poppy field


A selection of photos from events held by Canterbury Branch are available below. 

Thursday 24th November - Eric receiving a cheque for £325.00 from Waitrose Canterbury "Green" token scheme for the month of October - Thank You all that supported the Poppy Appeal with their Green Tokens.

Waitrose (3)

Sunday 13th November - Remebrance Sunday - At the curry lunch at Leros Barracks a wonderful cake was made by one of the soldiers mum's to commemorate the battle of the Somme.

Leros Cake

A fabulous picture of Poppy Wreath made by the children of Blean Primary School.

Blean School 2

17th October saw the start of this year's Poppy Appeal with the delivery of all the materials needed to make up the Poppy Boxes and getting the distribution centre functioning.  The offical start for the sale of Poppies was the 27th, that was when the well oiled machine started up.  The following pictures tell the story of Canterbury's helpers and there was quite a few.  The Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator, Branch President and Chairman would like to thank all who helped during this time.

Gurkhas At ASDA (1)


SCC Poppy Selling

Stand 3

Freddie 1 Freddie 2

Wednesday 21st September was a very memorable day for the Branch when the Lord Myor of Canterbury Councilor George Metcalfe presented Roy Cockburn MC with Legion d'Honneur given by the French Government to D Day Veterans for their help in Liberating the French people - Well deserved.

Roy C 2

Roy C 1

Monday 15th August - The Branch held a small ceremony at the "Burma Star" memorial in the Westgate Gardens here in Canterbury on the 71st anniversary of the end of the Burma campagain, along with the family of Stewart Allen a Burma veteran who sadly passed away earlier this year. 

Burma Star 1 (1)

 Saturday 8th August - Branch members and their guests attended the "POPPY DAY" races at Newmarket.  A smashing day was had by all.  The sun shone all day.  It was a chance for us all to have a "flutter"on the horses.

Poppy Day 1

 Poppy Day 2

Wednesday 27th July - The Branch held it's Summer Lunch at the Boughton Golf Club.  33 members and guests enjoyed a delicious 2 course meal.  Once again we must thank Lynda for all the work she puts in arranging these functions. No pictures available. 

Saturday 16th July - A Strawberry Cream Tea was held in the beautiful garden of one of our members.  It was a fabulous sunny day, 31 members, guests and neighbours attended.  Everyone enjoyed themselves tucking into fresh srawberries and cream.  The day raised £223.00 for the Poppy Appeal.

Creamtea 1

Creamtea 2

Creamtea 3

Saturday 25th June - Armed Forces Day - The morning saw the Armed Forces Day Flag being raised over the City's Fire Station by the Lord Mayor councillor George Metcalfe.  After the FLag Raising the Branch had the trailer and stand in the Whitefriars.






Friday 24th June - Armed Forces Concert - This year's theme was the Royal Navy - The 100th anniversary of the Battle of Jutland.  The audience of 350 people were treated to music, dance and poetry of the First World War recited by Drama students of Canterbury College.  The highlight of the evening was a Skype link with one of Her Majesty's Ships iout in the North Sea.  The response from the survey carried on the evening was everyone enjoyed the evening and want it back next year.





Sunday 8th May - Four members of the Branch, Gerry, Andrew, Lynda and Eric took part in the annual "Kent County Poppy Walk".  Gerry, Lynda and Eric were walking in support of Andrew who so far has raised over £500 in sponsorship - Well Done Andrew.  Thanks also must go to our small band of "Eggers On" - John and Jenny Tood, Reg and Francis Wardell.

Poppy Walk 2 (1)

Poppy Walk 5

Saturday 20th April - Saw the Branch trailer "cut its teeth" on its first outing at the Merton Steam Rally.  This was the first of many to come, so be on the lookout for it.  The generosity of the public once again shone through helping us to raise £70 for the Poppy Appeal - Thank You.

Friday 1st April - 11 members had the use of Kemp's Community mini-bus and visited Ramsgate Tunnels.  The sun shone, but it was a bit on the chilly side.  Many of the members did not realise that the tunnels existed.  They became homes to many of the Ramsgate residents during the Second World War who had lost their homes to the German bombing of Ramsgate. Everyone enjoyed the experience.  Thanks goes to Lynda who organised the trip.

Tuesday 29th March - Quiz Evening at the Phoenix Pub Canterbury.  It was a great success, attended by members and friends.  The evening raised £189 in aid of the "POPPY APPEAL".  Thanks must go to Lynda who organised and run the event, assisted by Eric.  Thanks must also go to Sarah for compiling the questions and to Bob the landlord for allowing the branch to hold the quiz in his pub and also providing snacks during the evening.

Tuesday 22nd March - Kent University held a Lecture about Music and Moral in the First World War, it was called Till The Boys Come Home.  The Branch was invited to attend the evening and also to help raise funds for the Poppy Appeal.  To that end the public that attended did us proud once again helping to raise in excess of £500.  Twenty Five members attended and all said they really enjoyed the evening.  Music was provided by the Invicta Concert Band and the Branch would like to thank Dr. Emma Hannah and her staff for the invite. No Pictures Taken.

Saturday 12th March - Dunkirk Village Hall kindly allowed the Branch to hold a Poppy Appeal fundraising Table Top and Outdoor Boot Fair.  We were blessed with finr weather, a little on the chilly side for the hardy Outdoor Boot stall holders.  A goodly amount of money was raised (over £400) for the appeal. Many thanks is given to all those who helped in the organiastion and running of the event.  No pictures taken.

Thursday 18th February - Gurkha Curry Evening held at Barton Road Church Hall.  What a fantastic spread put on by our Gurkha members and their families.  Everyone who paid their £4 where greeted with a three course meal menu.  All where expecting to have tasters of the various curries for their £4 and not a three course meal.  The Branch and all who attended Thank our Gurkha friends for such a maevelous evening, even those who had heard the stories of the "GURKHA" curries and had reservations where converts.  

Gurkha Curry Evening 1



Gurkha Curry Evening 3

Gurkha Curry Evening


Wednesday 2nd December - Branch Christmas Lunch and Poppy Appeal awards presented at the Canterbury Golf Club.

Xmas Lunch No 3


Xmas Lunch No 7

Xmas Lunch No 8

Armistice Day 11th November.  At the 11th hour the city stood still for the 2 minute silence to remeber those who gave their lives for us.

11 Nov 3

11 Nov 4

Remembrance Sunday 8th November at the Buttermarket memorial and the Branch Standard and branch contingent marching through the city.

Remembrance 3

Remembrance 4


 Saturday 7th November - Councillor Robert Jones, City of Canterbury Sheriff assisting at the Cenotaph Stand in the Longmarket.

City Sheriff

Tuesday 3rd November Canterbury stalwarts manning the Longarket stand and the Marks & Spencers stand.


Poppy Stand 1

 Ms Jane

Monday 26th October - Start of the Canterbury Poppy Appeal.  Reg Wardell and Ron King manning the Poppy stand at Marks & Spencer's Food Hall Sturry Road. Poppy Appeal 2

Presentation to Roy Cockburn MC at Branch meeting Thursday 3rd September

RBL Meteting


Wednesday 5th August 2015 - Canterbury Fun Day

Img 1122