Boddingtons - Upper NN11 6DL & Lower NN11 6DL

From Boddington we remember...
1914 – 1918: Private Harry Branson Private Frederick Leigh Private Thomas Brooks Private Sidney Hull Sergeant William Daniel Wells Private Herbert Robert Boys
1939 – 1945: Corporal Walter George Arriss Driver Thomas Edmunds Able Seaman George Ronald Ford Pilot Officer Arthur Douglas Johnson Flt Lt Francis Allen Whitehead
& Lower Boddington

above - St. John the Baptist's church in upper Boddington with their War Memorial outside.
A book dedicated to those who fell between 1914 & 1918 has been placed on the altar of St. John the Baptist's church, Boddington. This book has been registered as an official War Memorial and has one page dedicated to each of the fallen. Examples of two of those pages can be seen below.
If you turn to the end of the book you'll find a record of those who served but survived the carnage, and came home.
for exact WM location see What3Words ///formless.coaster.donor