poppy field


Tony Palmer, MBE




With sadness we record the passing of Mr Tony Palmer, on 4th April 2011, aged 83

  After serving in Palestine from 1946-48 with the Grenadier Guards Regiment, Tony Palmer was diagnosed with polio and admitted to hospital. It was there he came under the care of Nurse Iris Thompson and the couple fell in love.

  They were married at Chatteris Parish Church on February 17 in 1951, marking their 60th Wedding Anniversary in February this year.

  Tony, 83, who was born and grew up in Chatteris, had various occupations during his working life including butcher, saddler and harness maker before becoming area organiser for the Royal British Legion. He retired in 1992.

  His greatest love, apart from Iris and his family, has been the Royal British Legion, both nationally and locally. He joined as a member after his army service and has held various offices within the Chatteris branch. In 1996 Tony was awarded the MBE for services to the War Pensions Committee for ex-servicemen.

  He joined the Royal British Legion in 1946 with his cousin, Chatteris Branch President, Ken Gowler. Both Tony (on left in photo above) and Ken (on right in photo above) were ordered to present themselves to an address in Dock Road, Chatteris to enlist as members of the Chatteris Branch. Having recently returned from overseas and having served in WW2, they were used to obeying orders (the person who told them to attend was a well known Sergeant at that time). Being good soldiers they went and were duly signed up as members on 30th September 1946.

  Tony's funeral took place on 18th April 2011 at St Peter's & St Paul's Church, Chatteris

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