poppy field



Diss and District in the 1950`s

Diss Express 25th August 1950.

Legion Needs More Money.

Opening the annual Diss British Legion fete at the Manor House, on Saturday, Lord Walsingham, the Norfolk County President, stressed the urgent need of more financial help for the Legion.

The people were told of our great work,” he said, they would flock to join the Legion and give it support," Lord Walsingham said it was very important that the Legion raised more money, for they could not carry out the 1950 programme on the 1939 income.

He spoke of the work of the Legion charities and gave instances of how they were handicapped by the lack of money.

They were at present running three old people's homes, but they could do with many more, for to-day thousands of ex-Servicemen were in public institutions because they had nowhere else to go.

They were operating four convalescent homes, but another was needed.

Last year Poppy Day brought in £850-900,000. but this year at least a 10 per cent, increase was needed.

If the people realised the great work that was being done by the Legion and organisations like the R.A.F.A. and R.A. Association then the money would be forthcoming.


It was up to members of the Legion to tell the public of what was being done.

Lord Walsingham had been introduced by Rear Admiral A. H. Taylor, in whose grounds the fete was being held. Moving a vote of thanks, the President of the Diss branch, Sir John Mann. Bart., paid tribute to Lord Walsingham's work for the Legion, not only in Norfolk, but throughout the country.

County President at Diss Fete Harvest and the commencement of the football season had an adverse effect on the attendance, but there was a fair stream of visitors throughout the afternoon.

A baby show attracted several entries and set the two judges, Dr. Ruth Rainey (Harleston) and Mrs. Holt Wilson (Botesdale), a difficult task.

Winners were : Up to six months, Hilary Barker; six to twelve months, Pamela and Pauline Alden; and over 12 months, Leslie Alden. Children's fancy dress caused considerable amusement, prizes being won by Allan Burrows and Ann Draper.

An ankle competition, judged by the public, resulted in prizes going to 1st Mrs. G. Rodwell, 2nd Miss Vera Cobb. 3rd Mrs. Barker.

In the evening a short concert by local artistes was followed by a whist drive, for which Mr. Eric Cobb acted as M.C.

The fete was organised by a committee of the Men’s Branch and Women’s Section, under their respective officers.

The Men’s Branch chairman, Mr. W. T. Cracknel!, and the secretary Mr. W. Hubbard, were unavoidably absent. but helpers included the vice-chairman of the Women’s Section. Mrs. A. Sayer, secretary, Mrs. Steggles, treasurer, Mrs. Barker, Mesdames E. Darter, T. Rudd. S. Leeder. Eagle, J. Cobb, and the Misses Vera Cobb, Marion Blake, and Mollie Shield.

Members of the Men’s Branch helped as stewards and stallholders, including Messrs. J. Cobb. R. Cobb, E. Cobb. W. Flatman. R. C. Chenery, G. Edwards. F. Rice, F. Stimpson and W. Drury.

Diss British Legions Woman's Branch meeting October 1950

Meeting presided over by Mrs R Nunn

She was supported by Mrs H Taylor, President and the Branch Secretary and Branch Treasurer.

Mrs Hart, President of the Pulham Branch was also in attendance.

The Balance of Accounts was shown as a healthy £19 after various donations were send to National Schemes.

The Committee were;

Mrs H Taylor (President)

Mrs E H Jermy (Chairman)

Mrs A Baker ( Hon Treasurer)

Mrs N Steggels (Hon Secretary)

Other committee members were, Sager, Cobby, Eagel, Ward, Wright and Whiting.

A Presentation was made to Mrs Nunn of an eight day clock, inscribed to recognised the 25 years membership, including 21 years as Chairman and 10 years of Organiser by Mrs Taylor.

British Legion Group Meeting November 14th 1950.

The meeting was held at the Diss Service Club, with Branches attending;







The meeting was presided over by Mr W T Cracknell.

The Group Officers were;

Group Chairman S J Cole (Winfathing)

Vice Chairman F Frost (Diss)

Group representative to Norfolk County W H Haskell (Pulham)

B Woods (Winfathing)

The main discussion was the Apathy being shown by the men from the previous War towards the Legion.

Mr E A Calton (Harleston) said they had enrolled quite a few Younger Members who in turn had brought other Youngsters.

Mr W H Haslet (Pulham) said they are trying to maintain comradeship with Dances and other Social events, although they are not paying their way, despite inviting the Public to Attend, they had tried to encourage, but no interest was shown in joining the Legion.

Mr Haslet went on to suggest that the County headquarters should be asked to formulate a Recruiting Policy.

He also felt the Petrol rationing could affect attending of Meetings and Functions from the more Rural Areas.

Diss Express 25th May 1951


On Tuesday evening a crowd of people gathered In front of the Dlss Playing Field, where the Memorial Gates, skilfully made by Ur. A. Howell and Mr. G. Trudgill, of Messrs- Howell A Son, Falgrave, were dedicated in memory of those who died during the years 1939-1945.

Mr. C. Denny, as Chairman of the War Memorial Committee, explained that the money had been given by the Committee in order to inscribe the names of the fallen on the war memorial and to dedicate the gates.

Both projects have now been accomplished.

He commented on the generosity of the W.V.S.. who had offered tothe money for the gates, should the funds prove insufficient.

Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, C.B.E, J.P., opened the ceremony.

He gave short address in honour and memory of those who had given their lives and services. “They kept their faith, let us In dark and troublesome times remember them and follow their courage,” he concluded.

Canon J- A, Appleton, Hon. Chaplain -of the Force, followed with short dedication and after Rear Admiral Taylor had given the Legion Tribute the Union Jacks, covering the gates. were drawn aside and the gates opened.

Diss Express 7th December 1951

Need for Younger Diss British Legion

The annual general meeting of the Diss Branch of the British Legion was held in the Services Club last Friday.

Sir John Mann. Bt„ presiding, spoke of the club's need for younger members.

He appealed to members to see what they could do themselves this matter.

A personal contact is the only sure way to increase membership.

Committee leaflets and the like are not the solution.

He was sure that for a town the size of Diss there should be more ex-Servicemen willing to Join, not only those who fought during the war but also those who had seen military service since the end of the war.

The secretary (Mr. W. C. Hubbard) in his report, said the membership at the end of September, 1950, was 180.

Vice-president (Mr. O. E. K. Burne) and two members. Mr. W. G. Hines and Mr. J. Kemp), had passed away; nine members had left the district; and seventeen had lapsed; from October 1st, 1950, nine new members had been elected, so there was a membership of 160 at the end of September, 1951.

They regretted the passing of three respected members and they would be greatly missed.

Four applications for assistance had been received, one for a removal grant of £9 15s and the other grants amounting to £l6 6d were allowed through Area Funds.

Seven necessitous cases were given help at Christmas, amounting to £14, from the Emergency Fund.

The local Emergency Fund was £340 19s last year, and now stands at £377 7s.

Three pension cases had been dealt with .one was successful, one unsuccessful and one is awaiting the tribunal.

About twenty-five members attended the county rally at Wells and six members attended a Group meeting at Tibenham.

Several branches were written with a view to the exchange of games, etc., but only Attleborough were able to accept.

