from the 1960`s through the Diss Express.
Diss Express 4th November 1960
Diss British Legion's reduced balance on Whit-Saturday.
There had been discussed at annual meeting Increase by five members and two had died bringing the present membership to 105.
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE INCREASED THOUGH it was said by the treasurer to reflect a general trend among organizations of a similar character, a reduced balance in the funds of the Diss British Legion caused some concern at the annual meeting of the branch, held on Monday night in the Service Club.
The treasurer, Mr. W. H. Cattermole, reported that at the beginning of the year's working, the branch had a balance of £89 Os 7d. Now it stood at £68 2s.
The income had been £162 3s, but there was an expenditure of £94 set against that.
The benevolent fund, however, had paid out £19 to deserving clams and now stood at £12 15s.
Problem of raising money by whist drives, etc.
TREASURER'S CONCERN Mr. Cattermole said that he felt very concerned over the financial position generally.
He had had to keep a tight rein on expenditure.
One of the contributory factors of the reduction in the balance had been the fete, which had only brought in £13, compared with £41 in the previous year.
The treasurer added that the branch's expenditure was down a little, even though the balance was lower.
He thought his report reflected a general trend in all organizations of the same type.
A suggestion that the membership subscription should be raised to each year was adopted.
Mr Cattermole pointed out that all the 105 members of the branch had been notified of the meeting at some expense by a printed postcard, which had been delivered by hand.
He noted that only 15 members were present at the meeting.
It was decided to form an entertainments committee to help.
Because of the poor attendance at this meeting, it was decided to leave it to the general committee to decide who should serve on the subcommittee.
In his report, Mr. J. E. Last, the secretary, said that it had been a good year on the whole.
Legion functions had been well attended.
The annual fete had not been the success it had been previously, this might be put down to the fact that it was held on a whit Saturday.
In his remarks from the chair, Rear- Admiral A. H. Taylor stressed that the call for the Legion's services being made more frequently as legionaries reached the age when they need help. "We must go on with the duty which is before us, duty to others.
We must do the best we can, he said.
All the officers were re-elected, with the addition of Mr. A. Webb as vice-chairman, and the committee was re-elected with the addition of Mr. R. Wymark.
The vice-presidents were also re-elected, with the addition of Mr. H. Ward and Mr. Browning.
Diss Express 19th May 1961.
British Legion parade in Diss.
Nine STANDARD BEARERS from No. 9 Group, British Legion on Sunday headed by the band of the Diss Salvation Army, led a parade of group members from the Market Place, along Mount Street, where the salute was taken by Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, Capt. E. Ablett and Mr. S. J. Cole to the Salvation Army Hall, Diss, where a service was conducted by Capt. Ablett.
After marching into the hall the standard bearers, from Diss, Fulham, Scole, Dickleburgh, Winfarthing and Tibenham, and Harleston men's branches and Dies, Fulham and Dickleburgh Women's Sections, dipped in salute as the "Last Post" and " Reveille" were sounded by Bandsman S. A. Leeder.
The Legion Exhortation was read by Mr. R. Seaman.
The lesson was read by the Rector of Fulham, the Rev. F. G. Wood.
The speaker was Brigadier T. Parker, of the Ipswich Citadel.
A collection was taken for the Earl Haig Poppy Fund and a vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. E. Rainey, of Bankston, to the Diss branch for their organization, and the Salvation Army for their kindness in allowing the Group to meet in their hall.
The Salvation Army Songsters also took part in the service.
Refreshments were served in the Young People's Hall later.
20th January 1961
A FORMER Diss Grammar School boy who has given unbroken service, apart from the war years, to Messrs. Aldrich Brothers since he left school in 1937, has been appointed an assistant manager with the company; of its floor-covering department.
He is Mr. Eric Cobb, one of the local men who suffered considerable hardships as a prisoner of war in Japanese hands.
