poppy field

Cheriton & Morehall



Branch Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month 7pm for 7.30pm 

Cheriton Bowls Club Weymouth Road 


The  Annual General Meeting  replaces the Branch Meeting on the first Tuesday in October  


All Branch Members are welcome to attend the meetings

Kent County News Letter 


Forthcoming Events (Provisional details)

Below is a list of dates for your diary on what's happening in the Cheriton and Morehall Branch of The Royal British Legion.

Sunday 30th    BST Begins    
Tuesday 1st 19.30 RBL Branch Meeting Cheriton Bowls Club
Wednesday 23rd


Zeebrugge Raid Service  Dover TBC
Friday 25th 12.30 Social Lunch      Folkestone Bowls Club
Saturday 3rd 14.00  Army v Navy Rugby Twickenham Stadium
Tuesday 6th 19.30  Branch Meeting  Cheriton Bowls Club
Thursday 8th 11.00 VE Day Service

Garden of Remembrance 

Thursday 8th 14.00

VE Day 80

Garden Party Community Event details to follow

Any Profits to Poppy Appeal

All Souls Church Garden
Thursday 8th 19.30

Beacon Lighting Friends of the RBL Community Choir will be performing

The Leas
Saturday 10th 14.00

VE Day 80  - Afternoon Tea Featuring Friends of the RBL Community Choir 

All Souls Church Hall
Sat/Sun 17/18 All Day National Conference Harrogate
Sunday 25th   85th Anniversary Dunkirk  


Sunday 1st TBC

William Harvey Sunday 

The Leas
Tuesday 3rd 19.30

Branch Meeting

Cheriton Bowls Club
Friday 6th 11.00

D-Day Service

Garden of Remembrance 
Monday 23rd 18.30

SCC Unit Awards Night & AGM

TS Invicta  Ross Way




Saturday 9th  

Trawler Race

Friends of the RBL Community Choir  performing, raising awareness and funds for our branch

Folkestone Harbour
Friday 15th  

VJ Day



Tuesday 11th 11.00

Machine Gun Parade

Cheriton Road