A successful fete was held in conjunction with the Women's Section at the Manor Garden by permission of Rear-Admiral Hugh Taylor, O.B.E.. J.P.. and from the proceeds £1O was sent to Halsey House. Cromer, and £2O to the Women's Section for various charities.

Scole sub-branch had sustained a loss in membership.

One member had passed away, one left the district, and one had lapsed, and membership now stood at 37.

The Benevolent Fund £2l 7s 8d, and Sports Fund £32 7s 8d.

The parade held on Remembrance Day was well attended and thanks are due to the Salvation Army Band, the Boys' Life Brigade Band and the various bodies which helped to swell the ranks.

Poppy Day realised the sum of £l87 and great credit due to Mrs. Barbara Holmes, the organiser, and those who kindly gave their time, at great inconvenience to themselves, to help this most worthy cause.

He understood that this year the result was about £l6 up.

The election of officers look place and all the officials for the last year were re-elected with the exception of Mr. W. Piper, whose place was taken on the committee by Mr. A. Frost.

Mr. W. C. Hubbard, who was re-elected secretary, has acted in that capacity for the last twenty-one years.

A resolution that Lady Mann. Dr. I. C. B. Pearce and Mr. R. A. Burne, the son of the late Mr. G. E. K. Burne. be asked be become vice-presidents, was passed.

The Question of the sounding of the 'Last Post" in the Church at the Remembrance Day Service and not at the memorial was raised.

The committee is to look into the whole matter to when and where the Last Post" should be sounded.

The Club’s financial position is that the balance in hand for the Diss Branch is £27 15s 0d. and for the Scole sub-Branch £10 6s 7d.

Diss Express 8th February 1952


A party was given on Monday night to children of ex-Servicemen and friends by the Diss British Legion and also the Service Club.

The party was held at the Service Club, Denmark Street, and nearly eighty children, aged from three to thirteen, attended.

The function was organised by Mr. D. Jones, chairman of the Service Club entertainment committee, assisted by the committee and Mrs. A. Sayer, chairman of the Diss Women’s Section, British Legion, assisted by members of the Section who prepared and served the tea.

The party cake was given by Mrs. Cook.

Ices given by Mr. Driver (Bumsbi) were distributed.

A programme of games was held and Mr. S. Youngs gave film shows.

Each child was given a present at the end of the evening.

Diss Express 17th July 1953

Legion Fete at Diss

Despite threatening clouds overhead and a few spots of rain during the afternoon there was a very good attendance at the Manor House Diss.

On Saturday, at a fete held by the Diss branch British Legion, by permission of Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, O.B.E J.P.. and Mrs Taylor.

The lovely gardens were at their best and many took advantage of the opportunity to walk round them.

The opening ceremony was performed by Mrs. W. B. Belcher who was introduced by Rear-Admiral Taylor supported by Mrs. C. Browning. Mrs. E. Symonds. Mr. C. Browning.

Mrs. Belcher expressed her pleasure at being asked to perform the ceremony and spoke of the value of the Legion to ex-Servicemen.

She appealed to them to do all they could to help forward its work.

Mr. W. T. Cracknell returned thanks to Mrs. Belcher.

During the afternoon a display was given by members of the Doric Health Movement, under Miss C. Clay and this was much appreciated by the company.

The stallholders were : Hoop-lars Mrs. A. Steggles; ice cream. Mrs. D. E. Barter; bring and buy, Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Farrer and Mrs. T. Wright.

The refreshments were in the charge of members of the Women’s Section British Legion.

Other helpers included Children's races. O. Seeker; hidden treasure. Mrs. Fiske; 6d. in bath. Mr. E. Cobb; spinning wheel. Mr. W. Flatman. Mr. W. C. Hubbard carried out the secretarial duties and Mr. R. C. Chencry was treasurer.

Door stewards were Mr. A. Frost and Mr. V. Jackson.

A baby show was fudged by Mis. t. Marshall and Miss Bootman. both of Eye. and the winners were: Under months -1. Valerr; Rice; 2. Kevin Hammond and John Kerry (tie.K Six months to 12 months 1. Sandra Noble. 2 Paul Trevarthen; 3. Christine Oldman. One year to 2 year»—l. Patricia Denny: 2. Maryice Green. J. Peter Woods.

This had been arranged bv Mrs. O. H. Martin. were not many entries for children's fancy dress parade, but what there were, were certainly pretty and effective.

They were Judged by Lady Mann and Mrs. Belcher who awarded the prizes to 1st. Larry Draper (Guardsman); 2nd. Jean Kerry (Blue Wave); 3rd. Jean Rolfe (threepenny piece).

All the competitors received a small consolation prize.

Mr. L. A. Boggis was in charge of the amplifier.

Competition winners were: cake won bv Mrs. W. Nunn.

Mrs. Farrer; bedspread, run by Mrs. L. A. Boggis.

Mrs. H. Mortimer: ring bowls, run by Mr. A Madgett.

Mr. G. Seeker; bowling for chicken, run by Mr. G. Edwards.

Miss. G Evans; treasure hunt.

Mr. G. L. Cattermole; competition, Mr. C. James, Mrs. Leeder. H. Rolfe, J. Boothby. F. Witts, Mrs. B. Womack. Mrs. W. Nunn. Mrs. Bennett.

In the evening there was an open-air whist drive on the lawn for which Mr. Eric Cobb was M.C.

A dance at the Kings Head Hotel, later, attracted a good company.

Diss British Legion Woman Section

Whist Drive 7th August 1953

Service Club, Denmark Street

Admission 1/6

Diss Express 14th August 1953


Garden fete held recently by the branch of the British Legion raised £62, after paying for expensive, donated to Haley House Convalescent Home Cromer, £l2 will go towards Branch and £3O to the Women Section.

Organisers thank all for the support given.

Diss Express 11th December 1953

Diss British Legion

Active Participation Wanted.

In the absence of Sir John Mann. Bt., Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, C.B.E, presided at the annual general meeting of the Diss British Legion held at the Service Clubroom on Friday.

It was decided at the meeting that a campaign should be launched to persuade young National Servicemen in Diss to Join the Legion when they are released from whatever Force they are serving in.

A proposal put forward that there should be a social night once a month held at the Service Club, when all members of the club could get together knowing that they could meet old friends for chat, is to be referred to the next committee meeting, also the one that the Legion should once a year, say at Christmas send a gift of greeting to the men of Diss and Scole (a sub-branch of the Diss Legion) who are serving in Her Majesty’s Forces.

All this is to try and increase the gradually declining membership of the Diss British Legion.

The secretary. Mr. W. Hubbard, pointed out in his report for the year that at the end of September, 1952. that the membership of the club was 141, compared with 127 at the end of September this year.

A nation-wide topic at the moment that of the pensions scheme for disabled ex-Servicemen had not been discussed by the members of the Diss Legion, pointed out Mr. A. Frost.

He expressed the opinion that the present campaign by the Legion for an increase in pensions would be rejected by the Government.

He protested that the support of the branch had been pledged to this campaign although the claim had never been fully discussed by members.

He was told that the Subject had been discussed by the committee of the Diss Legion and had been put forward to the Group meetings, the members of which had all been in favour of it, and passed it on to higher authority.

