Item 1: Matters arising from previous minutes
- Cleaning of Dolls Hill memorial bench was undertaken by Jane H. This is now complete, thank you Jane. It was mentioned that the bench is situated under a number of trees which leads to constant bird droppings. It was recommended that we ask the Parish Council to consider re-siting the bench a little higher up the hill away from any trees. *Caroline C to e-mail the clerk to the Parish Council.
- The tree in the Church Yard with a memorial plaque that needs cleaning if possible is still outstanding. *Bob C to have a look.
- The War Memorial in Byfield needs the wreaths and crosses removing in September ready for the November Remembrance service. *Jane volunteered to do this by close September 22.
- The branch Christmas 2022 dinner remains an outstanding item. A couple of options were mooted at the August 22 meeting – either to be held sometime in December or possibly hold a post-Christmas dinner in January 23. *Bob will email members to garner opinions, and this item will be placed on the October 22 agenda to arrange as appropriate.
Item 2: Finance statement end August 22
- C/A to end August 22 Healthy. Donation received from Marilyn Lowe (Maz Jam concert). *Graham W to send a letter of thanks to Marilyn.
- C/A end June 22 was reported last meeting which had a minor error and was corrected here.
- Bank signatories are in process of being amended. David asked if three signatories are needed. It is felt that at least three signatories are required to allow sufficient cover for the Branch to be able to continue in the event of signatory absence / holiday / illness. David Bradshaw and Chris are still on the Bank mandate, and with Bob being added, this should be sufficient for needs. *David B to arrange please.
Item 3: Branch Community Support update
- Chris K advised one person was assisted. The quarterly branch report is due by end September 22.
- Please remember that if anyone knows of anyone in the district that needs help to let him know.
Item 4: Quiz night November 2022 (ongoing discussions)
- Friday 18 November 22 is confirmed and Byfield Village Hall has been firmly booked.
- Bob as completed the questions and will host again on the night. *Bob has to source the scorers / runners. *Caroline to print the Joker and Answer sheets.
- Caroline has contacted PTA to request they pencil in bacon butties for the evening. They have acknowledged the request and will respond after their September 22 meeting due mid-month.
- *Jane will make contact with Alison to discuss the raffle.
- Graham & Chris will arrange & run the bar on the night.
- *Rob C to arrange posters by end September 22.
- The event is being advertised in the next Byword due out end September 22 for Oct / Nov 22.
- Posters to go up around mid-October; to include Byfield Surgery, Cross Tree pub, Byfield Co-op, Petrol Station, Fleur de Lys Woodford Halse, and anywhere else that members can assist with. It is also considered worthwhile to try & advertise in Boddington, Eydon & Woodford Halse publications.
- Price will be held at £10 per table of 4. *John Russell to sit with scorers and collect monies as question sheets are collected.
Item 5: Galanos House Christmas run (ongoing discussions)
- Alan B advised that the Riders branch organise and fix the date. *Alan will let us have the date as soon as it is released so that we may try and publicise this more widely and receive more donations to take on the day.
- Alan agreed to be the donated gift recipient. Alan consented to his phone number and address being given out as required in this regard.
Item 6: Any other business
- Bob advised he was contacted by Richard Corbett, Chairman of Byfield Village Hall, to remove the winning trophies for the best kept Byfield War Memorial for a short period to allow for new heating to be installed in the hall. Bob currently has the trophies in his house. It occurred to him that as the War memorial is the custody of the Parish Council then perhaps the trophies are as well. *Bob has emailed the Parish Council and is currently awaiting a reply. The Village Hall committee has since advised that they do not really wish for the trophies to be put up again once the heating works are complete. It was requested that *Alan Bailey raise this issue at the next Village Hall committee meeting and request on behalf of the RBL Byfield and District branch that the trophies are put back up in the village hall.
- Bob advised that Kevin Tobin, Membership Support Officer for Oxfordshire & Northamptonshire, is hoping to be at our next meeting on Monday 3 October 2022.
- Wendy T has requested that a member of the RBL branch attend the Beavers on Tuesday 18 October 2022 between 5:30-6:30pm as they will be walking up the War Memorial and then spend some time at the Scout hut discussing the Beavers family members memories and involvement in service and / or world wars in preparation for Remembrance Sunday. Both *John R, President and *Graham W, Chair, volunteered in offering their services for this task. *Caroline to confirm this with Wendy.
Meeting closed 20:45
Date of next meeting: Monday 3 October 2022 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00. Speaker Brian Scott on the Catesby Tunnel Project to open.