Minutes of the RBL Byfield and District Committee Meeting held at Woodford Halse Social Club on 5 June 2023 at 19:00
Before the Committee Meeting started, we began with a very informative and interesting visit to the top floor of the Woodford Halse Social Club to visit the Woodford Halse Model Railway Club. They have a double-0 gauge track layout replicating Hinton & Woodford railway stations and adjacent countryside and marshalling yards. They are also constructing a replica of Charwelton station* and Byfield station. We were able to meet some of the Club’s members who freely gave their time and knowledge across to us. It is a shame that more of our members did not attend on the evening, as the Model Railway Club had kindly changed their usual meeting night to accommodate us.
*The site of the old Charwelton railway station is now home to the Catesby Tunnel Vehicle test Facility.
The Branch Committee meeting started at 2000.
1. Eight Members were in attendance, apologies were received from four others.
2. Confirmation of Minutes May 2023
Caroline read out the minutes from the last meeting and these were accepted by all present as complete & accurate.
A letter of acknowledgment for our recent donation to Galanos House had been received and was read out to all present.
2. Finance Report
David advised that the c/a had a healthy balance, as at 30/4/23.
To be deducted from this are: 2 x £15.30 for both the April & May 23 village hall rentals & £30 for the DACT subs.
Further donations had been paid across centrally to RBL on behalf of Linda Bradshaw totalling £125 and David stated that £119.37 of this has been passed across to our branch. He does not know why £5.63 has not been transferred.
Caroline requested a cheque for £123.88 to pass across to the Poppy Appeal to match the value of the money for Poppies in a Jar.
3. BCS Report
Chris advised that he has visited three members in the last month all of which said they appreciated and enjoyed him taking the time to do this. He now has access to the Branch Community Support (BCS) portal, and is working out how to navigate it, although he is still unable to submit his report.
Chris asked that if any member hears of anyone needing assistance to please let him know.
4. Armed Forces Day & Veterans' Breakfast
Bob advised that posters were up in Byfield at Dolls Hill, 5 Ways bus stop, Greenwood Close, Co-op (inside & out), village hall and Cross Tree, also Hellidon and Eydon. Max will be doing Boddington and Chris Woodford Halse.
Max advised that since advertising the breakfast price of £5 the price has increased. He has negotiated a small breakfast and bottomless coffee for £6.
He proposed that we take £5 off attendees and that the branch will pick up the £1 difference on this occasion.
This was seconded by Caroline, and accepted generally by those present.
Ali T suggested mentioning it to all attendees in case any wished to give the extra £1 themselves.
5. Poppies in a Jar - RESULT
The Poppies in a Jar competition yielded donations of £123.58; duly counted by our PAO Major Tom. The jar contained 536 poppies.
The results are in and the three lucky winners were:
- Pom Boddington 533
- Terry Hoyle 542
- April Skelsey 549
As he now lives 130 miles away, Terry Hoyle kindly let his prize go to the 4th winner; he stated knowing he came second was enough.
Thank you to all that helped with this competition by taking the jar to various events, and the members that donated the 3 winning prizes.
Additionally thank you to Max who then kindly delivered the prizes to the 3 winners.
As agreed in our minutes of April 2023 the donations are to be matched by a donation from our branch making a total of £247.16 to the Poppy Appeal.
6. Summer BBQ
The date is Sunday 23 July 2023 at a cost of £10 per head.
Bob advised that the Byfield School playing field has been booked, and that a gazebo will be available from Byfield Church (arranged through Chris Bick).
An initial email was sent to members on 31 May 2023.
Chris has the BBQ’s and will source meat, rolls etc, and David will be “chefing” on the day.
An RBL Facebook post has been made and will be repeated closer to the date.
Detailed planning to be done at our July meeting.
7. Custodian of Byfield's Photo Archive
Rob met with John R and was shown to his garage.
Rob now has 8 crates with 77 ring binders all of which contain historical copies of photographs of Byfield. It appears that the binders were produced by a voluntary group of villagers.
Chris asked if there are any local history groups that may be interested in viewing the binders.
Jane mentioned that in years past there have been afternoons arranged in the village hall where villagers / visitors could go and view the binders.
Ali T mentioned that there is an “Old Pictures of Woodford Halse and Byfield Northamptonshire” Facebook page that may appreciate a contribution.
NOTE: Re: the Web link to the "Old Pictures etc.," Facebook page above, for those who do not use FB, when you are asked to go to or create a FB account, just click on the X top right and all will be revealed without further commitment.
8. Byfield & District RBL's War Memorial Record Book
Chris advised that he has the Branch's War Memorial record book and that he will pass this across to Bob our Chairman, at our next meeting.
Members present took the opportunity of looking through the record book.
9. Annual War Memorial Competition
Bob advised that he has sent an email to Byfield Parish Council encouraging Byfield to enter and suggesting that our Branch could assist with any tidying up. He has also sent emails to other Parish Councils apart from Eydon where he couldn’t easily find a contact.
Ali T will forward an Eydon PC contact email to Caroline.
It is the RBL branch that actually nominates war memorials for entry to the competition. However, as war memorials are a parish asset, it wouldn't be appropriate to enter one without the agreement and support of the relevant Parish Council. For "district" branches such as ours, we can enter one war memorial for each geographic location. Any nominations will go through Bob.
10. Monthly Meetings - or less regularly?
This was discussed by those members present with varying ideas suggested.
Finally, it was agreed that as the village hall and speaker for September are all booked that we will continue monthly until the November AGM when this will be reviewed again.
11. RBL Branch Subscription letter
Caroline had received an RBL letter asking the branch to set its subscription rate for 2023/24 being the upcoming financial year commencing 1 October 2023. This is a fee in addition to the £18 RBL membership fee. Our branch does not currently charge a subscription rate and not wishing to discourage any future branch members all present agreed to continue not charging.
12. Contribution to County Newsletter?
It was agreed that the “Poppies in a Jar” result should be put forward, and that the next Armed Forces and Veterans breakfast venue and date will be included when known.
13. AOB
Bob advised that Little Preston now resides under Greens Norton branch. Byfield and District branch BR0205 now includes: Aston-le-Walls, Byfield, Upper Catesby, Charwelton, Chipping warden, Edgecote, Hellidon, Upper and Lower Boddington, Preston Capes, Hinton, Woodford Halse, Canons Ashby, Eydon and Moreton Pinkney.
This was announced on document received from County re a branch catchment area review they recently conducted. It says that there was a consultation exercise carried out but doesn’t advise who they consulted with. Bob will monitor membership levels to take action if levels fall as a result of this.
Caroline had received a request from Lesley Palmer advising that there will be a Songs of Praise on Sunday 9 July 2023 at 6pm at Holy Cross church. They were asking if the RBL branch wished to choose a hymn to be sung. Following an email to all members there were 2 suggestions offered and those present opted for I Vow to Thee My Country. Caroline to advise Lesley.
Ali T asked if there had been any follow up to our email several months ago to Woodford Halse PC about their War Memorial. Caroline advised that no further update had been received and that she would chase this up.
Caroline to send emails thanking Woodford Halse social club for their free hospitality and to the Model Railway Club for changing their usual meeting day and making themselves available to us on the evening.
Date of next meeting:
Monday 3 July 2023 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00.