Dr. J. C. Pearce pointed out that unless the “bottom dog” discussed this most important topic, it would surely fail in it’s plea when it came before Parliament.

Members were told that if the “pensions scheme “ did fail when brought up before Parliament, it would be discussed at an extraordinary meeting of the Diss Legion before it was decided that the Legion were either in favour of it or against it.

Mr. W. T. Cracknell. who has been chairman for several years and vice-chairman before that, retired from his post (due to ill-heath) in favour of Mr. George Cole.

Mr. Cracknel was thanked for his work by Rear-Admiral Taylor, who said that it was always a wrench to relinquish a post one had held for many years.

Mr. Cracknell thanked everybody for the remarks about his work and said that he had given the matter very careful consideration.

It was decided that Mr. Cracknell’s work should be recorded in the minutes.

It was unanimously decided that Sir John Mann. Bt.. should be re-elected president for the coming year.

The vice-presidents of the club are to be those of the past year.

Other officials elected were: Chairman. Mr. George Cole: vice-chairman. Mr. R. A. Burne; secretary. Mr. W. Hubbard; treasurer. Mr. C. J. H. Browning; standard bearer. Mr. E. Cobb; deputy standard bearer. Mr. A. C. Branch.

The committee are Messrs. E. Cobb. A. E. Ward. A. Barker. V. Jackson. D. Jones. A. Webb. S. Bale. W. Kemp. R. Chenery. A. Fisk and L. W. Beckett.

It was decided that the delegate of the branch to the Group should give reports of the proceedings to the branch when he attended meetings of the Group.

The club's representative to the Group is Mr. Cracknell.

Diss Express 23rd July 1954

Legion Rally at Diss

Twenty-two Branches Parade.

Some ex-servicemen will go on suffering in silence, too proud to ask for help.

Everyone should make known to the local branch of anyone in need.

Group 9 of the British Legion are to be congratulated on the rally they organised and held at Dlss on Sunday, when 132 men's and women's branches from Norfolk and Suffolk were on parade.

The branches in Group 9 are Dickleburgh, Diss. Long Stratton. Harleston. The Pulhams and Tlbbenham and the arrangements were made by a committee with Mr. Q. T. Cole (Diss branch) as chairman and Mr. B. W. Wood (Tlbbenham branch) as secretary, with the assistance of members of the Women’s Section.

Religion must have it's practical outlet and there they had it. St. Paul said “Now abide faith in God), hope (for the future) and “concern for others.” But the greatest of these was concern for others.

Sir John said the ranks of the older men were getting thinner each year and appealed for the younger men to loin to carry on the work.

They should join, not for what they could get out of it, but for what they could put into it and the good they could do for those less fortunate then themselves.

The parade formed up at the Service Club under Mr. Cole, and headed by the Glisingham Silver Band marched by way of St. Nicholas Street, Mere Street and Victoria Road to the Rectory Meadow.

On passing the War Memorial the parade gave “eyes left” and the salute was taken on the Market Place by Sir John Mann, Bart., supported by Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor,O.B.E. and Mr. J. Bolton.

Mr. Bolton on behalf of the members of No. 9 group returned thanks to all who had helped in the rally.

The Diss Salvation Army Band accompanied the singing of the hymns and the “Last Post’' and “Reveille” were sounded by trumpeter and drummer of the Glisingham Band.

Collections were taken to defray expenses.

The Girl Guides and Army Cadets sold programmes.

On the Meadow which had been marked out with signs, a large dais had been erected with a large white cross at the rear.

Mr. L. Boggle acted Marshal on the ground and the parade with the standards flying formed in their respective places, the standards remaining in the rear.

Then came the ceremonial march of standards, under Mr. Henery, (Harleston) and to the strains “Land of Hope and Glory’’ by the Glisingham Band the standard bearers and standards headed the County Standard slowly marched to the front and formed up in front of the parade.

On the platform were Sir John Mann, Rear-Admiral Taylor, Mr. G. T. Cole. Mr. J. Bolton (Long Stratton), Councillor J. Scoggins (chairman Dias U.D.C.) and Mr. Seed Williamson (Clerk to the Connell).

Councillor Scoggins extended welcome the rally and said it was unnecessary for him to mention any of the good work done by the Legion everyone knew it.

They were out to maintain the principles for which service was taken by the Rev. B. H. O. Bennett (Stuston) and the Rev. V. M. Anderson read the lesson. The address was given by the Rev. M. R. Peacock (Dickleburgh) who took the text from the 34tn Psalm verse 3 “My soul shall make her boast the Lord’’ and said these words were the heartfelt cry of rejoicing Dram one who had had a great deliverance from trouble.

He felt had something to boast about.

We British were not given to boasting we generally did the opposite.

But let us boast today in Cloud, who in times of trouble and distress has mightily defended this nation and our religion, but that does not mean are not religious, but on all important occasions we usually turn to God, as they were that afternoon.

There was something very peculiar about our national history, it has so often repeated Itself.

Hating war we had reluctantly drawn the sword and gone to war unprepared. But we were quite confident God would not let us down, for were we not fighting for God to preserve freedom in the world. The object the British Legion was concern for service men and women. There are many in every town and village who want our concern and the Legion in every town and village tried to Show that through its relief committees.

Diss Express 11th February 1955


To The Editor Dear Sir, At the annual general meeting of the Diss British Legion it was decided that this branch get in touch with local men in the forces, that expression good will from ex- Servicemen may be conveyed to them at appropriate times.

To achieve this object, should be grateful relatives would kindly contact the Chairman, C/o British Legion H.Q., Denmark Street and supply name. No., and also release date, doing National Service.

We should also be pleased to obtain the name and address any Diss ex-Serviceman who may hospital or undergoing treatment elsewhere.

In conclusion may we ask for the co-operation of all concerned so that occasionally our Servicemen be reminded that Diss still remembers those on Service.

Yours sincerely, JOHN MANN. President. G. COLE. Chairman.

Diss Express 11th February 1955.

Diss Lady Legionnaires at Dinner.

The annual dinner of the Women's Section of Diss British Legion was held at the Clubroom, Denmark Street, on Tuesday evening, when ninety members and their friends were welcomed by he chairman (Mrs. Browning).

She said it gave her great pleasure to see such a good attendance, and hoped more members would be recruited.

Mrs. Browning read apologies from members who could not attend, and then proposed the toast to Her Majesty the Queen- Toasts were then proposed to the vice-presidents, the Legion and the visitors, the latter being responded to by Miss Hart from Pulham, on behalf of the visitors.

A presentation was made to Mrs. Barker, an old member, by Mrs. K. Nunn, who is also an old member.

Mr Gardner was thanked for the excellent dinner he had provided and Mr. Clare was thanked for supplying the music for games and dancing which had followed the dinner.

Diss Women’s A.G.M. Correction In the report of the annual meeting of the Diss Branch British Legion Women's Section last week it was stated that Mrs. Barker had been treasurer for 25 years. Mrs. Barker has in fact been a member of the branch for 28 years and treasurer since when she took over from Mrs. D. E. Larter.

Diss Express 11th November 1955.


Diss staged an impressive parade before the Remembrance Day service at the Pariah Church on Sunday afternoon.

