poppy field

Colston Bassett


CBOC AGM - THURSDAY 11 OCTOBER 2018 – 7.00pm at the Cotgrave Club NG12 3PJ

Dear CBOC Members,

I hope that you have had a great summer break full of holidays and sunshine. The purpose of this letter is to call you in to the AGM on Thursday 11 October.

Timing.            The CBOC Branch AGM is for members of CBOC although others are welcome to attend, but not to vote. The meeting will start promptly at 7.00 pm, doors and bar open at 6.30 pm.

Location.         The Cotgrave Club, Woodview, Cotgrave NG12 3PJ. Last year we held our AGM at the Cotgrave Club and had a good meeting and a good meal in a lovely location. The hall will accommodate as many attendees as we could expect, has adequate car parking and is relatively close to members’ homes.

Supper.            The AGM will be followed by a supper which Members and their friends are welcome to attend. Members wishing to attend the AGM but not the supper are of course perfectly at liberty to do so. The charge for supper, payable on the evening, will be £8 which includes a small contribution to the Branch Welfare fund and a tip for the staff. Menu and booking details are at the bottom of this letter.

AGM Business.           The provisional AGM Agenda is below. Please note the following:

  • Item 2 - Apologies. Should you be unable to attend please send your apologies to the secretary.
  • Item 4 - Minutes of the Last Meeting. These were sent out after last year’s AGM. A copy will be available in the hall before the meeting.
  • Item 7 - Preparation and Adoption of Accounts. The accounts will be audited shortly and copies will be available along with a summary in the hall.
  • Item 8 - Election of Officers and Conference Delegates.       Anyone wishing to stand for election as a member of the committee (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare (BCS), Events, Poppy Appeal Coordinator) should inform the Secretary in writing or by e mail before 4 October.
  • Item 12 - Matters Raised by Members. Members wishing to add any matter to the agenda must inform the Secretary in writing or by e mail before 4 October.
  • Final Agenda. If there are any changes to the provisional agenda they will be notified at the AGM.






Act of Remembrance









Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Summary and signing



Matters Arising



Chairman and Secretary’s Report

Last year’s activity including events, poppy appeal, liaison

Chairman / Secretary


Presentation and adoption of the accounts

            Distribution of Funds



Election of Officers, Committee Members & Conference Delegate

            Length of tenure



Consider Motions and Charter Motions for submission to the Annual Meeting of the County/District Conference.



Presentation and adoption of the 2019 draft plan




Confirmation of support for the Poppy Appeal,

Remembrance Day parade and church services,

Remembrance Day lunch.

Poppy Coordinator Secretary

Events Member


Matters raised by Members



Date of next AGM




AGM and Supper Attendance.     We must let the Cotgrave Club know our numbers and menu choices by 8 October so please let the Chairman or Secretary know the following before close of play 6 October.


How many in your party for the AGM.



How many chooseto eat: Steak Pie, Chips, Garden Peas and Gravy.



How many chooseto eat: Chicken and Mushroom Pie, Chips, Garden Peas and Gravy



How many choose to eat: Salmon, New Potatoes, Coleslaw and salad garnish with Hollandaise Sauce




Look forward to seeing you there

Yours Sincerely

John Ludlam