Nine Members were in attendance and Apologies were received from two others.
Confirmation of EGM Minutes December 2022
Bob C read out the minutes from the last meeting and these were accepted as complete & accurate.
Caroline C to email Ian Byrnes to try and find out why our motion was not seconded, and therefore not proposed to County council, as it was Bob's understanding that Ian would find a branch to second our proposal to drop the DBS checks on the annual form MS1.
Finance report
David B advised that the c/a has a nice balance at 31/1/23; this after deduction of a cheque for Dec 22 village hall rental and £200 to the Poppy Appeal for the 8 x village remembrance wreaths.
BCS annual report
In the absence of Chris K, Caroline read out the following:
“I had a request from our new MES Tom Coen to visit one of our lonely members, this I have done and will be in contact with them on my return. I still do not have access to the BCS page, so cannot make our compulsory reports.”
Poppy Appeal 2022 update
Caroline advised that Major Tom has banked circa £8,300, with one more collection box to receive and the £200 cheque from us. Major Tom will send a final update when all is complete.
Galanos House Christmas run Sunday 18 December 2022
Alan B and another member joined the Riders (reduced numbers) to visit Galanos House. They were made very welcome in the new wing. Disappointingly no donations of gifts had been received and so Alan bought some to take on the day.
Alan advised that a trip to Galanos House at some point this year may be interesting.
DACT cancellation charge
A letter has been received from DACT asking us to pay £129 (full charge) for our cancelled branch trip in July 2022. Alan advised that he had only made a provisional booking and that nothing was ever confirmed, and no paperwork completed. Bob to contact DACT and discuss, with a view to compromise.
Quiz night drinks remaining
Alan handed a list of left over drinks from the November 22 quiz night. This list is attached. Our branch cannot advertise the drinks for sale as we are a charity and will endeavour to dispose of at cost price over the coming months. 4 bottles of red wine were paid for by 2 members present. If you wish, or know of anyone, that would like any of the attached drinks, please let Alan know. Tel: 01327 260590. A list of remaining drinks is attached.
County Conference 21 January 2023
Bob had received the county conference minutes on the day of our meeting, and these are attached to these minutes for your perusal. There were 4 motions put forward and discussed, also attached, and we were down as an apology.
Meeting dates 2023
It was decided that for now all meetings, bar June 2023, will be held in Byfield Village Hall.
Ali T has kindly arranged for our 5 June 23 meeting to be held at Woodford Halse Social Club in the concert room bar area.
Caroline to send a list of attendees and confirmation of attendance 3 weeks prior to this date.
We will look to advertise the Woodford Halse meeting nearer to the time.
Graham W mentioned that there used to be a model railway upstairs in the Social Club and that it may be nice if this was open on the evening.
Caroline to enquire.
Speakers 2023
Suggestion to try and find speakers for March 23, June 23 and September 23, to encourage more members / others to attend.
Bob will source a speaker for March 23.
Speakers for June 23 (Woodford Halse) and September 23 to be carried forward to next meeting.
If any members have good suggestions / contacts for either June or September please let us know.
Contribution to County Newsletter
In the 1st County Newsletter and County has asked branches to send in any relevant articles. This will be an item on each future agenda.
Flag Flying Dates 2023
Rob C circulated the proposed flag flying days for 2023 to all present.
Caroline to send an email to Byfield Parish Council to request approval.
Warm Spaces Initiative
Bob advised that we could hire Byfield Village Hall at a reduced rate, that Byfield Good Neighbours are at full stretch and unable to assist, and therefore we would need volunteers to arrange and attend any sort of initiative.
It was agreed that in principle it is a great idea but we do not have enough member support to be able to put anything forward that could be done on a regular basis.
Max B raised the idea of a regular veterans meeting, either breakfast or lunch, possibly on a Saturday once a month or so, at attendees’ cost.
It was agreed that Max and Bob would investigate further, plan out for future discussion, to include a local venue.
Look to put a poster in the Woodford Halse library and social club, and in the Byword, to try and gauge interest levels.
Bob’s e-mail and mobile number to be given for contact details.
To be carried forward to next meeting.
It is hoped to hold the first event in June 2023
Charles III coronation Sat 6 May 2023
Caroline contacted the Clerk to Byfield PC to see if they are thinking about anything for Byfield. The response was “I will pass on the RBL committee question to Chairman John. Council has a lot of bunting and John may well get photos of Charles to replace those of HMQ for the A-boards for her Jubilee.”
Bob advised that we no longer have a gazebo / manpower to organise anything outdoors.
Caroline suggested that we could put a large number of poppies (Our PAO has confirmed that he has loads that he could lend to us) into a very large jar (some poppies to be of different sizes maybe). On the lead up to the coronation we could invite donations (min £1) for a “Guess how many poppies in the jar” with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.
The jar would be photographed and placed in the Byword by way of an advert, and also made available for any member to take to any other meetings etc. To conclude possibly on the weekend of King Charles III coronation, perhaps at a Byfield Big Breakfast (if there is one and we request permission from them to do this).
Caroline asked if anyone present had a very large jar (like an old-fashioned screw top sweet jar), or something similar, to use.
If any member has anything suitable, please do let Caroline know.
To be carried forward to the March meeting where we will confirm if this idea is viable.
All funds collected would then be given to the Poppy Appeal.
Membership Engagement Officer
Our new Membership Engagement Officer (MEO) is Tom Coen. He supports Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire. He looks forward to working closely with the branches and assisting us in the important work we carry out for the Royal British Legion. He plans on visiting as many branches as he can.
Caroline mentioned that County is planning some training days on maintaining our branch RBL website, and asked if there was anyone that would be interested in taking this on. Bob expressed interest.
Alan advised that there is no Rector currently at Byfield Church.
John R requested that future agenda points were numbered and not bullet pointed.
Meeting closed 21:20
Date of next meeting:
Monday 6 March 2023 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00.
Speaker TBC