Forty members of the Diss Branch of the British Legion, under their chairman, Mr. G. T. Cole, and with Mr. E. Cobb as Standard Bearer, turned out for the march via Denmark Street, Park Road and Mere Street behind the Diss Corps Salvation Army Band.

Admiral A, H. Taylor, CJL, 0.B.E., vice-president of the branch was there In Naval uniform.

The Women’s Section the Diss Branch of the British Legion, with standard bearer Mrs. Scales, supported by Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Ward, was also strongly represented.

Behind the two Legion bodies marched members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade under Lieut. Haysted, the Army Cadet Force under Capt. H. Laws, and the Air Training Corps Cadets under Flt.-Lt. R. Paterson.

A large crowd of spectators gathered in the Market Square saw the impressed marching of the column, many of whom were veterans, as it came from Mere Street Into the Square.

A civic party headed by the chairman of Diss Urban District Council, Mr. Charles Denny, attended at the Church.

In the party were Councillors H. H. W. Cannell, C. E. J. Gaze, J. H. Scoggins, E. Owen and H. Bardwell and the Clerk to the Council, C. Reed Williamson.

Admiral Taylor Joined the Council party in Church.

Mr. H. J. Watts, lay reader, conducted his first Sunday services since the departure last week of the Rector, Bishop W. B. Belcher.

The Rev. R. Hailwood (Methodist minister) led the prayers and the Rev. W. M. Anderson (Congregational minister) assisted.

The preacher was the Rev. F. St. C. Goldie, Rector of Needham, and he chose for his address: Greater love hath no man than to give up his life for his brother.

The lesson was read by Sir John Mann, Bart., president of the Diss branch of the British Legion.

Outstanding memory of wonderful but simple service was the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille by Mr. Stanley Leeder, of the Salvation Army.

Seldom have these two fine trumpet calls been rendered more perfectly.

After the service Mr. Goldie, who was an Army chaplain in both the 1914-18 and 1939-45 wars, conducted a short dedication service the War Memorial outside the Church, and wreaths were laid by various organisations as follows: Sir John Mann Diss British Legion), Mrs. Madgett (Diss British Legion Women), Mr. H. M. Ashton (Diss R.A.F. Association), Mr. C Denny (Diss Urban District Council). Mr. D. E. Larter (Diss Rotary Club), Mrs. D. E. Larter Inner Wheel). Mrs. A. E. Ford (Diss Women’s Institute), Mr. W. H. Cattermoie (Diss Salvation Army), Lt. Haysted (St. John Ambulance Brigade, Diss). and three smart members of each of the two cadet organisations.

Diss Express 10th February 1956

"High Jinks" at Diss Legion Social

The grandest fun we have had for many years and quite like old times" was the comment of more than one person after Monday night's social run by the Diss Branch of the British Legion at the Service Club.

Denmark Street, Diss. This was the first shot in the new campaign to put the Diss Branch of the Legion back on the map as a power and between 60 and 70 men and members of the Women's Section enjoyed real "high jinks," lost pounds in weight and thoroughly enjoyed some first rate entertainment kindly provided by "Buddy" Clarke. an American Serviceman who sings and plays the gaze with equal skill, George Stannard (trumpet), Walter Farr (drums) and Roy Caton at the piano.

Those four kept the party going with old time dances, old time songs, modern songs and instrumental numbers to everyone's delight.

The Club chairman, Mr. Dan Jones, sang a couple of songs which were loudly applauded.

Mr. Peter Fisk provided the music for the games.

In addition to all that there was musical chairs for men—and each one had to grab a lady before sitting down, musical hats which caused much laughter, penny in the bowl for ladies and a competition in which there were 14 different prizes all of which went to different persons.

Members of the Women's Section ran a refreshments stall which was well patronised and Mrs. H. Ward ran the big competition.

The Branch Chairman, Mr. George Cole, took an active part in the proceedings and the vice-chairman, Major R. H. Laverton was M.C.

The next shot in the campaign is the Combined Men's and Women's dinner at the Corn Hall. Diss on Tuesday. 21st. All former members of the Branch are asked to attend as well as an ex-service men and women whose husbands or relatives have been in the forces.

Tickets are available NOW and must be obtained not later than Friday next.

17th February.


Diss staged an impressive parade before the Remembrance Day service at the Pariah Church on Sunday afternoon.

Forty members of the Diss Branch of the British Legion, under their chairman, Mr. G. T. Cole, and with Mr. E. Cobb as Standard Bearer, turned out for the march via Denmark Street, Park Road and Mere Street behind the Diss Corps Salvation Army Band.

Admiral A, H. Taylor, CJL, 0.B.E., vice-president of the branch was there In Naval uniform.

The Women’s Section the Diss Branch of the British Legion, with standard bearer Mrs. Scales, supported by Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Ward, was also strongly represented.

Behind the two Legion bodies marched members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade under Lieut. Haysted, the Army Cadet Force under Capt. H. Laws, and the Air Training Corps Cadets under Flt.-Lt. R. Paterson.

A large crowd of spectators gathered in the Market Square saw the impressed marching of the column, many of whom were veterans, as it came from Mere Street Into the Square.

A civic party headed by the chairman of Diss Urban District Council, Mr. Charles Denny, attended at the Church.

In the party were Councillors H. H. W. Cannell, C. E. J. Gaze, J. H. Scoggins, E. Owen and H. Bardwell and the Clerk to the Council, C. Reed Williamson.

Admiral Taylor Joined the Council party in Church.

Mr. H. J. Watts, lay reader, conducted his first Sunday services since the departure last week of the Rector, Bishop W. B. Belcher.

The Rev. R. Hailwood (Methodist minister) led the prayers and the Rev. W. M. Anderson (Congregational minister) assisted.

The preacher was the Rev. F. St. C. Goldie, Rector of Needham, and he chose for his address: Greater love hath no man than to give up his life for his brother.

The lesson was read by Sir John Mann, Bart., president of the Diss branch of the British Legion.

Outstanding memory of wonderful but simple service was the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille by Mr. Stanley Leeder, of the Salvation Army.

Seldom have these two fine trumpet calls been rendered more perfectly.

After the service Mr. Goldie, who was an Army chaplain in both the 1914-18 and 1939-45 wars, conducted a short dedication service the War Memorial outside the Church, and wreaths were laid by various organisations as follows: Sir John Mann Diss British Legion), Mrs. Madgett (Diss British Legion Women), Mr. H. M. Ashton (Diss R.A.F. Association), Mr. C Denny (Diss Urban District Council). Mr. D. E. Larter (Diss Rotary Club), Mrs. D. E. Larter Inner Wheel). Mrs. A. E. Ford (Diss Women’s Institute), Mr. W. H. Cattermoie (Diss Salvation Army), Lt. Haysted (St. John Ambulance Brigade, Diss). and three smart members of each of the two cadet organisations.

Diss Express 24th February 1956


Now We're the Legion Of The Young —Lord Walsingham at Diss Corn Hall said British Legion is now the Legion of the young and has a wonderful future ahead of It.

l am quite convinced It will go on building and improving on the work we have done in the past.

Lord Walsingham. Eastern Area and Norfolk County president, told a gathering of Legion men and women on Tuesday at Dias Corn Hall, speaking at the annual dinner of the branch of the British Legion.