Mr. Cobb is well-known in the local soccer sphere, having been vice-chairman of the South Norfolk League for the past two years and assistant secretary of Dias Town F.C. for a great deal longer.
He comes from a footballing family three of his brothers, Gordon, Lennie and Ronnie, are on the Town Club's books, while another, Ray, is chairman of the Supporters' Club.
Mr. Cobb served during the war as a sergeant in the Royal Norfolk Infantry.
He was captured by the Japanese and was for 3 years a prisoner at Singapore and in Indo- China and Thailand, during which time he was forced to help build the Bankok-Moulien railway.
He is now standard-bearer for the Diss British Legion.
Best remembered as a goalkeeper for Diss Town, Mr. Cobb began his 20 years' playing service to the club as an outside-right in the "A " team.
He is now trainer of the third string, and even now, in an emergency, turns out in goal for the team.
Diss Express 15th November 1963
" WE CAN DO only one thing today ' remember, remember and remember.
It is as simple as that," said the Rev. F. G. Wood, Rector of Fulham Market, speaking at the Remembrance Day service at Diss Parish Church.
Some people asked why we " dragged this thing out" as we did and it was true that we all hoped that no more would "the dower of our youth ", as we so glibly put it, be asked to go out and give their lives, or return limbless or sightless, from battle.
But, in the meantime, such men and women casualties of two wars were still with us.
"It makes my blood boil when people talk of all this as an anachronism," said Mr. Wood.
High and low, rich or poor. men had given their lives, and you could not do more.
It had been said and it was very true "We were bought at a price ".
Such bitter days could come again, and if they did good men, following the examples of the many before them, would be prepared to suffer unto death again to resist the evil thing.
The service was conducted by the Rev. L. 0. Kenyon, Rector of Diss, and the Lesson was read and the Exhortation recited by Mr. R. Knight.
It was preceded by a parade consisting of men and women of the British Legion, R.A.F.A., St. John Ambulance Brigade, Red Cross Society, A.T.C.. Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Brownies and Wolf Cubs, led by the Band of the Salvation Army.
Alter the service wreaths were laid at the war memorial by representatives of Diss U.D.C., British Legion men's branch and women's section, St. John Ambulance Brigade, R.A.F.A., A.T.C.. Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Rotary Club, Chamber of Trade, Inner Wheel, Round Table and Diss Town Football Club. The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Mr. Stanley Leeder and, during the service, Mr. R. Knights, chairman of the Dias British Legion, read the Lesson and recited the Legion Exhortation.
East Harling Remembrance SUNDAY was observed at East Harling with a service in the Parish Church, followed by a ceremony at the war memorial.
Men and women of the British Legion paraded from the Market Place to the church.
The standards, carried by Mr. F. Tidswell and Mrs. C. Kenny, were placed on the altar for the service which was conducted by the Rector. the Rev. K. Wilkinson Riddle, with Mr. Peter Lee as the organist.
A contingent of Brownies, with their Brown Owl, Mrs. Harbridge, were among the congregation of over 100.
In his address the Rector commended the preservation of the ceremony of remembrance.
At the Memorial Green the names of the fallen were read by the Legion vice-chairman, Mr. C. Macrow, and wreaths were laid by Mr. V. Kent. after being handed to him by Mrs. W. Moore, Mr. N. Burlingham, Miss E. Kerridge and Mr. H. E. Lock.
After the Last Post the parade marched to the Market Place to be dismissed.
The Legion members were in the charge of their secretary, Mr. J. F. Frost, who, in the unavoidable absence of the chairman, Mr. J. E. Humphreys, thanked them for turning out, especially those who had earlier gone to Bridgham for a similar service, the collection in church, amounting to 17 6s 6d, was for the Haig Fund.
Stradbroke & Horham FOR THE FIRST TIME for several years the British Legion, with their standards carried by Mr. R. W. Whatling and Mrs. A. Angell, attended the service at St. Mary's Church. Horham. on Sunday morning as a corporate body.
