poppy field

Colston Bassett



PLAN 2016

Registered Charity Number 219279 January 2016

1. Introduction.
a. 2015. CBOC Branch had a very successful 2015. The Branch recruited 8 new members, attracted about 100 people to the Mar Belvoir Wassailors concert, attracted over 100 people to the Jul ‘Lost Lancaster’ Story summer talk and took 38 people to the National Memorial Arboretum visit in Sept . CBOC raised over £2200 outside the Poppy Appeal (against a target of £2000) and £8448 during the Poppy Appeal (against a target of £5000).
b. Granby, Barnstone and District (GBD). CBOC trustees became the trustees of GBD sub branch on 1 Jan 2015. Administration and finance of GBD are now integrated within CBOC. On 31 Dec 2015 GBD had 14 members and is to remain a sub branch for a further year.
c. New Membership Procedures (Comradeship). During its development program The RBL has redesigned its membership database, the way members join and the method of paying fees. All members are now individually responsible for payment and many new methods of payment have been introduced. As at 31 Dec 2015 five CBOC members had not renewed their membership. They have until 31 Mar 2016 to do so.
d. IT. During 2015 The RBL introduced a ‘membership intranet’ based on Windows 365; this will in time replace the Branch database. The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare Member and GBD Representative now have access to the data on the Intranet which will develop over the coming year. The treasurer has completed the LOMAS course and the accounts are now completed on line.
e. Welfare. The branch now hands external (non Branch member) welfare cases to the Regional Welfare resources. The RBL are currently working on the support system for internal (member) welfare which will be established and working this coming year.
f. WW1 - CBOC Great War Project. After a good start the CBOC WW1 project has advanced slowly during 2015. The web site www.CBOCGWP.co.uk has been enhanced after 3 members visited France and Belgium in Jun to photograph graves and war memorials. A member of the Cotgrave community has been most helpful in researching the details of the Colston Bassett memorial names and is now working a family tree system on Ancestry.com to acquire additional detail. The Project will continue until 2018.
g. 2016 Final Plan. The Draft 2016 Plan was presented to the AGM on 7 Oct 2015 and was endorsed by the 43 members present .The Plan has been written in accordance with the CBOC Strategy 2015 to 2020.
2. Aim. The aim of this document is to provide a plan for CBOC business in 2016.
3. Objectives. The CBOC objectives for 2016 are:
a. Membership (Comradeship).
(1) New Members. The Branch has 122 members but the average age remains high and the number of ex-servicemen low. Anyone wishing to join the Branch will be welcome but recruiting effort will go towards identifying and recruiting 5 serving and ex-service members under 60.
(2) Events and CBOC Gatherings. Run the following events and gatherings:
• 19 Feb Sat – Branch Spring Meeting and Supper at Notts G & CC.
• 16 Mar Wed – Visit to Newark Air Museum (Member Transport)
• 27 Mar Easter Sun – Support Martins Arms Easter Egg Rolling.
• 16 Apr Sat - Poppy Ball at the Crown Plaza.
• 28 Apr Thur – Meeting and Supper at Lime Kiln.
• 26 May Thur – Boat trip and meal
• 31 May – Commemorate the start of the Battle of Jutland.
• 18 Jun Sat – Tombola Stand at the Cotgrave Festival.
• 17 Jul Sun – Talk and Supper. Main Fundraising Event.
• TBD Sep Sat – RAF Band Concert in All Saints Church.
• 13 Oct Thur – AGM and supper at the Lime Kiln.
• 22 Oct Sat – Poppy Launch.
• 22 Oct to 11 Nov – Poppy Collection.
• 11 Nov Fri – Various Remembrance events.
• 13 Nov Sun - Remembrance Sunday and Lunch location tbd.
• 15 Dec Thur – Christmas Gathering and supper.
(3) GBD Members. To attempt to return GBD to a full Branch by recruiting new members, a committee and officers.
b. CBOC Fund Raising.
(1) Non Poppy Appeal. Raise £2000 outside the Poppy Appeal from donations, talks and the following activities:
• 27 Mar, Easter - Egg Rolling at the Martins Arms (President)
• 18 Jun – Cotgrave Festival Tombola (Secretary)
• 17 Jul - Supper and Speaker (Events Members)
• Quizzes and Raffles (Various Members)
(2) Poppy Appeal. Raise £9000 from the Poppy Appeal mainly between 22 Oct and 31 Dec. Consider the following enhancements to the Appeal:
• More events throughout the year for the Poppy Appeal.
• Metal poppies from Jan 2016.
• Develop the knitted Poppy source early.
• Collection at Morrisons and Waitrose in partnership with other branches.
• Involve 50 members and mentor new ones.
• Brief collectors.
• Expand House 2 House collections.
• More days in Sainsburys and the Coop.
c CBOC Maintain Awareness.
(1) Branding. Introduce the new RBL ‘Live On’ Branding.
(2) Schools. Visit and talk to pupils at Cotgrave Church of England Primary School, Candleby Lane Primary School and Ash Lea Special School.
(3) Remembrance Sunday. Support all 3 village communities on 13 Nov. Parade with Cadets and uniformed services in Cotgrave.
(4) Social Media. Reconsider the use of the Web Site, Facebook and Twitter. Maximise the use of the Cotgrave Community web site.
(5) WW1 Names. Continue to maintain and update www.CBOCGWP.co.uk.
(6) Talks. Visit and speak to external organisations and one Care Home in the area. Eg. WI, PROBUS, Methodist League, U3A.
