poppy field


The Addison-Williamson Award



I am proud to announce that this afternoon (01/02/2025), Diss and District Royal British Legion Branch was awarded, at the Royal British Legion Norfolk County Conference at Norfolk County Hall by the RBL Norfolk County Committee, the Addison-Williamson Award for the Branch Progress and Efficiency over the year 2024.

Some of the reasons for the award included closely working with the Local Town Council, use of Multi Media with it own Web Page, Facebook Page and use of Local community site, also the use of the Local Paper and Local Radio.

The Drum Head Service for 2024, (along with the local Salvation Army), where the Tradition of Remembrance was mixed with allowing the Public good access to the Service and involvement of local youngsters from Schools and Cadet Forces reading out, in memory, the names on the War Memorial, followed by a Remembrance Service at St Mary`s Church, Diss.

Also supporting the Town at the Carnival and our own Armed Forces Day (with support of the local RAFA and Army and Air Cadets) event.

The award was picked up on behalf of the Branch by Committee members, Mary Cotton, (joint Diss Citizen of the Year 2024) and Robert J Rogers, Branch Secretary.

The Framed Certificate was signed by the County chairman and the County President.

The Branch will also be featured in a full page spread in the next Royal British Legion magazine, which goes world wide to the 200000 RBL Members.

Robert J Rogers

Branch Secretary

Diss and District,

Royal British Legion.