poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

August 2023's Meetings

Minutes of the RBL Byfield and District EGM, & Branch meeting held at Byfield Village Hall on 7 August 2023 20:00

1. Ten Members attended this month's meetings, with apologies for non-attendance from eight others. We were also able to welcome our County's RBL Chairman, Ian Byrnes to our meetings this evening; Ian's presence was particularly helpful for our EGM's Agenda.

Extraordinary General Meeting

There was only one item on the EGM's Agenda - Elect a New Chair

Caroline explained why the EGM has been called. The necessity of convening an EGM was because our Branch's ability to continue its work was in question. This was due to an overall lack of support from our Members and in particular, because no one wanted to become an essential Committee Member. With help gratefully received from Terry Hoyle and David Bradshaw, nearly all Branch Members had been contacted either by e-mail or telephone and advised of the seriousness of the situation.

Caroline had received a letter from Bob Cubitt explaining why he had stepped down as Chair and this was read to members present. Thanks were given for the work that Bob had undertaken in his committee roles held in the past.

Ian Byrnes invited nominations for the post of Chair.

David Bradshaw put himself forward, and Ian Byrnes confirmed that a Member may hold more than one committee role.

David Bradshaw was therefore proposed as Chair by Alison Thorne and seconded by Mark Thorne.

David will also retain the role of Treasurer and as previously advised, until the November 2023 AGM, Caroline will continue as Secretary.

Following the successful resolution of the EGM agenda, the Branch Meeting was continued.

2. Acceptance of the Minutes of the Meeting of 3rd July 2023

David asked if we all agreed with the Minutes of the previous Committee Meeting and those were approved and signed-off.

3. Finance Report

David Bradshaw advised that the C/A still has an acceptable balance and the BFI, including interest earned thereon over the year, was very healthy.

The financial year accounts to year ending June 2023 are ready to be signed and passed across to the auditor. Chris K agreed to co-sign the accounts with David.

4. BCS Report for July 2023

The Branch does not currently have a BCS representative. David asked if anyone present would be interested. Ian Byrnes advised that this role covers welfare and is vital for Branch Members.

5. Armed Forces and Veteran's Breakfast

Max Burnett advised he is potentially looking at Saturday 23 September 2023 at the Cross Tree pub in Byfield for the next event. He requested that this be taken off future agendas, as this is "outside of the RBL branch remit".

6. War Memorial Competition 2023

Caroline will complete the Byfield War Memorial nomination form and submit to County. No other Parish Councils expressed any interest in the competition. David Bradshaw will be the branch contact and will advise once a date is known for the visit.

7. Succession Planning

David requested that Caroline put a note in the next Byfield Parish Magazine "The Byword" asking for Committee Members to come forward, as the Branch ideally needs individuals to act as Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition we need three other committee roles and a BCS rep to filled to be viable. David will put notes in Byfield's pub, surgery, garage and Co-op. He will approach Debbie Buckle with a view to taking on the role of Secretary after November 2023.


8. Quiz Night November 2023

Caroline advised that Byfield Village Hall is provisionally reserving Friday 17 November 2023 for our Quiz night.

David Bradshaw advised that Bob Cubitt had written all the questions and a Question Master would be needed for the evening.

It was suggested by those present that we do not run a bar or arrange bacon butties this year, as it was noted that a number of tables brought their own last year, and this will save us on hire costs and arrangements.

David will see who he can get to help with regards to marking, collecting monies etc and a decision will be taken at the September meeting, as to whether to progress with the Quiz or not. Caroline will check the hire cost of just the hall to see what price we will need to charge for tables this year to break-even/make a profit.

Jane Holland will advise at the next meeting whether a raffle will be able to be arranged.

9. Contribution to County Newsletter

Outstanding for Caroline to do is Poppies in a Jar.

If the Quiz night does go forward, then this will be a later submission.

10. Any Other Business

David asked if the branch will be able to take part in Remembrance Sunday if it can not form a committee at the November AGM. It will, and David will start to plan for this. Caroline to email David last year’s protocol.

There was no further business arising and the meeting closed at 20:55.

Date of next meeting:

Date of next Meeting: Monday 4th September 2023 at Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 8pm.

The Speaker will be David Morse on the “St Pauls Watch”...

"At the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, St. Paul's Cathedral was preparing for aerial attacks. The threat of fire caused by incendiary bombs was very real and St Paul’s was vulnerable.

The question was, what could be done to save the Cathedral if it caught fire? In answer, the Cathedral reinstated their own personal fire brigade: the St Paul's Watch".