poppy field

Colston Bassett

Registered Charity Number 219279






Chairman, Trowell Stud, Owthorpe Road, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3PU.    0115 9899094



Dear Member,

I try to bring out 3 newsletters each year to keep you up to date with what is going on in the Branch and what the future holds. I don’t duplicate what is in the ‘Legion’ magazine, although much of it is of great interest as the RBL modernises. The article ‘The road to recovery’ on page 8 of the July/August edition is of particular interest.

Branch Treasurer.    First and most important after 18 years fantastic service Roy Evley has decided not to stand for re-election as Treasurer this year.  We need to find a willing volunteer to take over after the AGM on 10 October and to keep our books in order in the future. The task requires accuracy but is not arduous and does not take up a great deal of time. Roy has the details (0115 9892861) and volunteers should contact him or me cbocchairman@aol.com without delay.

Membership.    In this calendar year we have recruited 14 new members! Our new members in Cotgrave are: Maureen Bolstridge, Pam Brooks, Terry Davies, Steve Gardner, Ian Goulding, Liz Long, Judy Mileham, Lillian Neeley, Sue Nicholson, Geoffrey St John, Eric Walton and Drew Wilkie. Johnnie Gibson and Jacqueline Dabell have joined from Cropwell Butler and Cropwell Bishop respectively. We will continue to recruit hard in Cotgrave and the Cropwells throughout the rest of the year so please spread the word, ‘ping’ your friends and help attract the 6 additional members we need to reach our annual target.

CBOC Gatherings.    The CBOC Gatherings on the last Thursday of each month that the Branch doesn’t have another event are going well with between 20 and 30 members and their friends attending. We alternate between The Cotgrave Welfare and the Martins Arms in Colston Bassett, although the latter has limited space and, if numbers continue to rise, we may have to look for a pub with a bigger room. We now run a quiz during the evening and have discovered considerable talent amongst our members. (Do you know who Herr Schicklgruber was?) We will continue to run CBOC Gatherings and the dates are on the calendar on the reverse. Look forward to seeing you there.

Visits.      In May members visited the Reserve Forces Mobilisation and Training Centre at Chilwell to see how every Reservist going to an operational theatre is prepared and what steps are taken to return them to civilian life after their deployment. In June members attended the post operational tour presentation from 16 Airportable Brigade recently returned from Afghanistan. The presentation was outstanding and given at Welbeck College the Armed Forces 6th Form College near Loughborough, which is a fantastic facility. I will continue to advertise similar events as they become available.

PTO for Future Events


Poppy Party.    The highlight of the year so far was undoubtedly the Poppy Party held in partnership with Cotgrave Welfare on 11 June. I have already sent out an e mail reporting on its success and thanking those who took part so I won’t go into detail. The headlines: Just £5 per ticket, non-stop entertainment from 6 pm to 10, over 300 attended, over £1000 raised for the RBL. I was delighted with the number of members attending and am most grateful to your Branch committee and to the Army Cadets under the leadership of Lieutenant Nick Trevena for all their help. We’ll do it again!



Future Events. I have put a calendar of events for the remainder of 2011 at the bottom of the page for you to print off and put in your diaries. Four special mention are:

AGM. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 10 Oct starting at 7.30 pm in Colston Bassett Village Hall. A cold October evening is not the best time to extract members from their firesides but this is an important meeting which will shape the way ahead for the Branch. This year there will be mulled wine and sandwiches as well as a short presentation on the Air Training Corps.

Poppy Launch Dinner.         The Nottinghamshire RBL Poppy Launch black tie dinner will be held on Friday 21 October at the Britannia Hotel on Maid Marion Way Nottingham and in our 90th year it promises to be a splendid event. Tickets cost £30 each and I am trying to put at least one table of 10 together from the Branch. Please let me know if you would like to join us. cbocchairman@aol.com.

Poppy Appeal.           The Branch Poppy Appeal raised well over £3000 last year and we have been increasing the amount we raise year on year since 2001. I would like to involve as many members as possible this year and we will be asking for volunteers nearer the time. Shaking a tin is always a little embarrassing to start with, but after a while squeezing money out of people can be quite fun.

Remembrance.          11 and 13 November will be important Remembrance days for us in 2011 and I hope that everyone will play a part. Come to your local war memorial at 11 am on Friday 11 Nov and spend 5 minutes in remembrance. Attend the church service in your area on 13 Nov and encourage friends and neighbours to do so. In Cotgrave Branch members will head the march to All Saints church starting from Cotgrave Welfare car park at 10 am. Come and march with us behind the Standard, you don’t need to be highly trained, just able to keep in step. Not to be missed is the lunch for everyone after the church services at the Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club. Great value at around £15 per head and not to be missed. A call in notice will be sent out.




29 Sep  Thursday

7.30 pm

CBOC Gathering, Martins Arms

10 Oct  Monday

7.30 pm

AGM, Colston Bassett Village Hall

21 Oct   Friday


Nottinghamshire RBL Poppy Launch Black Tie Dinner, Britannia Hotel Nottingham

27 Oct   Thursday

7.30 pm

CBOC Gathering, Cotgrave Welfare

29 Oct  Saturday &

5  Nov   Saturday

9 am onward

Collect for Poppy Appeal.

11 Nov  Friday

9 am onward

Talks to children in Cotgrave Schools

11 Nov  Friday

11 am

Remembrance gatherings at the War Memorials

13 Nov  Sunday



Church services in Colston Bassett, Owthorpe and Cotgrave.

Parade in Cotgrave.

Lunch at the Nottinghamshire Golf  and Country Club.

15 Dec  Thursday

7.30 pm

CBOC Christmas Gathering, Limekiln

Miscellaneous One or Two Liners.    


John Ludlam


Yours Sincerely