From Hellidon we remember...
1914-1918 James Henry Hedges
William Thomas Hedges
Frederick W. Marlow Wells
John James Buchanan
Those names are recorded in a (possibly) unique stained glass window Memorial in Hellidon's Church of St. John the Baptist; we think it's probably unique because the likeness of each person remembered is also reproduced in that window, in the order listed above; please see the images of that window lower down on this page. Pictures of the inside of Hellidon's church, where the Memorial window can be found, are laid-out immediately below...

Close-up images of the actual Memorial window are set-out below...
Alongside those. Hellidon also has another Memorial window, this time giving thanks for those who returned, see below...

The laid up Standard from Staverton's now closed RBL Branch, that Branch having now merged with Byfield & District RBL, also rests inside the church next to those windows.
below - Helidon's church of St. John the Baptist
below - Helidon's Village Hall and their Jubilee/Millennium beacon
for exact WM location see What3Words ///genius.switched.emailed