poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

Sunny summer 2018's BBQ

Those in the know will recognise themselves and guests at our 2018 BBQ in Joy's garden in Woodford Halse. Those not in the know can see that a very convivial time was had by all, complimented by good food and BYO beverages - & if we named everyone here, you wouldn't be much wiser.

We make no apologies for duplicating images, also appearing in the short report on our "Events Past", Fetes & Fundraisers "BBQ's Consumed" Page herein; saves you going back to check those out!

The "problem" with the gas cylinder by the way, was a 21mm regulator for a 20mm bottle - WHY don't "they" standardise?

 Photo 0342 Photo 0343 Photo 0333 Photo 0337 Chef Lynn  Cooks  Chef Tim    Serving Salads Deserts  In Debate  Laughing Ladies Members Old And Younger Merry Men Young And Old The Boss & Friends 

   Relax & Enjoy

 RELAX... and enjoy!