The president. Col. E. L. Mapey, was in charge and Mrs. A. M. Nunn, president of the women's section. was also in the party which marched from the ancient "Dragon" Inn.
Before leaving Stradbroke the Legionaries had assembled around the war memorial where Col. Mapey recited the Exhortation and laid a wreath. " At the Horharn service, which was conducted by the Rector, the Rev. H. K Florance, Capt. L. T. Carter read the lesson and gave the Tribute. Mrs. E T. Rout was the organist and the collection was for the Poppy Day Fund.
The collection was for the same cause at a service which the Legion attended at All Saints Church, Stradbroke. in the evening, when the Rector officiated. Col. Mapey and Mr. H Rutter, representing the Baptist Church, read the Lessons. Mrs. P Ling was the organist.
Diss Express 29th May 1964
THE RAIN ON FRIDAY MORNING kept many visitors away from the Spring Fair arranged by the Women's Section of the Diss Branch of the British Legion in the Church Hall, Diss but there was a steady stream of customers during the six hours it was open and, it is understood, a reasonable sum had been raised for Legion Funds.
It was organized by members of the committee, and the chairman, Mrs. E. W. Lupton, was quite pleased with the result although the vice-chairman, Mrs. E. J. S. Madgett, was disappointed with the response from the public.
MAY MEETING of the Women's Section of the Laxfield and District Branch of the British Legion was held in the Village Hall on Thursday last week.
At the end of a short business meeting Mrs. H. Allum reported on the recent conference in the Isle of Man, which she and Mrs. E. Bloom attended as delegates.
Mrs. Mudie, the president, showed a very interesting film of her holiday in Greece.
Diss Express 29th October 1965
Let them know we are still alive
For DISS MEMBERSHIP to be MAINTAINED a SUGGESTION that general meeting' should be held more frequently than once a year was made by Mr. W. U. Cattermole at Tuesday's annual meeting of Diss British Legion in the Coffee Tavern.
Several members agreed with the suggestion of holding general meetings once a quarter and it was left to the committee to discuss the possibility of arranging them.
Mr. Cattermole also suggested that the branch should seek more publicity to "let the members know we are still alive".
In his report the secretary, Mr. J. E. Last, said that at Christmas 30 cwt. of coal had been distributed among widows of ex-Servicemen and aged members of the Legion.
All Group meetings had been attended by the Committee and the branch had a 100 paid-up membership.
Two Legionaries had passed away during the year and two others had ceased to become members, but three ex- Servicemen had joined the branch so membership remained at about 100.
The treasurer, Mr. A. C. Branch, stated the balance in the general account of £44 7d was down on last year. " We have not done very much during the year but we have lost very little money and we are holding our own.
It would look better, however, if we did run some functions because our General account is not very healthy," said Mr. Branch.
The balance in the benevolent fund had gone from £38 to £61 so they had reversed the loss of the previous year.
General account at Scole stood at £14 13s Id a loss of £2 over the previous year. " We are Just keeping our heads above water," commented a vice-president, Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, who presided.
Mr. Cattermole was of the opinion that the public should know more of the benevolent and social work done by the branch.
It was evident that in years to come there would be more need to help Legionaries and their dependants, especially those who were veterans of the 1914-18 war. "if we, as Legionaries, look round and investigate quietly we can find needy cases where a little help would be most welcome." he said.
The chairman, Mr. Reg Knight, thanked the Salvation Army for providing the music at the Remembrance Day service and for inviting the branch to their Citadel at Easter.
He also thanked Mr. Charles Gardner for attempting to help the Legion to increase the balance in the benevolent account but, unfortunately, this venture had not been successful.
Mr. Knight thanked the women's section for the help they gave the branch and he gave Admiral Taylor a packet of tobacco on behalf of the committee in appreciation of the support he gave them.
Mr. Knight said that £227 was collected for Poppy Day In Diss in 1964, which was about £2 down on the previous year. "We have got to try and increase this total because the cost of living is continually going up, and to do this we need more poppy sellers," he said.