The steady pressure campaign for new members is having a real effect and the younger men are joining our ranks in such numbers that they now outnumber us old ones by six to four, said Lord Walsingham.

He urged every member of the Diss branch and also all members of outlying branches to keep on telling the public what the Legion's was regards pensions.

"We must not suffer from defeatism for that is not part of our English make-up.

We must have public opinion solidly behind us and we are to get a 90s. a week pension for our disabled members.

You as individuals can make this your own campaign by keeping up a steady pressure on the public.

Once you have their support in full we shall get what we want from the Government."

Giving the latest known Poppy Day figures Lord Walsingham said that so far Norfolk's total was £16,687 with 14 more returns to come as against £17,450 raised at the 1954 Poppy Day.

The National figure to date is, he said, £820.277. It is well known that Lord Walsingham has always had the idea that Norfolk could total £20,000 and it was with a real note of pride that he revealed that the Legion Director of Appeals had told him that the County estimate for 1955 was £19.970. "Can't we raise that odd £30 from somewhere." he asked.

Help the Children The area president appealed to all branches to contribute one shilling per member to the holiday being arranged this summer for British Legion children for one week at a holiday camp at Hopton.

"The Women's Sections will be asked to help, but not financially.

This is something WE MEN MUST DO OURSELVES to give these children a holiday such as they have never known before.

Two of them come from near Diss so you people here have an added interest, he declared.

Lord Walsingham, who was replying to the toast of the British Legion coupled with the Diss branch, referred to the many losses the organisation had suffered recently, particularly by the death of the National chairman, Capt. Hampson, who, he said, had left behind a great example of what one man can do. "His passing should inspire us to do all we can," he added.

Squadron-Leader H. A. J. Bolton, chairman of the Long Stratton branch and No. 9 Group representative on the Norfolk County Committee, who proposed the toast to the Legion, said the Legion was the largest employer of disabled men in the country and that the organisation's prestige was higher today than it had ever been. "Our strength lies in the fact that our membership is formed of men and women of all parties and creeds whose one is to give service before self," he added.

The women can be a great blessing to the British Legion and I have nothing but praise for the great work they have done, and are doing, for us," said Capt. G. G. Vinnicombe, M.8.E.. Eastern Area chairman, proposing the toast to the Women's Section of the British Legion coupled with the Dies branch Women's Section.

He put forward the suggestion that every branch should form a consultative committee with their Women's Section (without executive powers) so that ideas can be pooled.

Of Poppy Day, he added, that it was the women who bore the real brunt of collecting and making the great total collected each year. Capt. Vinnicombe concluded with a tribute to Lord Walsingham, saying: "I know of no other man who has given so much to the Legion."

Mrs. R. H. Laverton, chairman Diss branch Women's Section, in reply said: We owe a debt of gratitude to those who gave their lives and their dependents and we who have our husbands and sons back safely can never forget that. We in the Women's Section will always work to that end."

The toast to the Guests was proposed by Major R. H. Laverton, vice-chairman of the Diss branch, In the absence through illness of Mr. George T. Cole. Chairman.

Mrs. G. A. Hart, Norfolk County representative and chairman of the Pulham Women's Section, and Mr. Charles Denny. chairman Diss Urban District Council, replied.

Major R. C. Bolingbroke, MC., D.C.M., a vice-president of the Diss branch, presided in the absence of the branch president, Sir John Mann, Bart., and the senior vice-president, Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, C.B.E.

Legion Tribute to the fallen was said by Major Bolingbroke and the Rev. W. M. Anderson. chaplain to the branch of the Legion, said grace.

Mr. D. Cole was toastmaster.

From Diss Express 24th February 1956.

Diss Women to Visit Legion Village.

In May DISS British Legion Women's Section are to visit the British Legion village at Maidstone on 30th May next for their annual outing It was decided at the February meeting of the branch on Monday at the Service Club, Diss.

Mrs. R. H. Laverton was in the chair.

One new member. Mrs. Gladwell, was welcomed.

This makes a total of nine new members enrolled since October. Mrs. I. Madgett, who attended the Area conference in London last week, gave an interesting and comprehensive report touching on resolutions passed, the pensions scheme and Poppy Day collection increases which all members enjoyed.

She was thanked by Mrs. Goodwin.

The branch is to enter the Norfolk County British Legion needlework and handicrafts competitions.

Entries have to be made next October.

A bring and buy stall was held and proved a success.

A demonstration on making needles needless was given by Miss Clark.

She was thanked by Mrs. R. Nunn.

Diss Express 29th June 1956


A bus load of Diss Legionaries went to the Norfolk County British Legion Rally at Swaffham on Sunday.

The Diss Men's Branch standard was carried by Mr. Cobb and the Women's Section by Mrs. Scales.

There were 250 standards and eleven bands at the Rally.

The salute was taken by Lieut.-Col. C. G. Larking, a former National chairman.

Lord Walsingham, Area and County president, laid a wreath on the Swaffham War Memorial on behalf of the County Committee.

Diss Express 13th July 1956.

Lady footballers to play at Diss Legion fete.

Big attraction of the Diss British Legion fete and sports to be held on the Roydon Road football ground tomorrow week (21st July) will be the first appearance in the town this year of the Diss ladies' football team.

They are to meet a team called the "1956 Heartthrobs " and Mr. I. (Pip) Wilby, the Diss Town F.C. trainer, is to referee the match which will start at 6.45 p.m.

Diss Express 17th Aug 1956.

Visit to Halsey House, arranged by Diss Legion women.

DISS British Legion Women's Section are to visit Halsey House, Cromer, one of the Legion homes for elderly ex-Servicemen, on Tuesday, 18th September, and arrangements for the visa were approved at the Women's Section August meeting at the Service Club, Diss, on Wednesday.

Members wishing to go are asked to contact the chairman, Mrs. R. H. Laverton, or the secretary, Mrs. L. Nunn, as soon as possible.

Coach will leave the Market Place, Dias, at 9 a.m.

The meeting agreed that £37 4s of the Women's Section share of the recent Legion fete be sent forthwith to the following Legion funds: £l0 l0s to Children's Home; £6 to Rest Home for Women; £4 4s to Widows' Allowance Fund; £4 to Welfare Fund; £4 to Headquarters; £5 to the County Fund; and £4 to the Eastern Area Fund.

The balance to be held ready for the Poppy Day Appeal.

It was announced that the annual general meeting of Group No. 9 will be held at Diss Service Club, Denmark Street, on Monday, 17th September, at 2.30 p.m.

Competitions with winners names in parenthesis were run as follows:

Names of towns by Mrs. Browning (Mrs. Scales); music titles by Mrs. Barber (Mrs. Laverton); advertisements by Mrs. Laverton (Mrs. Last).

A competition in aid of funds for prizes given by Mrs. Goodwin was won by Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Scales.

A bring and buy stall was held, Mrs. Browning being the seller. Mrs. Laverton presided.

Next meeting of the branch was fixed for Wednesday 19th September.

19th October 1956

Diss Legion Women had an active year

DISS and District British Legion Women's Section is in a healthy state having 74 paid up members and has been extremely active over the past year, it was revealed at the annual meeting on Wednesday at the Service Club, Denmark Street.

