poppy field



last update 17.7.24

Mod - MembershipCopythorne & District BranchMod - Membership

Royal British Legion

offer you and your friends a very warm invitation to the events listed below:

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact

Branch Chairman - Martin Kinley         on 023 8081 4732



Branch Meetings are held at 7.00pm

on the third Tuesday of each month

(except August)

In the ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Hall, Southampton Road, Cadnam  SO40 2NB



Please note:-

Parking in the Haywain Car Park is now restricted, unless you are visiting the pub.

There is CCTV and new rules. Please take care.


 The funeral for Mrs Betty Haines will take place at Test Valley crematorium at 1pm on Thursday 25 July 2024

The crematorium is in Ridge Lane, Romsey SO51 6AB - off the A3090 between Ower and Romsey



Keep looking for details of speakers for the other Branch meetings - HERE





August - NO BRANCH MEETING - have a good holiday!


Next Branch Meeting                        on Tuesday 17 September 2024

John Smith - historian

'Battle of Britain - Aircraft casualties in the New Forest'

plus our usual Draw in aid of Poppy Appeal.


Tuesday 15th October - Branch AGM

Helen Kinley and Denise Wiltshire - Poppy Appeal

'The workings of the Appeal in the Copythorne  district'


Tuesday 19th November - Roy Reynolds

'History and origins of London's water'


Tuesday 17th December - Branch meeting followed by

Xmas get-together for chat & games.




This trip is also POSTPONED DUE TO PARLIAMENT DATES - Watch this space


*************             TRIP TO the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT 

A date will be arranged when the Autumn session of Parliament date is announced.

Contact Keith Jones (023 8081 3412   or   07860 612423    or   keith.jones@kingstarnet.co.uk )

Cost will be in the region of £18 - £20     - leave Copythorne Parish Hall by 8.30am

or see Keith at the next meeting.



- - - - -        STRICTLY      -       TAI-CHI      - - - - - 



This is a wonderful low impact form of exercise open to all. Please feel free to come along and try it out.

And tell all of your friends.



YOGA is back



evening from 6pm - 7pm

There also morning sessions - come along and enquire.


Just come along and 'enjoy' yourself
