poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

Aston-le-Walls' Church Fête 22nd June 2019

Even if it was just for a day, summer had arrived! The weather was glorious for our Aston event with blue skies and temperatures in the low twenties (C). The event was a real "old-fashioned" country village church fete, with home made cakes, afternoon teas, ice creams, burgers and hot sausages, plant, book and bottle stalls, competitions, a "silent auction" and of course a raffle.


AND there was a coconut shy, skittles and even a juggler, who made quite an entrance...


When I was a lad we had "bowling for the pig" at our church fetes, with a real live piglet to be won but times change. There WAS an old McCormick tractor but it wasn't one of the prizes. The people of Aston-le-Walls were a jolly crowd that afternoon and generous in their donations, with nearly sixty quid more to add to this year's Poppy Appeal, and a good return for their two churches.

 We also obtained four probable new Members and a couple more possibles for our Branch, which was our main objective!

As you'll see below, our new gazebo has now benefited from three new banners telling all where the money goes...