Members elected were: President, Sir John Mann: vice-presidents, Rear- Admiral A. H. Taylor. Mr. W. Bale, Mr. C. Browning, Cmmdr. P. Taylor, Mr. R. A. Burne, Mr. W. T. Cracknell, Dr. I. C. B. Pearce, Mr. W. P. Pulman, 'Dr. V. P. Robinson, Mr. H. E. Ward. Lady Mann, Mrs. E. Symonds, Mr. A. Bloom and Mr. W. Black; chairman, Mr. R. Knight; vice-chairman, Mr. R. A. Tureen; treasurer, Mr. A. C. Branch; secretary, Mr. J. E. Last; Poppy Day organiser, Mr. R. Knight; committee, Mr. A. risk. Mr. C. Browning, Mr. C. Bunting. Mr. R. Hall, Mr. G. Goodall, Mr. W. Cattermole and Mr. N. Radcliffe; standard-bearer, Mr. E. Cobb: deputy standard-bearers. , Mr. G. Goodall and Mr. A. C. Branch; and bugler, Mr. S. Leader.
Diss Express 8th April 1966
PALM SUNDAY week-end services for the Salvation Army in opened on Saturday evening, when all the musical sections of the Corps took part in a meeting.
The Sunday afternoon service was preceded by a parade of members of No. 9 Group of the British Legion, who assembled on the Market Place and. headed by the Salvation Army Band and their massed standards ten including the county standard marched to the S.A. headquarters via Mount Street, where Rear-Admiral A. F Taylor took the salute.
At the citadel about people gathered for the service, which was conducted by Canon Z. L. Corlbell, Rector of Diss, who also gave the Benediction.
The Bible reading was by Fit-Lieut. Don Swanton, the parade marshal, and the address was given by the guest speaker, Lieut.-Col. T. Pritchard, whose wife was the soloist.
The collection was for the Haig Fund visiting legionaries and their wives were later given light refreshments in the adjoining Torch-bearers Hall
British Legion Women's Meetings
DISS annual general meeting of the branch of the British Legion, women's section, was held in the Coffee Tavern.
Lady Mann presided and 19 members heard the secretary give a good report on the year's work.
During the year Diss had won a certificate in the "Vernon" Cup competition.
They gained one new member and had one officer retire because of ill health.
The financial report was a good one and officers elected were: President, Lady Mann: chairman, Mrs. Lupton; vice-chairman , Mrs. E. Madgett; secretary, Mrs. Nunn; treasurer. Mrs. Robinson; committee, Mesdames Madsett. sen.. J. Fisk, Ward, Bailey, A. Fisk and Last: representative on Over 60s, Mrs. Ward; and standard-bearer, press representative and sick visitor. Mrs. .7. Fisk.
Escorts for the parade on November 12 will be Mrs. Nunn and Mrs. Robinson and Lady Mann agreed to lay the wreath.
Ladies of the branch were asked to provide groceries for a parcel to be given at the whist drive for the Haig Fund on November 11 at the Church Hall.
The next meeting will be held on November 21 and a committee meeting on November 7.
These meetings will be held at the Conservative headquarters, Denmark Street. to the various funds the members support.
Miss Michell gave two prizes for the members with the most attendances and members qualified.
Names were drawn out of a hat and the winners were Mrs. C. Sutton and Mrs. A. Fuller.
The report on the Group meeting at Northwold was given by Mrs. C. Frost.
There was to be a coffee morning at " The Limes ", by kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mallott, on November 14 for Poppy Day funds, it was announced.
Mrs. C. Frost and Mrs. R. Fuller offered to give a prize for a competition at the next meeting, the proceeds from which will go towards the cost of printing next year's programme.
The handicraft articles for competition at the county annual meeting in Norwich were on display and the usual competition was taken round by Miss A. MacLeod and won by Mrs. Bannigan.