(7) Articles. Write articles for newspapers and magazines such as Cotgrave Connections, The Cross, Wiverton News.
d. CBOC Welfare.
(1) Use members and networks to identify eligible and needy cases and direct them towards the Regional welfare resources.
(2) Maintain liaison with Cotgrave and Cropwell Bishop Medical Centres, the Churches, Police and Cotgrave Advice Centre.
(3) Identify and support all Branch members in need of assistance.
e. CBOC Structure. CBOC has a new Standard Bearer who will be trained over the year. GBD Standard Bearer will be asked to assist.
f. Granby, Barnstone and District. In accordance with the CBOC letter dated 8 Mar 2014 (as updated on the CBOC Committee minutes since then) GBD Sub Branch will continue to take all action except administration, finance and that for which CBOC trustees are responsible. They will continue to nominate one member to attend the CBOC Committee meetings.
4. CBOC Officers, Committee and Conference Representative. The following were voted in at the AGM on 7 Oct 2015:
a. Officers.
President Gordon Gray
Chairman John Ludlam
Vice Chairman Vacant
Secretary Peter McLaughlin
Treasurer Josie McGuirk
b. Committee.
Chairman John Ludlam
Vice Chairman Vacant
Secretary Peter McLaughlin
Treasurer Josie McGuirk
Events Members Gilly Cross and Bert Wragg
Welfare Member Chris Cockayne
Poppy Coordinator Mary Myles
GBD Representative Andrew Charlett (Nominated by GBD subcommittee)
c. Conference Representative. John Ludlam
5. Chairman’s Tasks.
• Coordinate the recruiting of 5 new members under 60 who are serving or have served.
• Coordinate the CBOC Gatherings in Cotgrave.
• Identify Guest speakers as necessary.
• Arrange Remembrance Sunday parade in Cotgrave.
• Assist the President and Adele Poulson to arrange Remembrance Sundays in Colston Bassett and Owthorpe respectively.
• Write a newsletter twice each year, the first early in the year and the second running up to the AGM.
• With David Myles maintain a CBOC web site and make maximum use of the Cotgrave Community web site in order to inform, recruit and retain.
• Review the greater use of social media. FACEBOOK and Twitter.
• Provide presentations and articles when opportune.
• Coordinate the CBOC Great War Project.
6. Secretary’s Tasks.
• With the Chairman all secretarial work for CBOC.
• With the Chairman plan, advertise, organise and coordinate the AGM.
• Provide the main conduit into CBOC from other organisations or individuals wishing involvement.
• Train the new Standard Bearer.
• Assist the Poppy Coordinator to run the Poppy Appeal in Cotgrave involving as many members as possible.
• Take any necessary administrative action arising from Granby, Barnstone and District sub Branch.
• When required help organise events such as visits.
7. Treasurer’s Tasks.
• Maintain the accounts, present them for audit and then present them to the AGM.
• Provide annual financial information to the timetable set by the RBL.
• Comply with the RBL financial regulations and advise the committee on all financial matters.
• Prior to and at the AGM advise the committee and members on the money available for donation and the maintenance of the Reserves.
• Act as banker for CBOC and GBD activities.
• Organise financial checks every quarter.
• Organise and act as secretary for 2 financial meeting each year to fill the gaps between Committee meetings.
8. Events Members’ Tasks. (The GBD sub branch committee will run events in GBD area and will be invited to those organised by CBOC)
• Plan, advertise, organise and run the Spring meeting and Supper and Remembrance Sunday lunch.
• Plan, advertise, organise and run those CBOC Gatherings outside Cotgrave.
• When required help organise events such as visits.
• CBOC GWP – Bert Wragg take the lead for the Colston Bassett names on the CBOC GWP.
9. Poppy Appeal Coordinator’s Tasks. (The GBD sub branch Poppy Coordinator will run the Poppy Appeal in GBD area)
• Recruit a Deputy Poppy Appeal Coordinator and nominate area representatives.
• With the Secretary, Cotgrave Representative, Colston Bassett Representative, Cropwell Bishop Representative and Owthorpe Representative run all aspects of the Poppy Appeal 2016.
• Involve more CBOC members to carry out Street Collections in Cotgrave.
• Incorporate the cadets early in the planning and execution of collection.
10. Welfare Member’s Tasks. (GBD sub branch committee will run Welfare in the GBD area)
• Identify welfare cases in Cotgrave and the outlying villages and liaise with Regional Welfare Case Officers to provide welfare.
• Carry out welfare work for CBOC members in consultation with the remainder of the committee as necessary.
• Introduce a system whereby younger members maintain 6 monthly contact with members over 80 and those in need of assistance.
• Advise members on the possibility of becoming a Regional welfare volunteer.
• If essential, assist GBD with Welfare advice.
11. Coordination. The 2016 program will be coordinated through the CBOC Committee. One meeting was held on 11 Jan 2016 in order to ensure all understand the plan and ask for assistance as necessary. One meeting will be held on 26 Sep 2016 to prepare the 2017 plan and coordinate effort for the AGM (13 Oct), Poppy Appeal and Remembrance events.

Colonel (Retired) T J LUDLAM OBE
Chairman CBOC Com