poppy field


St Andrews Church Cemetery, Haughton Le Skerne War Graves

They shall not grow old,
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them


Darlington Borough Council, and The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, have both approved for Darlington Branch of The Royal British Legion to publish photos and information of War Graves and Memorials within the Darlington area. 

(Updated 12/07/2024) 

Please Note

  • War Graves Are Not Shown In Any Country, Date, Rank, Corps, Unit, Organisation Or Regimental Order


There are 3 War Graves within St Andrews Church Cemetery, Haughton Le Skerne.  They are all servicemen, from:

  • The United Kingdom


30040363 Marine Owen Wason - Royal Marines (45 Commando Group) - Died 24/10/2016 Aged 26




4200011 Sgt George David Hardy - Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Died 13/08/1944 Aged 28



William Rigg - 5th Durham Light Infantry - Died 14/01/1917 Aged 25

(Rank and Number Not Known - Buried With Family Members)