As the president, Mrs. A. H. Taylor, was unable to attend, the chairman, Mrs. R. H. Laverton, presided supported by Mrs. C. J. H. Browning (vice-chairman), Mrs. L. Nunn (hon. secretary) and Mrs. G. Barker (hon. treasurer).

Mrs. Nunn gave an excellent report of the year's activities.

She recorded that party of members had visited Preston Hall and Halsey House and that delegates had attended conferences held in Norwich, London and the Isle of Man and also the County rally at Swaffham.

Poppy Day last year had been a record collection of £237 and £94 had been raised at the Legion fete In July.

She was congratulated on introducing 15 of the 17 new members who had joined during the year.

The treasurer (Mrs. Barker), who reported that the Section had a paid up membership of 74 and a balance in hand of £141 0s 2d, was congratulated by the chairman on the way her report was presented.

Letters from Over 60's Club and Halsey House thanking the Section for gifts of 100 plates and a bath seat respectively, and a letter of resignation from Mrs. W. Bale, who has just left the town, were read.

It was decided that a letter be sent to Mrs. Bale thanking her for her work for the Section.

Two new members, Mrs. Burlingham and Mrs. R. Baker, were welcomed.

The chairman appealed to all members to support the Poppy Day whist drive and the Midnight film show being held next month in aid of the Earl Haig Fund, he paid tribute to the efficient way in which the Diss traders were responding in giving prizes for the whist drive.

Members were asked to help by giving items of groceries from which grocery parcels for competitions could be made up for these events.

An appeal for gifts of outgrown clothing suitable for children of two to sixteen years to be given to the Goodrich Memorial Home, Palgrave, was also made by the chairman.

The election of officers for the forthcoming year with Mrs. R. Nunn and Mrs. Wright acting as scrutineers resulted as follows: Chairman, vice chairman, secretary and treasurer all re-elected: committee, Mrs. H. Ward, Mrs. F. Fisk, Mrs. J. Last, Mrs. A. Steggies, Mrs. E. Madgett, Jun_ Mrs. A. biladgettson., Mrs. J. Scales, Mrs. J. Eagle. Mrs. A. H. Lupton proposed that in future all members should pay a deposit when they booked seats on outings, and should be responsible for full payment except in cases of illness.

Those members who intended taking part in the Poppy Day parade should assemble at the Service Club on Sunday, 11th November.

The chairman proposed Mrs. Browning should lay the wreath on the War Memorial that day.

Mrs. Barker was elected delegate for the County conference to be held in Norwich on 28th November.

The next meeting on 21st November will be a bring and buy sale in aid of the Earl Haig Fund.

Diss Express November 23rd 1956.


The last of the whist drives run by the Diss Branch British Legion Women's Section in aid of the Earl Haig Poppy Day Fund at the Service Club, Diss, on Friday attracted 54 players (131 tables) and helped to bring the total raised by these drives to over £15.

Mr. A. J. Lincoln was M.C. and Mrs. Fisk, presented the prizes to : Ladies—Mrs. V. Betts (174), Mrs F. Hubbard (171), Mrs. T. Wells (170). Gentlemen—Mr. S. Rice (177), Mr. G. Rayner (171), Mrs. G. Barker (playing as gent 171). , Mrs. R. H. Laverton and Mrs. F. Bissett; consolation, Mrs. Gipson, Mrs. S. Sandy, Mr. L. Leeder and Mrs. Manning.

Competition winners were Mr. F. Batchelor and Mrs. Locke.


Diss and District Branch of the British Legion has donated £5 from branch funds towards the Hungarian Relief Fund appeal launched by Rear- Admiral A. H. Taylor, O.B.E., chairman of Diss Urban District 'Council, last week.

Diss Express 22nd March 1957


Diss Branch British Legion Women's Section at their March meeting on Wednesday chose Mrs. L. Nunn to be their delegate at the annual conference of women's sections at the Albert Hall. London, on 15th and 16th May with the branch standard bearer, Mrs. Scales, to accompany her.

Mrs. M. Browning (vice-chairman) was chosen as delegate to attend the Group meeting at Long Stratton on 2nd April, and Mrs. A. H. Lupton offered to go as visitor to Cambridge on Sunday, 7th July, and take the standard bearer for the dedication of the new Eastern Area standard at King's College.

Members expressed their appreciation of the arrangements made for the visit to Chivers' factory at Cambridge on Tuesday and the chairman. Mrs. R. H. Laverton, thanked the secretary. Mrs. L. Nunn, and treasurer, Mrs. G. Barker, for the work they had put in to make the outing such a success.

Mrs. Twists, a vice-president of the branch, gave a most delightful and interesting film show and talk on her recent travels abroad.

This was thoroughly enjoyed, the marvellous scenery and colours taking everyone's breath away.

She was warmly thanked.

The Bring-and-buy stall was run by Mrs. Browning.

Competition winners were Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Wells.

Tea was served by the committee.

Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Steggles providing the refreshments.

The speaker at the next meeting on Wednesday. 17th April, will be the Rev. R. Hailwood when a collection of eggs and chocolate eggs will be made for the Goodrich Memorial Home at Palgrave.

Diss Express 22nd March 1957

Highest Legion honour for Diss man

The highest honour the British Legion can bestow on a member of the Legion, Gold Badge, has been applied for by the Diss branch for their late secretary, Mr. W. C. (Billy) Hubbard, it was announced at the No. 9 Group meeting by the Diss chairman, Major R. H. Laverton, at the Service Club, Denmark Street, Dias, on Wednesday.

"Few men have done more for the Legion than Billy Hubbard.

He has been a member of the Legion for 30 years and as secretary of this branch for 27 years has done a tremendous amount of good work, and he is still an active member and one of our keenest committee men." said the chairman.

The Presentation of which has yet to be approved by the National chairman. will be made at a later date which will be announced.

Owing to the retirement of the former Group secretary, Mr. B. W. Wood (Winfarthing), to whom the best wishes of the Group were sent as he is still in hospital, a new secretary had to be appointed and Mr. S. H. G. Abigail (Long Stratton), who volunteered for the job, was elected unanimously.

Some 80 Legionnaires, about 40 of them members of women's sections, attended the meeting and refreshments were served afterwards by mernbers of the Diss Branch Women's Section.

Squadron Leader J. H. L. Bolton (Long Stratton), the Group's County representative, gave an interesting and comprehensive report dealing with such points as brightening of County conference.

The County Rally at Gorleston on 2nd June at which the National chairman will be present.

The Legion tent will be at the forthcoming Royal Show.

Of Poppy Day he revealed that Group 9 had collected £l000 in 1956 and called for an even bigger effort this year.

He pointed out that the Eastern Area total for 1956 were £115:00 more than in 1955 (total £137.054) and that the Norfolk total of 117.761 was 11.00 up on 1955 which meant that Norfolk had been responsible for more than two-thirds of the Eastern Area Increase.

Branch reports were given by Mr. A. Lockett (Dickleburgh). Mr. R. A. Seaman (Diss). Mr. P. E. Talbot (Harleston). Mr. A. Cook (Long Stratton).

The Pulham's branch report was read for them and there was no representative present from the Tibenham or Winfarthing branch.

The chairman appealed to all branches to support the Diss branch drumhead service on Sunday, 16th June, when the two Diss standards will be re-dedicated.

