poppy field


Branch AGM Tuesday 17 October 2023


The Chairman reported a very successful year and he thanked the Members for their support

The hall activity had increased and all safety inspections had been carried out to satisfaction.

The treasurer reported a good year financially with an increase to branch funds.

Membership remained static at 71 Members.

Poppy Appeal had reached a grand total of £23,688.16

The President thanked the Chairman and committee and the members for their continued support but asked for an effort to recruit new members to keep the Branch healthy.




The AGM was followed by the monthly General Meeting

A talk was given by Les Hounsome on the restoration and his first flight of a Cesna aircraft.


The regular draw for Poppy Appeal followed.





At the General Meeting on Tuesday 12th April 2022, we were pleased to welcome the Hampshire County President, Colonel Andrew King.

He spoke of the present and future of the Royal British Legion and the membership of the Legion.

He also spoke of the situation in the Ukraine and the impact for the Legion.


Prior to his talk, Colonel King presented Certificates of appreciation to those persons in the parish who had given excellent service to the Copythorne & District Branch RBL.
