Our branch officers are:
Branch Officers |
President |
Chairman |
LT. Col. (Rtd) Steve Nicholls steveneng@hotmail.co.uk |
Vice Chairman |
Mr. Malcolm Godolphin |
Parade Marshal |
Mr. Malcolm Godolphin |
Secretary |
Treasurer |
Emma Baker |
Branch Community Support Representative. |
Standard Bearer |
Mr Alan Millard Mr. Malcolm Godolphin |
Poppy Appeal Organiser |
Mr John Middleton Tel. 01209 832 286 Mobile 07597 923 830
Membership Secretary |
Clive Dorrington E: Camborne.MemSecretary@rbl.community |
County Conference Delegate |
Mr. Malcolm Godolphin
Chaplain |
Susan Godolphin |
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