A competition held during the evening was won by Mr. A. Fletcher (Diss) and Mrs. Dickinson (Dickleburgh):

The next meeting of Group 9 will be at Dickleburgh by invitation Of branch on Tuesday, 13th June. At 7:30 pm.

Diss Express 8th November 1957

Arrangements for Poppy Day in Diss

Ex- Service men and women and members of Diss Branch British Legion Women's Section, Army Cadets, Air Training Cadets, St. John Ambulance Brigade. the Boy Scouts and other organizations are invited to take part in the parade fall in 2.15 p.m. outside Diss Service Club, Denmark Street for the annual Remembrance Day service at Diss Parish Church on Sunday (10th November).

The march to the Church will, as in former years, be led by the Diss Salvation Army Band and the usual route Park Road and Mere Street will be taken.

By permission of the Rector of Diss, the Rev. L. 0. Kenyon, who will conduct the service, the Salvation Army band will play in the Church for the hymns.

The address this year will be given by the Rev. R. Kellwood.

A short service will be held at the war memorial outside the Church after the main service and wreaths will be laid then.

Turf has been laid In front of the war memorial as a miniature garden of Remembrance and any member of the public wishing to place a cross there may do so.

Crosses can be obtained from the poppy sellers.

Members of the public will, as usual, be warmly welcomed at the service at the Parish Church.

Sale of poppies has been carried out in Diss by members of the women's section during the first four days of week and street sellers will be making great efforts today (Friday) and tomorrow to induce the public to buy more in an effort to get up to last year's record total of £3l0.

Some splendid prizes have been given by the tradesmen of the town and by the president and vice-presidents of the Diss Branch British Legion for tomorrow's big whist drive at the Corn Hall in aid of Poppy Day and it is hoped that everyone will support this effort and that at least 10 tables will be in play.

Top prize for both ladies and gents is £2:10:4 but the other prizes, which are still on display in the Diss Publishing Company's window, are also well worth winning.

A Jumble sale in aid of the same fund is being run by the women's section on Friday, 22nd November, and some excellent bargains have already been collected.

Diss Express 13th September 1957


Six members of the Diss Branch British Legion and nine members of the Diss Women's Section attended the Long Stratton rally on Sunday when that branch had a new standard dedicated.

The Diss branch standards were carried by Mr. J. Last and Mrs. R. H. Lavertoll, chairman of the Women's Section.

Diss Express 8th November 1957


Call to young men to join Legion before hard times come.

Suggestion that hard times may be coming when men will appreciate having the British Legion behind them once again made by the chairman of Diss Branch British Legion, Major B. Laverten, at the annual meeting of the branch on Friday at the Diss Service Club, Denmark Street.

The older men, said the chairman, were still the backbone of the Legion, but he appealed to the younger ex-Servicemen, and those who have completed their National Service, to come forward and join now for without them the Legion cannot do all the work it wants to do.

The continued apathy in the affairs of the branch by the rank and file caused the officers and committee much anxiety and it was still the same old faithful few' who gave up much of their spare time so that others might benefit.

We want the younger men as members and officers, and we want them now before any difficult time arrives," the chairman added.

On pensions Major Laverton said it seemed likely that the Government may, in the near future, give way to the Legion's insistent call for a pension of 90s for their disabled members.

Poppy Day ' If that does come about every member should talk about it outside the Legion so that people can realize how strong we are`.

It may persuade some younger ones to join us and help out, he commented on the great honour work." brought to the branch,

The chairman concluded by remarking that Head quarters approving the presentation of medal that it ought to be made known a Gold Badge, the highest award the that the Legion can bestow, to Mr. W. C. (Billy) Hubbard on benevolent work in the town Hubbard who had been secretary of and district had been on behalf of the branch for 27 years.

Some of that help had been given to younger ex-Servicemen and at the age of 71 he celebrated his birthday on Monday.

Mr. Seaman concluded by asking the committee for their members to pay their subscriptions, which is a great help the chairman, if paid more promptly and thus help to make tribute to the secretary, Mr. R. A. his job easier.

During this year Mr Seaman, who did not always have to minute personal applications had to be easy a task, and to the splendid way made in September to more than half in which the treasurer, Mr. W. H. Cattermole the members to get subscriptions paid had mastered a job which up.

The end of the Legion, Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, C. 8. O.B.E., who presided in the absence of the president, Sir John Mann. Bart., the branch finances Mr. W. H. Catter commented on the great loss of the Diss mole (Note, the word is clearly MOLE, but makes no sense!!), revealed that the Branch British Legion had suffered by emergency fund used for helping local the death of Mr. Clement Gaze, one of deserving cases stands at £l88 19s 6d their senior vice-presidents, and that in the two other funds the secretary reported that branch has a credit balance of £58 of the branch now stands at £145 9d.

He pointed out that many of the members paid up and that with the expenses during 1956/57 such as £l9 Scole sub-branch the total membership bus fares, £l2 re-dedication service and was now 171.

During the year 23 new members the like are not likely to reoccur.

The members had joined. Scole sub-branch has a balance of £23

Diss Express 15th February 1957


Twelve tables were in play at the Diss Branch British Legion partner whist drive at the Service Club, Denmark Street, on Tuesday.

Mrs. Colson distributed the prizes to: 1, Mr. Woods and Mr. Wythe (172); 2, Mrs. F. Studd and Mrs. Lester (170); 3. Mrs. J. Lincoln and Mrs. Sandys 1170); miniature, Mrs. P. Wells and Mrs. S. White; consolation, Mrs. Prentice and Mrs. Alden.

Competition winners were Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Eagle.

Mr. R. H. Laverton was M.C.

Diss Express 17th May 1957.


DISS ARRANGEMENTS DISS Branch British Legion have arranged for two coaches for members of the branch and the women's section wishing to attend the county rally at Gorleston on Sunday, 2nd June.

It is intended to make this a real day's outing at the seaside and the coaches will leave from outside the Service Club. Denmark Street, at 9.30 that morning and return in the evening.

Fare for both men and women will be 4/- (four shillings) per head.

Bookings should be made NOT later than next Friday, 24 May, either on the list posted at the Service Club or with the secretary of either the men's or women's section. Fares must be paid at time of booking.

Legion Women's Sections

Diss has 71 members DISS Branch British Legion Women's Section it was reported at the annual meeting on Wednesday at the Service Club, Diss, by the hon. secretary, Mrs. L. Nunn, who attended all conferences and group meetings during the year, and the Standard had been present at all rallies held.

The treasurer, Mrs. A. Barker, revealed that the bank balance now stands at £l4 15s 8d and that donations amounting to £37 14s have been sent to various Legion funds.

The four officers were re-elected Mrs. M. L. Laverton (chairman), Mrs. M. Browning (vice-chairman), Mrs. L. Nunn (secretary) and Mrs. A. Barker (treasurer).

The new committee is Mesdames Baker, Eagle, Fletcher, Fiske, Last, Madgett, Scales and Ward. Scrutineers at the election were Mesdames A. Lupton and J. Madgett.

Mrs. Browning was nominated as delegate to the County Conference at Norwich on 13th November, Mrs. H. Ward as representative to the Over 60's Club and Mrs. Laverton to the Diss Town Carnival Committee.

