poppy field

Consett & District

The Poppy Appeal in Consett

The Poppy Appeal in Consett & District

Consett & District Branch has shown its fundraising skills by once again improving on its Poppy Appeal total. We've topped £41,929.72 passing last year's final total of £37,334.81.

So well done everybody, and a big Thank You to all the people of Conset & Distrcict who have been so generous again. 

Poppy People

Anyone interested in helping the Poppy Appeal should contact one of our Poppy Appeal Organisers mentioned below:

Anfield Plain PAO: Anne Musgrove - 01207 237920
Burnopfield PAO: June Gatenby - 01207 294120
Consett Branch PAO: June Gatenby - 01207 294120
Consett PAO: Vera Parnaby - 01207 500679
Stanley PAO: Anne Musgrove - 01207 237920