poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

The Byfield & District Quiz in Seventeen

Last year we used "6" as a base number (2016 = 60+ quizzers), so if numbers are the criteria, the shift from Saturday to Friday evening for our quiz this year of 2017 was a good decision because sevens were now in vogue, with more than seventy contestants occupying nineteen tables set for four. If that trend continues, and we sincerely hope it does, then next year we'll be more like a budget airline than BA, seating wise. This year, as last it dawned crisp and clear, with wall-to-wall sunshine all day encouraging a healthy turn-out on that cold and frosty evening. Inside it was all warmth and increasing merriment, as old rivalries reared and the evening progressed with questions becoming more challenging; has anyone heard of a "Jack fruit", or an "Atemoya" let alone seen one?

Quiz From Raffle Table Raffle Table (1) The Bar Bacon Butties PTA Ladies Quiz In Progress 2      As you will have gathered we were very pleased with all the support we received and particularly this year's take, on behalf of the RBL and our sponsorship of The Battle Back centre. Via that link you'll find a short video of what Battle Back's all about; its well worth watching. We'll be reporting our results when the accounts are done, so watch this space. For now we must just say... 

Thank You   


2017 Quiz Poster