Various articles made by members for the county competition were on display.

Arrangements for sorting and labelling for Poppy Day were agreed and the attention of members was drawn to a jumble sale in aid of the Earl Haig Fund on 22nd November.

The branch standard is to attend the Remembrance Day service on 10th November and the escorts will be Mesdames Fletcher and Barker with Mesdames Nunn and Fiske as deputies.

The branch wreath will be laid by the chairman.

The competition and refreshments were given by Mesdames Steggies and Ward. Winners of the former were Mesdames Barker and Madgett.

Next branch meeting is on 20th November.

Diss Express 7th March 1958.


Legion Women's Outing — 30 members of the Diss Branch British Legion Women's Section visited Messrs. Reckitt, Colman's factory at Norwich on Tuesday and after an enjoyable and instructive tour of vast works, were entertained to tea by the company.

Each member received a souvenir gift of the company's products before leaving.

Diss Express 30th May 1958.


Thirty-three members of the Diss Branch British Legion Women's Section visited Bournville on Wednesday and were shown over Cadbury's factory and the model housing estate built for the firm's employees.

Each member of the party was given a memento box of Cadbury's products on leaving and the firm entertained the party to tea.

There were 700 other visitors at the factory from different parts of the country.

During the summer months the firm frequently handles over 1,000 visitors a day.

14th November 1958


Both the Diss Branch British Legion and women’s section standards with escorts attended a service of remembrance at the Church of St. Remigius, Roydon, on Sunday morning.

Mr. E. Cobb carried the men's standard with Messrs. R. A. Seaman and A. Fletcher as escorts, while the women's standard was carried by Mrs. A. Fletcher with Mrs. R. H. Laverton and Mrs. L. Nunn as escorts.

It was the first time the women's section standard had been to Roydon.

The Rector, the Rev. W. J. Moffat. who conducted the service, dwelt on the text "What mean ye by this service."

He made special mention of the recent illness of the late chairman of the Branch British Legion. Mr. George Cole.

Before the service began both banners of the Legion sections were presented at the Altar.

The lessons were read by Mr. R. S. Copeman. J.P. and Major R. H. Laverton, chairman of the Dies Branch.

Mr. A. Rolfe was organist.

After the service which was well attended. a brief service of remembrance was conducted at the War Memorial when the Rector read out the roll of honour.

Major Laverton paid the Legion Tribute and Mr. A. C. Branch played the "Last Post " and " Reveille."Mr. " Bert'.' Howard laid the Roydon wreath.

The collection for the Earl Haig Fund realized £.3 10s.

Diss Express 21st November 1958

Diss Legion appeal for more young members

Diss and District has "given the lie " to a well-known TV personality's suggestion in a Sunday newspaper that the hearts of the public are no longer with the Poppy Day appeal or with the British Legion by the fact that poppy sales are up £11 as compared with 1957, Major R. H. Laverton (chairman) told the annual meeting of the Dias branch of the British Legion on Thursday last week at the Service Club.

Commenting on the fact that only one-fifth of the branch was on parade on Remembrance Sunday, the chairman said it certainly did not reflect great credit on them.

Membership of 150 must be less than half the number of ex-Servicemen living in the town today.

He appealed for more young members, particularly those who served in the last war and National Servicemen, to come forward and help carry on the great work of the Legion.

Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, O.B.E., senior vice-president, took the chair in the absence of the president, Sir John Mann, Bt.

Other vice- presidents present were Dr. V. P. Robinson, Mr. H. G. Apthome, Mr. W. T. Cracknell and Mr. W. C. Hubbard.

The secretary, Mr. R. A. Seaman, reporting a membership of 149 only 100 fully paid up said that seven new members had been enrolled during the year.

This, he contended, compared badly with the small sub-branch at Scole which had increased its membership by 14 to a total of 38.

During the year £20 had been paid out in benevolent work and £25 had been paid to Legion charities.

Two pension cases had been sent to headquarters and one of these had been successful.

The branch balances of £101 in the branch general fund and £151 in the benevolent fund, the treasurer, Mr. W. H. Cattermole, urged that a large part of the first named fund could devoted to Legion work.

It was decided to leave this to the committee.

The chairman extended the thanks of the branch to the members of the women's section for all they had done for Poppy Day and during the W.V.S. for having the War Memorial cleaned and renovated, the vice-presidents for their unwavering support at all times and also the secretary, treasurer and committee for the work done during the year.

Mr. W. T. Cracknell propose a vote of thanks to Mrs. R. H. Laverton for taking over as Poppy Day organizer at short notice from Mr. G. Cole on account of his illness and on his proposition Mrs. Laverton was unanimously elected as Poppy Day organizer for 1959.

Among matters discussed were a recruiting campaign for new members (every existing member asked to bring in at least ONE new member), a dinner with the women's section early next year and a possible programme for branch meetings in 1951 and an appeal for members to form a band.

Sir John Mann was re-elected president and the vice-presidents were re-elected en bloc. Major R. H. Laverton (chairman). the Rev. W. P. J. Fair (vice-chairman). Mr. R. A. Seaman (secretary), Mr. W. H. Cattermole (treasurer) and Mr. E. Cobb (standard bearer) with Mr. A. Branch as deputy were all re-elected.

Mr. F. Kerry was elected assistant-secretary and a member of the committee which is: Messrs. A. Fisk, W. C. Hubbard, W. Kemp, F. Kerry, J. Last, S. Rice. D. Veer, H. Ward, A. Webb and R. Webb.

The Rev. W. P. J. Fair was elected chaplain to the branch.

Diss Express 23rd January 1959


Diss Branch British Legion Women's Section paid silent tributes to one of their founder members. Mrs. E. Salter, and also to the former chairman of the men's branch. Mr. G. T. Cole, at their meeting on Wednesday.

Mrs. M. Browning, vice-chairman, was appointed delegate for the National Conference at the Albert Hall, London, on 7th May, and Mrs. R. Baker was chosen as delegate for the Eastern Area Conference at Murton House, London, on Wednesday, 1lth February, to be accompanied by the standard bearer, Mrs. A Fletcher.

Number nine group meet at on Monday (26th January) and a coach to take Diss members will leave the Market Place at 2 p.m.

Mrs. L. Nunn (secretary) gave an Interesting report on the recent County conference.

The needlework and handicraft certificates awarded to members of the branch at the county conference were distributed by the chairman. Mrs. M. L. Laverton, as follows: 1st class Mrs. A. L. Barker, Mrs. M. Browning, Mrs. A. Fletcher and Mrs. M. L. Laverton; second class Mrs. A. L. Barker, Mrs. J. E. Last and Mrs. J. Scales.

The certificate which the branch was awarded as runners-up for the Davy Cup was also on show.

A trading stall is to be run each month in aid of branch funds.

Next branch meeting is on 18th February.

Refreshments and competitions were given by Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Browning.

The competition winners were Mesdames Barker, Goodwin and Lupton.

Diss Express 20th March 1959


Owing to so many members of both the men's and women's sections of the Diss Branch British Legion being ill with influenza the dinner organized by the women's section for next Wednesday, 25th March, at the Diss Service Club, had to be postponed.

It is hoped to be able to arrange this In the early autumn.