For some time the Laxfield branch of the British Legion, women's section, has been holding Its meetings in the Village Hall, as the room in the Guildhall could not be used while renovations were in progress.
Work on the upper floor has now been completed and for the October meeting, which was also the A.G.M., held on Thursday of last week, the ladies were back in their own room.
The president (Lady Pawsey), the chairman (Mrs. S. C. Arnold), the secretary (Mrs. Linder) and the treasurer (Mrs. Oliver) were all re-elected.
The new committee will consist of all officers and Mrs. C. Shields, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. E. Bloom, Miss M. Stutby, Mrs. Denham Smith, Mrs. Sawko, Mrs. Greenway, Mrs. MacKrell and Mrs. M. Emeny. Mrs. Shields and Mrs. Phillips are on the Service Committee and Mrs. C. Sparrow will represent the branch on the Village Hall Committee. Mrs. Oliver presented the accounts, the adoption of which was proposed by Mrs. Sparrow, seconded by Mrs. Phillips and carried.
Mrs. Arnold said that many people had told her how much they had enjoyed the party for the Over 85s, but more young helpers were needed.
A party of members would be attending the county conference at Bury St. Edmunds and Mrs. Shields undertook to serve as branch delegate.
Another party will be going to see "Cinderella on Ice" at the Empire Pool, Wembley, on the special British Legion night in January, it was agreed. - Mrs. MacKrell will be in charge of the poppy sales and arrangements were made for the Armistice Day services, and the bazaar to be held on December 2.
Tea hostesses were Mrs. Sawko and , Mrs. M. Emeny. Mrs. Greenway ran the competition, which was won by Mrs. Linder and Mrs. Crisford.
THE PULHAMS annual meeting of the British Legion, women's section. was held in the Memorial Hall, Pulham Market, Mrs. Baillie presiding.
Mrs. Wood. the retiring president. thanked all who had worked hard to keep the branch going since the loss of Mrs. G. Hart, and the treasurer presented the audited accounts.These showed the section had a good bank balance. Miss Sandiforth. area secretary, and Miss Goasdale, area vice-chairman, were present and Miss Sandiforth spoke on the work done by the British Legion throughout the country.
Proceeds from the competition were put towards the collections for Poppy Day. Officers and committee elected were: President, Mrs. Sainte; chairman, Mrs. Wilby; vice-chairman, Mrs. Redit; secretary, Miss S. Battiscombe; assistant secretary, Mrs. A. Lincoln; treasurer, Mrs. IP'. Chambers; standardbearer, Mrs. Bryanton; deputy standard-bearer, Mrs. D. Bates: committee, Mrs. E. Gorman, Mrs. E. E. Leftley. Mrs. Crisp, Mrs. Housego, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Webster, Miss Collins and Miss E. M. Prentice.
Diss Express 1st November 1968.
British Legion DISS & DISTRICT
Because of the resignation of the treasurer it was not possible for the financial report to be presented at the annual general meeting of the Dies British Legion.
Women's Section. It was held at Grasmere last week and was presided over by the vice chairman, Mrs. E. Madgett, in the unavoidable absence of the president, Lady Mann, and the chairman, Mrs. F. Lupton.
In future all meetings will take place on Tuesdays, it was announced, committee meetings on the first Tuesday in each month and general meetings on the third.
'Members were asked if they would give groceries to be added to the which will be the prise in a competition at the whist drive to be held on November 9 for the Haig Fund.
Officers elected were: President, Lady Mann; vice-presidents, Mrs. Cannell and Mrs. Bale (others to be approached); chairman, Mrs. Lupton; vice-chairman, Mrs. Madgett; secretary, Mrs. L. Nunn; treasurer. Mn, Fisk; press secretary, Mrs. Fisk; standard-bearer. Mrs. Fisk; committee, Mrs. Ratcliffe, Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. A. Fisk, Mrs. Burlingham, Mrs. Last, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Ward; representative with Over Mrs. Ward; delegate to group, Mrs. Ward; delegate to county conference, Mrs. Ward; sick visitor. Mrs. J. Fisk; escorts to standard, Mrs. L. Nunn and Mrs. Bailey.
