poppy field




The Calverton and Woodborough branch of the Royal British Legion set up their stall at the Hoveringham Historical vehicle show on 28 May.

There were many stalls and exibits of tractors, farm eqipment, Land Rovers and vintage cars. The arena had some good events with plenty for the young ones to do. It was a hot, sunny day and everyone had a great day. We even had the Noitinghamshire/Lincolnshire Air Ambulance land in the next field to the showground for all to have a look. The Legion supported by eight members, (plus family), had a stall with books, poppy memorabilia and even tomato plants! During the day the stall raised just under £200 and that will be going directly to the National Poppy Appeal.



There are tickets still available for the Cardiff trip organised for November 2017.  Contact John Bailey on 017977015089 for further details.

Nick Bereznyckyj

Branch Treasurer.
