poppy field


It was with deep sadness that we learned in March of the death of our beloved Branch President Mr Peter Beavan. Peter was involved in so many areas of village life in Langley, Clavering and beyond and it goes without saying that we are all the poorer for his passing. Our deepest condolences go to Peter’s family and to all who loved him most. He would want us to continue the very valuable work of the Royal British Legion and in that regard there are a number of things which need mentioning. We had a very successful darts match as part of our April meeting in The Bull at Langley - many thanks to all who participated and supported it in any way. The champion of the evening was Mr Ben Blackaby. Our Poppy Organiser Mr Andy Hudson continues to raise vast amounts of money through various walks and pilgrimages. In connection with the Poppy Appeal there is always a need for more collectors - especially in Newport where the Legion’s presence is currently less than we would like it to be. If you can help or if you would simply like to become a member please contact the Branch Secretary on 01799 550466 or email me on paddycable@gmail.com for further details. There is a very enjoyable excursion in prospect to the Battle of Britain memorial in Kent on Saturday 10th June. The trip would also suit accompanied children so if any parents are at a loss for a weekend’s activity look at the Battle of Britain memorial  website for details. Please contact the secretary (as above) no later than the 15th May if you are interested. Our deferred annual dinner is now on Saturday 23rd September at 7pm in Clavering village hall. Tickets for the dinner will be on sale nearer the time for £25 per head.


In conclusion please remember that our Legion meetings are every second Tuesday of the month at 8pm in The Bull public house, Langley Lower Green. Do come and join us for a fun evening - previous military service is not a requirement as the Legion is open to all who support its work.


Reverend Paddy Cable,

Branch Secretary.