Diss Express 6th December 1968
Diss to stage county British Legion rally
The service NEXT YEAR, for the first time the rally would be held.
The rally will be held on Sunday, June 15. "We feel this is a great honour for us," Mr. Reg Knight, chairman of the Dias branch, told a reporter this week.
He explained that the branch had sent a resolution to the county conference requesting that the rally be held in Diss and they had advised the county earlier in the year that they would like it to be held in the town.
The details will be arranged by the county conference, but they will be carried out by the Diss branch.
Mr. Knight said many organizations in Diss had already promised their support and a number of restaurants and other shops had agreed to be open that day to cater for the visitors.
Mr. Knight estimated that between 1.000 and 1,500 legionaries from all over the county will be in Diss for the rally, and he thought that over 100 standards would be massed.
Diss Express 19th September 1969
Just a little bit more wanted on Poppy Day
DISS British Legion Social Club is looking for a donor to provide a cup for a knock-out dominoes competition among its members.
Last year Legion members competed for the "W. Nunn" Darts Cup.
The darts competition is to be repeated again this year, and the Social Club plans to run the dominoes competition in conjunction with it.
But even if no donor can be found, the club still intends going ahead with the dominoes competition and it will delve into its own funds to buy the trophy, said club chairman Mr. Russell.
The club began its programme of social evenings at the "White Horse" clubroom on Thursday of last week when the Ancient Order of Foresters provided the opposition in a series of games.
In addition to its matches with other organizations, the club is also organizing some social evenings at the Church Hall during the winter. a coffee morning at the Church Ha on September 24 in aid of the Diss and District Physiotherapy Association.
The branch chairman, Mr. Reg Knight, said this week that poppy wreaths and sprays were available from 12s upwards and he would be pleased to show anyone the illustrated catalogue.
The door-to door for the Poppy Appeal would commence on November 3 and the Poppy Day whist drive would take place on November 15.
Mr. Knight pointed out that last year British Legion Welfare work cost £1,431,030 and the Poppy Day Appeal only raised £1,242,7116.
"May I appeal for everyone to give just a little more this year?" he asked.
Diss Express 31st July 1969
Legion women enjoy trip
The July meeting of Haverhill British Legion's Women's section took the form of a mystery tour.
Destination was Palgrave, near Diss, where the county chairman, M. W. Wickett and Captain Wickett entertained the 30 members.
A buffet supper was followed by a sing-song. with Capt. Wickett at the piano.
The branch’s annual outing was to Richmond where members saw the poppy factory and poppy wreaths in course of preparation.
The visitors were impressed by the cheerfulness of the disabled workers.
Diss Express 25th October 1996
Call to remember the victims of conflict
Legion chief's appeal for 2-minute silence.
PEOPLE are being urged to honour those people who died in conflicts this century by observing a two-minute silence.
The Diss and District branch of the Royal British Legion and various town dignitaries will gather at the Market Place at 11 am on November 11 to publicly observe a two-minute silence.
Diss branch president. Peggy Mason said: "I am hoping that others will stand with us and remember."
It is also hoped supermarkets, traders, workers and shoppers will observe the two-minute silence.
A bugler is due play the Last Post and Reveille and the church bells will be rung to remember the day in 1918 when the guns fell silent.
The legion is asking people to stop, remember and reflect as a symbol of gratitude to all those who gave their lives in the two world wars and 70 conflicts which followed. including Northern Ireland and Bosnia.
The Diss branch is once again planning an Armistice Parade and service of remembrance in the town on November 10th.
This year 26 town organisations are due to lay wreaths at the war memorial, and the branch is organising services in Roydon and Bressingham.
Services will also be held in other towns and villages.