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 4 Day Trip To The Somme Battlefields And Ypres Salient 2017

A trip to the Somme and Ypres Salient Battlefields is being planned for June 9 to 12, 2017. The trip is being arranged with the Skills Travel Company and includes  return coach travel to a channel port, return ferry sailing, 3 nights B & B in the Hotel Ibis, Albert, France and excursions and entrance fees. The cost is £285 per person plus a single supplement of £95 if required. Double, twin and single rooms are available and will be allocated on a "first come-first served" basis. Travel insurance is available from Skills at £29. The pick- up points will be in Calverton and Mapperley Plains at approximately 06.00 hours. (The pick-up times will be confirmed when the exact sailing times are known).

After arrival at the hotel, the rest of the day will be free time. Two full day excursions will follow. One of these will be a tour of the Somme Battlefields and the other a tour of the Ypres Salient cemeteries and battlefields. There will also be an opportunity to attend the "Last Post" ceremony at the Menin Gate in Ypres, which has been performed every evening since July 1928. This visit will be held on the day that does not include the Somme tour. The order of visits will depend on the driver's hours and the advice of the tour guide.

If you are interested in the trip, please contact the Mapperley, Porchester Branch Secretary, Mrs T. Gwardzinska or Mr T Strong, 8, Ousebridge Drive, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 £BJ. Tel:0115 9523943.

To secure a place, a deposit of £50pp will be due by January 2017 and full payment needs to be made by May 5 2017. It is possible to pay by instalments if desired. Cheques should be made out to Mapperley, Porchester and District RBL and sent to the Treasurer, Mrs Ruth Strong, 8, Ousebridge Drive, Carlton, Nottingham, NG4 3BJ.

Calverton/Woodborough RBL contact: Mr M Lloyd. Branch Secretary. 0115 847598. <m.lloyd97@btinternet.com>